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[Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:03 am
by Gloomcrest
34th of Glade, 4623

It had been a couple of days since Jared had arrived on the meadows of Malevin; the kyngdom of Jorikford was by far the most beautiful place that the Draedan had landed his eyes upon. Far different from back home in Daravin, particularly the Northern Marches with Alistian, and Genteven.

Compared to the verdant vineyards and the pillars of monuments that scatter all across Genteven; Here in Malevin, the natural beauty that comes with vast ranges of mountains, grasslands, and forest gave the earth a scene of serenity, something that the thief could find himself indulge on, away from his hard work, and constant need to watch one’s back.

Currently, the thief was practising alongside the Griscian blonde man on trying to practice on a few features when it came to controlling their Mark of Control over Lucence. Though for lack of trying, Jared was attempting his best to assist Ford from what he knew about the arcane from being self-taught and experimentation.

“Alright…. So, the sphere of light that you see conjure the other day is linked to your will or desire, which shapes and manifests it at your command. From my experimentation, it works similarly to Nightfall and their concept of manipulating photons into generating darkness which is condensed through the magus’ will, which is the focal point to create a compass, pretty much a malleable black sphere of liquified darkness.

I tried to approach it similarly, but so far, the conjuration of the ball of light had various degrees of effect. If I remember the name of it, Ray may eventually grow with intensity over practice and mastery of the Mark, so let's practice on that…”

The Light-Touched Draedan took a moment to clasp his hands together, focusing his divinity through his body which trickles forward to the tips of his fingers. Once the threads of light were formed in between his fingers, Jared took a moment to weave the arcane threads by allowing his hands and fingers to dance as if he was sewing the Ray which his motion and will, which eventually produced a ball of light no bigger than a tennis ball which radiates a 30ft radius of soft silver light around Jared.

Luminous and warm, the orb that was conjured by Jared’s will would bob at the centre of his right palm, and for a moment, the Alistian Draedan couldn’t help but let out a sigh of defeat as the simple creation reminded him of how much of a setback he had experienced after losing his Mark of Control over Nightfall. The amber-eyed magus took the orb in his hand and tossed it back and forward between both hands.

“As you can, understanding the foundations leads to further mastery over your magic. Ray is probably the most used form in Lucence, I think, but there is also another form that Lucence can take place with our current level of understanding. It would probably be best to test your limits, such as controlling the intensity of light being emitted, trying to maintain your hold, or even focusing your Ray on a single spot, but that would quickly exhaust you. So I highly advise taking a break if your muscles strain or you feel winded. Think of trying your Mark as if they were muscles… Not like you would have any struggles understanding that concept, especially with a build like yourself.”

The thief couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched Ford, seeing what he would do or possibly try; The thief does admit that the Grisician scientist is far more muscular compared to most people he had seen, and a genuine curiosity was building about how he attained such a physique as well.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:12 am
by Ford Edevane

Ford was happy that Jared was able to get some rest after his journey. Jared did not seem as bad off as he did when he had first met him, but he could tell the days had not been kind to him since they all went their own ways after leaving the Priory. Jared was able to convince Ford to take some time with him to work together with some training to see if they could help one another out. The blonde had eventually relented and accepted Jared's offers of helping him out and there they were, a couple of days later with Jared trying to explain some things with Ford. Ford had zero experience with magic, or manipulating ether or anything else. He had read about it, or witnessed it with others, but he had no practical knowledge of the process at all.

Ford listened, as he knew he was most definitely the student in the current situation. He watched as Jared had his ways of connecting ether and making things manifest, though for Ford it made no sense. He was a practical man, science was his virtue and so he was trying his best to be open-minded while also being analytical. The idea of it was sound. Being able to form a ball of light, the most basic of what they could do with Lucence. Jared's explanation sounded simple enough and the idea of laying a strong foundation made sense for the Sociologist. Having a base to work from would work best, rather than attempting something complicated and working his way backward. For a moment, he relaxed and took in a deep breath until the air of seriousness about him was shattered with Jared's comment about his physique. Snorting, Ford unbuttoned each button at his wrist and began to roll each sleeve of the black button-down shirt he wore. Rolling the sleeves up to just above his elbows on each arm, he let out a laugh. "I'm going to start taking it as a compliment each time you mention my body."

