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Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:23 pm

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Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:24 pm


Nurin (Nu-rin)

Nurin is a town a few days' journey east by horseback from Lanbridge.
Situated East of Landbridge near the end of the river. As such its management falls to one of the [Earls NPC]. The town also has Tilema a much greater distance to its south that some trade does happen and occasionally travelers stop by on their way to the Grand City of Lanbridge. The village was established along an offshoot of the [Nied?] where it could be accessed through a small transport. Mainly the location was chosen to do to the many surrounding flat planes and good soil nestled up to the ridge of a sizable forest. The buildings are mainly compromised of wood save for a single one built of stone. The river water is drinkable but a well located at the center of town provides for the small village of one hundred and fifty people. The majority of their fields are grain with a small few for seasonal vegetables or personal use. Much of the town is bled dry to support the affluence of the aristocratic city of Lanbridge. The people there struggle to make ends meet for themselves but, are resolute in their survival and tend to their job with pride and self-satisfaction. They are a proud people and tend to be weary of travelers as a whole.
(Please include where the location is.)

Amber Fields: The Major export of Nurin is grain, hay, and flour
Lumbermill: On the opposite side of the river is a logging facility. They primarily provide lumber and not any of its sub uses
Taigh: A small inn highly underutilized

Created by Kayleth AKA. Broodboy.
word count: 345
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Mimi Pidders
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Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:25 pm

Arin Thorn

Race: Human
Age: 42
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 240

Occupation: Reeves
Relation to PC: None
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Reeves Arin Thorne is a tall and muscular man, with piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline. Fiercely loyal to the gentry of Radenor, and is determined to prove his worth as the governor of Nurin. Arin was born into a noble family and had always dreamed of rising through the ranks and eventually becoming a powerful Earl or even Kyng. He worked hard to earn his position as the governor of Nurin and is determined to do whatever it takes to solidify the town's resource output and bring prosperity to the people under his charge. Arin is a man of conviction, with a strong sense of loyalty to those who work for him. He values order and discipline and expects the same from those under his authority. He can be gruff and stern with those who do not meet his expectations, but he is also fair and just and will listen to the concerns of his subjects. Despite his loyalty to the gentry, Arin is not completely indifferent to the plight of the peasants. He recognizes that the town's resource output is vital for the survival of all its inhabitants and that the well-being of its people is directly correlated. He is willing to work with both nobles and commoners to ensure the prosperity of Nurin. However, he also believes that the natural order of society must be maintained, and will not tolerate any challenges to the authority of the gentry. Despite his sometimes-cold exterior, Arin is deeply committed to the people of Nurin, and is determined to do everything in his power to help them thrive. He has strong political ties within the gentry and is well-respected by his peers for his dedication and determination.

Leadership: Journeyman
Negotiation: Apprentice
Politics: Journeyman
Agriculture: Apprentice
Finance: Journeyman
Law: Novice
Axes: Apprentice
Hunting: Apprentice

Bain Breac

Race: Human
Age: 34
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 240

Occupation: Farmer
Relation to PC: None
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Bain Breac is a large man who has worked the land with his family for generations. Their family is responisble for most of the Eastern Fields and through the years devloped cultivation methods knowing only to them resulting in higher quality grain thant the others in Nurin. Most likely a key factor as to why no one has been able to reproduce the Breac family sourdough. Well developed muscles ar stacked on a frame larger than a normal man. A short pony tail of dirty blond hair sits utop a head with hooded eyes and lightly beareded face. He is a quiet man who is cautious of almost everyone. Prides himself on the ability to take care of his family and thinks that it is the measure of a man. Like many in the village he is not easily warmed up to but his wife, Ciara, is able to warm his cold exterior. Devoted to his wife he would easily kill for her. He holds an air of intimidation but, that comes with his size. He is soft harted like his wife however, much more reserved with his feelings.

Agriculture: Journeyman
Unarmed Combat: Apprentice
Survival: Journeyman
Hunting: Apprentice

Ciara Breac

Race: Human
Age: 29
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 160

Occupation: Cook/Baker
Relation to PC: None
NPC Type: Local NPC

Description: Ciara Breac is a short, stout, curvy, well endowed woman. Solid msucles hide beneath a layer of plump fat over her body made sturdy from years of bread making. She has fiery red hair with hazel eyes. She most often is seen wearing a rag over her hair, a briwn approan snatched at the waist, and linen shirts rolled up to the elbows. A simple woman who knows not much more than how to provide for her family and survive. Loud and boistrous he home is filled with plenty of yelling towards her four children. Three boys and one girl, who she dotes on more than the others. A smile as warm as the bread she makes, and a heart just as pure. She will give out loaves to those who have nothing to trade as that is just her nature. A mothering energy to say the least. Her family has been in Nurin shince she was a little girl and her mothers mother before her. The Breac's are famous for their sourdough in Nurrin. Many have tried to recreate it but the secret is a close guarded family treasure. Their home is smallShe is married to Bain Breac. Their Home has the word bread written in charcoal on the front. The house has a large room on teh ground floor with two large stone hearths for baking. It smelles sweet with hits of charcoal and with the windows open it was quite lit. Attached to the house is a small room in which the family all fit intimately for sleeping. It is quite warm with the heat growing in intensity the farther into the house you stepped.

Cooking: Journeyman
Survival: Novice
Botany: Apprentice
Animal Handling: Novice

word count: 936
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