
The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:55 pm


It was the work of only a few moments to return with Vivian's requested literature. Hakon had skimmed both of them before, but Vivian was correct in his assessment that they simply did not mean much to a man who was not a Malformist, and one who had very limited experience with nature, to boot. Their relevance to a Master Malformist eluded him, because it was true that they were mostly about the Path, about nature, and about connection. For his part, he checked out a book on the history of thrown projectiles. He'd been meaning to gain some proficiency in its use, but he found the nature of flinging it less satisfying than merely practicing with his mace or his shield, so his skill in this area had lagged behind.

He mostly used his throwing star form as a close range slashing weapon. It made a nasty surprise to opponents who saw his empty hand and assumed they were safe. Conjuring it inside their mouths was also a great way to move in for a kill, but since acquiring Sundering, he had more of a need for immobilizing and disabling his prey than for killing them outright, so it would behoove him to actually learn how to use the weapon how it was intended.

He returned to find Vivian fast asleep. The lad looked peaceful like that, and happy, so Hakon made no attempt to wake him. As his nickname suggested, he really was quite quiet when he needed to be. People didn't expect it because of the height, but Hakon was a man who spent a large amount of time doing physical activity and was therefore intimately acquainted with the contours of capabilities of his body. He put one of his floor cushions at the foot of the bed, and another adjacent to Vivian's feet and set about reading quietly while the Novus napped.
word count: 328
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1891

Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:47 pm


Vivian woke roughly half an hour later, stretching out in the bed and pulling the pillow under his cheek. The pillow smelled like him…him, and the alluring scent of sex. Vivian blinked and lifted his head blearily off the pillow. Oh. Right. He was still in Hakon’s room. He pushed himself up on his arms and looked around, spotting Hakon at the foot of the bed. He smiled sleepily and pushed his hair back from his eyes. “Come up here.” He murmured sleepily. “You didn’t have to give up your bed for me. We can both fit.”

Vivian helpfully shimmied his back against the wall, patting the bit of bed left for Hakon. The pillow and some of the sheets still had his scent. He fluffed up the pillow and reached awkwardly for his book. “The kid will keep us decent.” Vivian pointed out with a smirk, touching his broad belly. Honestly, he’d heard how much of a cock block babies were. He didn’t expect the little bugger to start before he was born. Soon as the kid was able to understand, he was going to need to learn that sometimes Vivian needed to curl up with a strong man alone.

Vivian opened the first book, and flipped to the history of the cult. Cannibalism was a central theme in many of Azunath’s rituals, as was sex, hunting, decomposition and change. It stood to reason that something like childbirth would be as well. He tilted his head. He’d chosen a good god if some of the rituals involved fermented honey and orgies. It seemed many of his fellow Malformists preferred one distinct class of animal, with many choosing birds or mammals. Vivian couldn’t find many mentions of insects.

word count: 303
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