Smirking at the tease, Ford chose to think about Jared's words for a moment and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, releasing the collar and just about his collarbone so he could concentrate. The idea of tethers and weaving confused him, he could imagine it but he had a hard time putting that together with the physical applications of utilizing a Mark of Control. What he could get behind, which Jared mentioned briefly, was treating the Mark of Control as a part of his body. Rather than thinking of it as something attached or inscribed onto his body, he could try to instead think of it as a muscle that needed to be worked on and honed to perfection.

Rather than immediately focusing on his hands, this time around, Ford had instead tried to focus on his body, the muscles that currently existed where the Mark was. Stretching and relaxing his upper back, he could feel his trapezius muscles moving with the contractions and motions toward his deltoid muscles toward his shoulders tensing and relaxing. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out through his nose a couple of times, Ford repeated the motion that the Draedan had done and placed his hands, one over the other, as if forming a meatball or something similar in his hands. Closing his eyes, the Griscian went motionless for a moment. The only movements were the occasional flexing and relaxing of his muscles from his back and along his arms.

There were no immediate results, Ford was still having issues connecting truly to his Mark, instead, there were occasional flickers of light from between his palms, but nothing substantial.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:36 am
by Gloomcrest
34th of Glade, 4623
Jared watched Ford attempting to understand what was going through the Griscian man’s head for a moment. From what Jared knew about Ford and where he came from, they essentially had a firm stance on anti-magic, which wouldn’t surprise the thief if the connection with manifesting his Mark would come with difficulty. In all honesty, Jared thought that having a logical approach to magic would further aid in producing various effects if one understands how the rules of the world work, but there would be more to it than it seems.

As the Blonde haired male focuses his mind, feeling for any connection. The Alisitan Magus takes a moment to realign his focus with his own Ray, using his index fingers. The Light-Touched thief takes a moment to touch the edges of his orb, pulling at the edges by commanding the light to bend and shape itself by his will and divinity alone. This brief interaction would cause the sphere to develop a square face which slowly transitions into a cube and then a dodecahedron which slightly baffled the thief since he was still relatively new to using Lucence but seeing that with time and practice. Anything was possible if one was willing to chip away at a rough stone.

“Don’t feel bad if you can’t manifest the sphere of light right away; It isn’t easy as it seems. Honestly, I still don’t understand the theory or laws that Lucence works on. I am only basing it on my experience as a Nightfallen, which could have similar or entirely different rules.

Think of your Mark as an extension of yourself; What does it mean to you? There are two main things that Lucence can do: Conjuring light and reinforcing the user with said light. So a question that I have for you is: What is light? How does it feel to you? Is it warm, hot, searing even? Does it feel comforting or raging? Emotions, meaning and intent matter enormously when manifesting your Raw Magic.”

The explanation felt rather vague to Jared at best; this was his first time trying to teach anyone how to use Raw Magic, let alone using one, because he has little experience. Hell, even the thief would admit that he was still exploring the limits he could do with Lucence. A desire, for the most part, played a significant role in how Jared’s magic and Draedan abilities function, each ability having some connection to one of Jared’s core ideals, wants or needs.

At this very moment, the thief begins to dance slowly, picking up a makeshift beat he created from the top of his head. The desire, shaping itself as the heel of his boots, started to glow in a thin layer of nightshade purple as the properties of the leather that forms the base changed to mimic a plate of steel that is used in tap dance.

While the ground was unsuitable for making the quality sound when it came to producing unique clicks and taps, the divinity flowing into his feet would make it possible as the Daravinic Draedan began to stomp in multiple successions before shuffling forward. His footwork, while slightly sloppy, and his training in acrobatics assist him in trying to maintain the form of a Flamenco, one of the many traditional dances in The Northern Marches. Along with the footwork, the thief would also be clapping along to the mental beat that he was creating; before long, a makeshift performance was happening as his focus was trying to build a connection to his Ray, which seems to occur to bob, dim and flare as it follows along Jared’s passionate desire to further improve in many shapes and forms which affects how the body of his Ray, shifting from a dodecahedron and attempting to form an icosahedron which each face coloured by one aspect of the spectrum of light.

During his brief dance, the thief couldn’t help but ponder how he could best help Ford establish a meaningful connection to his Mark. It was noted that Lucence had a severe problem when it came to their visions of violence, and being able to control one’s emotion during a bout of intense anger was keep trying to stabilise one’s journey through Lucence. Still, there was nothing the Draedan could offer to quell or provide some insight when handling these visions. Even the Demigod of Saren was not immune to these visions, and it took a significant load of strength and will to resist the call, and for a moment; Jared couldn’t help but feel great pain for Ford as these visions would be intense for a mortal such as himself.

