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[Genteven Solo - Maker of Keys]

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:59 am
by Gloomcrest
58th of Searing, 4623

It has already been a season since the young Draedan was alive and well. The constant streaming of training his prowess in various shapes and forms has proven fruitful. The essences of hard labour, dedication and rituals have established themselves, evident by how much Jared could control his divinity to a certain extent.

The creative gifts bestowed upon him at the birth of his truth, a fledgling that could soar into the distant skies above while onlookers merely watched. It was at this moment that the thief was training himself rather intensely. The makeshift routine he had created for himself was by no means easy for any man, woman or child; let alone a demigod, but pushing himself to his utmost limits was necessary.

Usually, the thief would reserve about half the amount of divinity in emergencies. It was a practical approach, especially when not knowing who could be watching or waiting to strike from the shadows from above or below. Recently the amber-eyed, raven-black-haired chef was depleting himself to about a third of his reserves. Tittering on the line of danger but in his mind, it was the faster way of progressing to new heights, and time wasn't on his side, or so he believed.

From changing the various properties of his tools and objects that his hands could touch, the thief was experimenting with how to use his gift to the fullest. An example of this was touching a door and infusing it with his divinity to alter the density of the material, converting what would be a solid block of wood into something far weaker such as cotton or parchment. However, extensive changes to the physical form would be present post-infusion of Jared's divinity.

Another part that Jared was working on was his ability to disrupt his opponents' sense of coordination by merely focusing his gaze on his targets. Based on his experiments with various animals and unsuspected guards, Wildering essentially was a tool that focused on disarming his opponents, weakening their position and creating gaps of opportunities when there were none before combat or any possible scenario that involved people and animals. A thought that came to Jared's mind was using this ability to disrupt animals from pursuing him, such as trained dogs and causing them to go rampant by inflicting his divinity in a sinister manner.

With that being said, however, the realisation was becoming more apparent by the day that the thief needed allies in all walks and corners of life. He couldn't take on his opponents if they were coordinating their plans, and there was only so much that the Draedan could do, his sight limited to one perspective and his thoughts stuck in one mindset.

The training was also necessary, but forgoing the ability to make deals or favourable terms to leverage was something the thief lacked and needed someone to do.

"Where am I going to find like-minded individuals… I need to make a network that I can trust… also need to be careful with who I disclose…. I worry that if someone knew my true identity, my peace would be robbed…. As much as I have been hiding in the shadows, biding my time to grow, someone is out there…. Collecting the pieces that would inevitably stumble upon a bigger conspiracy or revelation…."

At this point, the amber-eyed thief looked at his hands, slightly weathered by the constant abuse of physical training and pushing his semi-mortal coil to its limits. It was time for Jared to start working on his skills again, and what he wanted to focus more on at the moment was finding unique ways that his abilities could be used in various situations.

Sifting through his bag of goods that the Draedan kept hidden in the many pockets that lined his clothing. The thief took a moment to ponder the potential uses that each item had on hand.

The first item he needed to figure out was his small bag of wooden ball bearings. In the past, Jared would usually use them to create a minor hazard in the form of tripping trouble that would slow people's movements.

However, with recent events, the Draedan of Saren was thinking more than just a mere sphere with wooden grains. His thoughts would move onto what was possible to do. Picking up one of the wooden spheres, the thief beings to pour his divinity into the tiny object, instilling his divine will onto the thing, which causes it to glow dimly as to what the thief was thinking at the time was his guess.

The first thing of order was manipulating the object by altering its properties which was simple enough. By picturing what kind of material the thief wanted, the grains on the wooden ball-bearing began to fade out as the accents of brown and beige were slowly being replaced by a rusty brown and greyish hue as the Draedan thought to himself about a material used for a rusty key.

Next was forming or shaping the object to what he desired; in this case, Jared only wanted to focus on making the blade of the key, which in itself can be a pretty complicated task as the knowledge would require an in-depth analysis of the types of keys made to be paired with various locks. The notches, ridges, and critical tips would be essential as to why the thief wanted to know his limitations with Acclimate rather than picking the lock or simply using his other Draedan ability, which allows him to bypass almost any security measure.

The answer was simple: Bypass was the most efficient and effective way to get through locked doors and chests. It would be too obvious that something supernatural was at play, and it could be seen as an alternative method to magic or a mutation of one of the existing forms of Raw Magic. Magic was seen as godlike in Daravin. Outside of that, however, the reaction to something mystical was met with awe and distrust.

Another reason was to test out what was possible to alter, and from what the thief could gather, a single ball-bearing was not enough to make a full key but passed his mind. Would it be possible to combine multiple small objects and temporarily fuse them to create a new item or adjust an existing article?

Wanting to test this theory out for himself. The thief gathers another wooden spear and instils his divinity into the sphere. While this happens, the Alistian chef begins to press the two separate objects together and focuses on trying to bind them together. The process was slightly taxing, but the results were worth their weight in gold as the two individuals' spheres were now bound together.

Attempting to reshape the item into a proper key, the thief took a moment to begin shaping the merged ball bearings into a suitable key for opening a generic lock of sorts. The shaping of the material was taking the thief a little bit longer than expected, but Jared knew that it would be the case since he was actively experimenting with his newfound abilities.

After an hour, when only a minute had passed, the thief was satisfied with his work as he produced a key of semi-decent quality. While the appearance of the key was somewhat lacking, that didn't matter to the Draedan; instead, it was the application that mattered most of all.

For a moment, the thief searched high and wide to find any door where he could test his handiwork and assess the practicalities of producing makeshift keys out of anything he could touch. Once a suitable entry was present, the thief would quickly pick the lock with his blackened metallic picks, testing the resistance of the lock before making adjustments to his makeshift key.

At that moment, the truth of whether he could make suitable keys was tested after the adjustments to the ridges and notches of the key blade. The thief would insert his key and twist the divinity-infused key, which begins to turn the lock, suggesting that his idea of merging multiple smaller items to make a singular larger piece is workable.

Taking the key out, the thief would stop channelling his divinity which caused the rusty metallic surface to gradually return to the various shades of beige and back into the wood but more importantly. The merged spheres would split and return to their original status.

"Seems like I have learnt something new…. What else can we do and bring change…. It probably would be best to retire for the evening, give some time to figure things out and what you could do next time…. Maybe I can work on manipulating light again or something beyond that… Will have to see what the day brings."