“How are you holding up, Ford? Managed to make some connection with your Mark or self?”

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:43 am
by Ford Edevane

Ford's eyes remained closed as he attempted to will himself into understanding how raw magic worked in a body that had never once tried to channel it. He had seen the light; he knew it existed as part of his body; there were still things he hadn't told Jared, but mostly because there had not been a proper time or place for it. So, as he attempted to hone his concentration on his clasped hands, the flickering of light between his hands and his fingers did not cease; in fact, they continued at a steady pace. There was no increase or decrease in the intensity of the light bursts, nor were there any fluctuations in the occurrences of the flickering. He was trying to think of the Mark as an extension of himself, but it was challenging to think of anything channeling ether through him. He was taught to feel against anything like that. Just as his anger at himself was beginning to bubble up, the sound of something caught his attention. It was the sound of feet which had struck the Griscian as curious.

Lifting his closed-eyed gaze, his right eye opened, and the same side's brow raised as he noted Jared was... Dancing? The flickering of light vanished within his hands, and he let his hands fall to his sides as he opened both eyes at that moment to watch Jared dancing and his orb changing not only shapes but the faces having many colors. Lifting his hands, the inside webbing between his forefinger and his thumb rested against his hips and the waistline of his pants as he looked between the different ways Jared was moving. The movement of his feet, the way the orb was shifting, and the colors all combined to create quite the image. However, the look that was on Ford's face was of annoyance. Unfortunately, he was annoyed, even aggravated, but it was not at Jared nor his display of dancing and finding comfort in how he could channel Lucence. The blonde was annoyed and irritated with himself. Allowing his head to fall back onto his shoulders, he looked straight up with his hands still on his hips, letting out a frustrated breath.

"I'm annoyed; that's how I am holding up. And I feel this whole Lucence thing is a huge complication that I find hard to deal with." His tone was not aggressive nor remotely sarcastic, and he was merely answering Jared. "I know the Mark is there. I can feel it, and I know on some level, I've come to terms with it or bonded with it, whatever you want to call it." Lowering his head, he looked to the ground for a moment as his hands relaxed and no longer held themselves to his hips and rested at his sides. "I cannot tell you how many shirts I have burned through because of the nightmares. Some of them are so intense that the Mark burns so hot, and its light shines so intensely that it sears through the cloth." Reaching up, he scratched at the back of his head, his blunted nails scratching at his scalp as he looked at the hand he was scratching with as if it held an answer to something he was thinking. "When you first learned about magics and how you could channel it... What helped you in the beginning?" The Blue-eyed gaze lifted from staring at his up-facing palm and instead looked to Jared. "What made you connect to your Mark, or did you instantly feel a connection?" Ford had an idea of his issue, but it would take time for him to get over that hurdle or smash through that barrier.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:52 am
by Gloomcrest
34th of Glade, 4623
Jared couldn’t help but stop his dance mid-track as his observation of Ford’s frustration became apparent; It was the same sensation that the thief had felt when he first obtained his Mark of Control over Nightfall; merely being able to generate darkness was a challenging feat in itself. Seeing Ford reminds the young Draedan of all the struggles he had to endure as a street urchin many years ago. Powerless and at the mercy of others but also the same seeing compassion for those that couldn’t protect themselves, this life-long experience has humbled the thief as cultivating from nothing to becoming a seedling, A egg into a fledgling.

Progress mattered when it came to using Raw Magic; creating glimmers of light despite having no experience with magic was already a lot of improvement. It was hard to explain how magic felt for Jared. It was mainly a comfort to be able to do anything when Nightfall was available, and it was Jared’s crutch to deal with all sorts of situations, having grown up with magic at a relatively young age, as with many children of the Empire of Rust would be initiated into Magic at a young age.

“It is normal to feel annoyed, frustrated or even downright loathing; Magic is rather complicated; even now, I struggle with Lucence, it is only because I have some experience with magic….”

Jared couldn’t help but feel the Griscian Blonde’s pent-up discord from within as he mentioned feeling his Mark of Control from within and the struggles that came with learning magic. The amber-eyed thief could recall when his control over Umbralplasm was less than stellar and at times rather horrifying, as the black organic matter would run rampant when the amber-eyed magus lost control, resulting in various injuries and lasting scars. A reminder that magic, while fantastical, was also dangerous as well.

“That is quite a tricky question to answer… Magic was not easy for me; instead, it took a lot of effort to get to the point of mastery that I was okay with but never happy with…. I personally believed that magic had some resonance when it came to emotions, in all honesty. When I was Nightfallen, I was pretty much a loner, secluded from a world of colour, emotions and relationships…. I was afraid that I would be alone and put all my focus on mastering the Raw Magic but at a price…. I was so weak that I couldn’t have died at any moment…. Magic was my only way of coping outside of cooking….

Another thing that I could say that may have affected my mastery over magic was the name given to me when my divine spark revealed itself…. In the Adac language, my name is Vendrel, and its meaning is ‘beloved’, which I find a bit funny…. I never thought I would be loved at all, yet that was the name given to me…. Maybe that also has some meaning since Venadak loved Saren so dearly that the connection with the Mark of Control felt easier to use….

In saying that, I wouldn’t know what or how one would connect with Lucence, Venadak is all about creation, light and order, so I believe some concepts relating to those meanings would help guide you in manifesting your magic…. Not only that, the visions that come with the mark are mostly a test of how one could endure when the world is unjust to many yet refrain from violence…. It is all too hard. It hurts since I am in that shade of grey…. I am not good nor evil; the meaning of that is up to us and how we define it all. Just like how we can create meaning out of sheer will alone….”

For a moment, Vendrel or Jared couldn’t help but feel melancholic; He couldn’t see why Saren would give him such a name. What qualities did the God of Time, Fate and Decay see in Jared that he would be given the title ‘Beloved’? It was pretty vague, but that was something that Jared hoped to find answers to, even if it took years.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:21 pm
by Ford Edevane

It was all entirely aggravating. The thought that he had to begin out of nowhere to learn something when he had spent most of his life learning. The mere idea of learning something was exciting. Just as he knew it was exciting to learn something new, sometimes, the annoying part of it all was having a firm foundation to get to the meat and potatoes of the knowledge. Having that strong foundation allows for the support of heavier learning, which could be turned into a point of view. It had just been a very long time since Ford had to start over and figure out something new. Although apparent in his features, Ford's frustrations would not be aimed at Jared. The guy was only trying to help and offered as much knowledge as possible. So much so, that as Jared tried to relate and explain some of it to Ford, Ford's brows rose in question as he was talking about being Nightfallen and the issues he had in the very beginning. It was interesting to hear about people who had practiced different magics. He had Taelian for what he could offer him; Luna had divulged a little, even Hakon had chipped in a few tidbits. Now, he had Jared's point of view, which halted the Griscian's solo party of aggravation and had the man's arms flopping to his sides as he tried to think what a significant first step would be. Just as he was thinking about it, though, Jared said something that caused the larger of the two to raise a brow in curiosity and even turn his head toward the man.

"Don't say things like that. Of course, you're loved. Everyone is loved and cared for by someone, whether a family member, friend, or significant other. Like how you tell me that I must find it within myself to start my journey on Lucence, you must find that part for yourself. You're kind, you cook and feed people when you do not need to, and you are spending time with someone who may as well be a toddler learning how to talk, trying to teach them how to channel magic into something somewhat tangible. People who are not beloved or deserving of love do not spend their time with people they meet on the streets or roads and wind up in a tavern room with them for a night or so." When put that way, Ford made it sound like the pair had been up to anything other than food and magic. Despite his earlier annoyance, Ford was smirking in Jared's direction. Ironically, that comment and the day Jared and Ford bumped into each other on the road had made Ford think of something partially related.

Turning toward Jared, Ford had an idea. He had been mimicking what he had been watching Jared doing what Jared was doing. Taking a deep breath, Ford rose a hand and looked at his palm instead. For a long, silent moment, his blue eyes roamed over his palm, seeing the creases in his skin until his eyes lowered down along the bared forearm. It was clear the blonde was thinking of something. Quietly, his eyes roamed over his forearm, toward his elbow joint, and further up to his bicep and shoulder joint. Seemingly looking off to the side, he allowed his thoughts to wander briefly before his eyes slid back to his upright palm and stared intently at it.

"Jared, what was the very first thing you learned about when you were Nightfallen?" Rather than focusing on the how Ford wanted to know about the what. It probably did not make sense to Jared, but it would, eventually. Ford was in the middle of working through it and couldn't help but be curious.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:27 am
by Gloomcrest
34th of Glade, 4623
Jared understood Ford's vexation because he knew firsthand how easy it is to fall into a state of complacency when attempting to acquire new skills or improve existing ones. Jared had found himself in a comparable situation before, where he resorted to thievery on the streets of Alistian and Genteven, taking advantage of crowded markets to pickpocket unsuspecting individuals and even breaking into unattended workshops. However, he had since resolved to push himself and gradually increase his abilities and self-assurance, starting with smaller heists and working his way up to more significant ones.

The Alistian Draedan has had the pleasure of meeting several mages throughout his lifetime. Among them, some possessed the ability to control emotions, while others were able to delve into the dreams and memories of others. There were also those who had the power to enhance their weapons beyond mortal comprehension. It was truly fascinating to witness the diverse range of skills and talents that these mages possessed.

“It was surprising to be called by a name that doesn't belong to me. I don't even know my mortal parents, and my closest friends back home are unaware that I am a Draedan. Only you and Taelian know about it. I try to keep my status low-key, but there might be times when I'm forced into the spotlight, which scares me more than I can express. I've been hiding in the shadows for so long that any light would expose the fears that I'm trying to keep hidden.

We all have to begin somewhere, be it with a malleable lump of clay or a solid block of granite. Each of these materials possesses the potential to be transformed into something truly magnificent. Similarly, Ford, you too have within you the potential for greatness. By honing and refining your innate abilities, you can unlock the true meaning of your potential and reach unparalleled heights. It merely takes time, and understanding who you are as a person to know your truth….”

The Alistian thief turned to the Griscian blonde for guidance, taking into account his own experiences. As the blonde made a comment about two men meeting on the road and potentially spending the night together, the thief felt a sudden warmth spread across his cheeks. Jared couldn't help but wonder if strangers could see the situation between the two men was more than just a casual encounter between acquaintances.

Despite his initial state of being flustered, the thief from Gentevaea managed to briefly cough and regain his composure. Even though he tried to conceal his embarrassment, Jared was able to pick up on it. In the meantime, Ford resumed practising his arcane skills, taking inspiration from the movements and thoughts of the Draedan. As he flexed his biceps and shoulder joints, Jared couldn't help but gaze in awe at his muscular and impressive figure that included the veins slightly bulging from his forearms.

“As a new Nightfallen, I recall vividly my early attempts to summon darkness around my body and into my hands. The Mark of Control, while a helpful guide, can be somewhat obscure and varies from person to person. In my view, darkness is a distinct entity, the antithesis of light, but still interconnected in a way that feels almost fated.

Unlike the nobility or merchant class, I lack a formal education, and so I have had to rely on a combination of trial and error and information passed down to me in order to gain knowledge. Despite my best efforts, I still feel as though I am ignorant about the world at large.”

Jared kept his eyes glued to Ford, observing closely as he struggled to bring forth something using his Mark of Control. Although it was a challenging task, every small step was a sign of progress. Similarly, Jared knew that he needed to keep practicing with Lucence, honing his ability to manipulate refined ether and explore the various aspects of light that he could produce with his own hands.

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:19 pm
by Ford Edevane

Ford was not the best at accepting advice when he had not asked for it. Before receiving the Mark of Control for Lucence, he had never thought to ask anyone the intricacies of being able to perform the miraculous feats they could with Ether. The idea of altering someone's mind, working with plant life, and changing their bodies to a form they knew through and through seemed foreign to him, and he had left it that way. Partially, Ford blamed himself for not being more curious about it all, but he had drastically changed his views since he left the Commonwealth, and even in Radenor, his views had changed once more. Something that pulled Ford from his focused attempts at summoning anything with Lucence was Jared's talk about being a Draedan once more. Although he did not lower his hand or change the position he had it in, his head lifted, and his gaze settled on Jared. "It has always been your name. I believe it was kept from you until you were ready to hear it." Ready to move back to focusing on Lucence, he had thought more on Jared's words, mainly what Lucence and light meant to Ford, and that had him thinking, looking back up to Jared. "Beloved, hm?" He began as he felt a smile come to his features. "What does beloved mean to you?"

Ford had an idea of what it meant to him, which triggered the blonde into thinking about what it meant to Jared. Piggybacking off Jared's directional advice of thinking or meditating on what Lucence meant, at least what the idea suggested to him and how it connected through the Mark of Control emblazoned upon his back. "Magic, for me, for a long time, was something to be feared and even hated. Nobody in Grisic was allowed to know magic; when I was a child, any talk of it would end up with you locked away or, worse, killed for having thoughts about it. The only exception were those that hunted mages down. They were allowed to know magic, or at least, that is what I heard. I never quite got to experience that, fortunately. In my travels since I left, I have seen many things that involved Ether and what many people consider mystical. Magics have their critics, and some hate it beyond criticism." He was reminded of someone he had met relatively recently in that thought. But that was beside the point. "But now, after witnessing miraculous things with Tae... Seeing things that I would have never seen had I never submitted for that position in the Covenant." Well, Ford had also begun to believe in Fate since then as well, but that was a different discussion that was a bit more private than having it out in the open. His words had trailed off for a moment, as did his eyes, until he flickered back to reality and looked back to Jared.

"You have so much potential about you, and I do not see it in your Mark of Control. You have a huge heart that I think you are about to grow into, and being a Draedan, I feel, will help facilitate that. You are going to redefine what it means to be Jared as well as Vendrel. One day, I think you will not have to choose, and both will flow easily from you and for you. You are also quite kind, not just caring. Your willingness to help practical strangers, the idea that you still feel your last meal is upon you, but you still give that food to others or make something else entirely for them to ensure they are fed. I think Venadak and Saren are both... With their issues. But I do not think they chose wrong in terms of their children. I am not saying you should do it for either of them. I think you should give yourself the power you've had people take away from you for a long time."

...And then it happened. It was not nearly formed as Jared's had been, nor was it multi-colored or even a single shape, but the light had formed, hovering just an inch or so above Ford's upright palm. In the small, mass of light, the light, at its blobular seeming core, was a light yellow, almost off-white, light yellow buttermilk coloration. What had been unique about the light was only around its nearly vaporous blurred edges: a light, pale turquoise, almost the tint of a celeste coloration. For the duration of the near-undulating small collection of light, Ford's arm felt warm, warmer than it had, which drew his attention downward. Had he held his arm up for so long there was a burn of some kind? When he saw the light, his eyes went wide, and as soon as he noticed it, it blinked out of existence.

Staring, almost stupidly, at it, Ford didn't have anything to say other than, ""

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:16 pm
by Gloomcrest
34th of Glade, 4623

Jared couldn’t help but chuckle at himself as if the world held still for just a moment or two as the fleeting seconds passed. As much as the Alistian draedan tried to reach the pinnacle of his capabilities, there was only so much time that he could decide on his craft, and sheer effort alone was not enough. Even now, the thief had many things that were left unresolved and what his purpose should or could be, and the only way to find out was to continue moving forward despite all the burdens that comes with opening a new door and closing the one from behind.

“I guess you are right on that part; it is strange to hear a true name when the name you associated yourself with for so long was under false pretences, but that isn’t right, I would say, rather; both Jared and Vendrel are the same. Pretty much the faces of a coin…

What does Beloved mean?.... That is an excellent question; my honest opinion is that you are loved by those who care for you genuinely to accept all the virtues and flaws that may bring. A person who you would stand beside when the roiling seas crash and when the skies rumble….”

The young Draedan couldn’t help but pause for a moment, his voice starting to tremble as a spring of emotions bauble forward from the depths that Jared attempted to avoid. Despite claiming to be a loner and choosing a life that was mostly confined to solitude, instead; the question posed by the Griscian Blonde was providing many revelations that Jared would not have wanted to face; a transition in one’s life…. The word ‘Transition’ resonated quite profoundly, but the thief couldn’t explain it.

“Beloved, whether in a romantic or platonic sense, provides a comforting embrace that can soothe a weary soul and tired body, even if only for a moment. It allows us to let our guard down and proceed at our own pace.

Though we may have regrets and struggles, these imperfections make us perfect in an imperfect world. The concept of perfection is an illusion we have created for ourselves to move forward. We often question our purpose, but the meaning lies within the paths we are currently walking. Therefore, we should not fear the beginning and end of our journey but embrace everything it offers.

Just as the winds of change rage freely, we, too, are in a state of transition at this very moment, and as it passes, we move from one version of ourselves to another. Whether it is good or bad is up to us to decide.

Similarly, relationships also evolve. Some grow closer, while others grow distant. But the memories we create in each relationship remain with us forever. Don’t you agree Ford?”

A smile would nestle itself onto Jared’s face, which was relatively soft with a light glow to his features as his divinity reacted to his current emotions. The dodecahedron-shaped light would lose its form before changing into a simple sphere, yet it produced a faint, warming radiance resonating with his soul. In some ways, Magic to Jared was a form of expression, one that was intrinsically connected.

“I can understand the fear of magic…. That was my first reaction when I was initiated into Nightfall; losing control over who you are and questioning what you are, but that took a long time for me to understand who I am finally…. To be honest, I only came to my conclusion recently; That would have been twenty-four years now and even now, it is rather flimsy, haha…

Being unable to express who you are is crueller than death itself, but we all view the world differently, which is fair. We all have biases, but you shouldn’t force that upon someone significantly. Our journey is constantly changing.

Truly, accepting the truth in its rawest form, while it can be hurtful, allows you to change into who you are meant to be in the first place…. Something that you are teaching me now, with your words of wisdom, something I truly cherish….

Only time will tell what I can define myself as, and that journey will never end; We constantly define ourselves and believe you can agree with that notion. I appreciate your wisdom, kind words but most importantly, an essence of truth.”

Then, Jared’s soft smile grew into an excited grin as Ford produced some tangible light. At the same time, small was still a big step when it came to taking control over a Mark of Control. The orb itself produced a light yellow, with a creamy hue; while edges were blurred, it was noted that a slight turquoise tint was present as well. Nevertheless, in his own interpretation, Jared was rather proud to see Ford make some steps towards understanding what Magic is.

“What do you mean Hm…. You should be proud, and it takes a while for a magus to learn the fundamentals. I think that is enough practice for now; you don’t want to strain yourself too much… Mageblight is rather nasty; just remember; the feeling or sensation you are experiencing. This will act as your guide when you are trying to use your Mark of Control.

As for stopping the magic, simply think of letting the energy dissipate into the air or letting go. Magic only lives as long as you continue to fuel it; Besides, I am getting quite hungry after all of this talk and training. Shall we head back and have a bite?”

Re: [Malevin - Ford] Guidance of Light & Possibilities

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:20 am
by Ford Edevane

Jared was finding himself down the right path of thinking, or so Ford had thought. Thinking about the literal meaning of the new word or name that was bestowed upon Jared would allow him to form his own paths of emotions tied to the word or words associated with it. It will enable him to create his own meaning as to why that name had been chosen for him. It was similar to how Jared taught Ford to develop new paths within his body, mind, and soul to connect to the Mark of Control. The Mark of Control did not define Ford, just as Jared's other name did not determine who he was. Still, each held something for each individual that complimented something about them and allowed a bigger picture to be known and seen about them.

Occasionally, Ford looked up to see Jared's face, to watch it as he worked through his thoughts and processed information, but the smiles and emotions he saw intermingling had been curious. Not many people spoke to him and allowed themselves to fall into those lines of thought so quickly. It brought a smile to the bearded face, and by that time, he had lost the will to try and concentrate on forming anything else with his Mark. Instead, when Jared offered a break and told them that they take some time to avoid stressing either of their minds or bodies out, Ford nodded and lifted his head as he took steps toward Jared and paused a step or so away from him. "Thank you, Jared. I know things have not been easy for you in your life or even now. But know, no matter where you are, if you ever need help and I can offer it, you only need to ask. You are a respectable, kind-hearted, intelligent person. I am honored and proud to call you a friend. Someone I know I could look to in my own times of need and know if you could, you would offer your help. Thank you for helping me with this... And thank you for giving me a friend when I needed one."

Ford was about to leave it there, but something had pulled at him to say something else. Something that perhaps sounded a bit odd, but it was something he felt the need to say regardless. "Saren chose a fine person to make their progeny. Not because I think you are the embodiment of Saren. But because I think, in a perfect world, if Saren could have someone to be their future, you are a most definitely that person who would hold ideals that they may have once had before things took a turn. Just like between these Marks of Control and Taelian being who he is... Venadak would be at least excited to see how the newest progeny is moving in a direction that nobody else could have predicted. Please don't question what plans Saren had for you. I think. Instead, it would be best to reflect on what gifts Saren has given you and then think of your plans for Saren, given your spark. And if someone tried to intervene and make you feel you are undeserving or even corrupt, I will take care of them for you."

With a raise of both brows and a smirk, the blonde clapped a hand to Jared's back in reassurance and camaraderie as they ended their little practice session.