[Genteven - Solo] Medicinal Herb Gathering & some Fishy Creske

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:52 am
Location: Genteven, The Northern Marches, Daravin
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Mon Dec 26, 2022 1:12 pm

42nd of Frost, 4622
Having spent some time out and about in one of the many town squares that litter the City of Monuments and visiting the Bramble’s Respite which is owned by an apothercarian named Granny Tilly. The amber-eyed thief would often visit the old hag for medicinal treatments and learning how to further his skills in first aid & making a variety of minor relief treatments for when he was not able to visit the Bramble’s Respite for any reason. The fees weren’t cheap but everyone needs to make a living somehow and being able to provide personal first aid for any situation could be a life saving thing to have.

Wandering around the streets of Genteven, Jared would take his time wandering from stall to stall gathering the various items needed to make a few herbal preparations that were taught to him by Granny Tilly. While Jared’s medicines may not be as potent as the old apothercarian, he would at least have something to do when there was too much snow or mandatory order is issued for people to stay in their homes during a crisis but nevertheless. It was nice to be able to roam about and blend in like any ordinary citizen would have. After all, when you are in a sea of faces, core features no longer matter as everything becomes a blur for most people.

“Hmmm… What else do I need? I got the sugar, flour, some medicinal herbs & spices but that was a pain to obtain… Fucking merchants and their loose tongues…”

Letting out a light sigh, the amber-eyed thief would take a moment to stop by at the docks, to see what was up for grabs, if he could buy it and quietly ‘borrow’ some items of interest. Briefly taking a look at what wares were available; there seems to be a large quantity of fish which would be nice to salt & smoke to further preserve & ration what available red & white meat Jared could add to his diet.

One thing that Jared was often careful about was the balance of nutrients that one would consume in his diet. Knowing fully well that he was currently in his 30s who lives a rather active lifestyle for a multitude of reasons, making sure his body was developing well-enough to support the variety of activities the thief conducts on a nightly basis would always be beneficial.

One of the main fish that Jared was interested in was a fish known as Creske, a type of elegant and commonly seen in lakes & freshwater estuaries. They are about 4 - 4.9 meters in length and generally weigh about 478 - 726 kgs in weight.

They have four large side fins, a long & tapered dorsal fin with a short yet robust tail; covered in a thick yet smooth skin that is covered in thin scales that is often coloured in blues, gray, or light bronze or a combination of these colors. This particular fish is usually a good sign that fishing in general is doing well as a single Creske could feed a good portion of people for quite some time since every part of the fish has a purpose whether it is food, leathercrafting and other assortment of things that Jared couldn’t really think of from the top of his head.

“Oh that is nice, Creske would be nice for a variety of meals and I could preserve it for later down the line.”

Quickly making his way over to the vendor to ask for the price of the fish per pound and was a little bit surprised at how much in farthings it would be to get a good chunk of the fish. Despite attempting to haggle to the best of his ability, Jared was by no means a skill negotiator and the fishman would have the upper hand when it came to the social climate.

Wanting the Creske badly as fish was one of the few items that he was running low on and that the remaining fish available on the market was of subpar quality at best. Jared would let out a sour sulk underneath his green face cloth and hand over enough farthings to purchase about two pounds of the fish.

Leaving docks in down & petty mood as the thief came out of the haggling with a few farthings shorter than he would like to part with. It would take Jared a couple of minutes weaving through the various streets & alleyways to make his way back to his home in Genteven.

Taking a moment to enjoy the scenery of the City of Monuments, the amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as he stepped inside of his home. Quickly taking off his shoes before dumping all of the ingredients that he had acquired throughout the morning & early afternoon to processing for the late afternoon & evening.

“Well today was a bit of a trip but time to make something to eat… The cold really does get the stomach going and I am not willing to work on an empty stomach. Some caramelized fish and rice would do quite nicely for today & I could make a vegetable broth to pair with the rice as well… Yea, that sounds nice… I should probably pay a visit to Alistar when I can. It has been a while since I chatted with him and it would be nice to cook with him.”

Taking a moment to put away some of the acquired ingredients that were not needed such as the dried herbs, flour, milk & butter. Keeping the Creske out and taking out some salt, pepper and sugar, the plan for the lunch in Jared's opinion was some caramelized fish with some winter vegetables & side of rice.

The first thing that came to mind was washing up some rice (in this case; brown rice was more common compared to white current in the market) before putting over the stove in a pot and allow it cook over a couple of minutes until it reached a desired consistency & for Jared's case, the Alistian thief loved slightly wet & fluffy rice as he was a textural eater and only recently started to get used to eating raw tomatoes which he gets embarrassed about.

Once the starchy grains have been washed and set to the side of the hearth. Jared would briefly dry his hands with a rag before moving over to the right side of the hearth to collect some logs to set into the hearth and set it ablaze with some kindling to start the cooking process.

While the rice was cooking, the amber-eyed thief would take a moment to pull out a cast-iron pan, checking to see if the oil coating has worn off but after a brief inspection, the seasoning on the pan was sufficient enough to do a few more cooks before needing to re-season the pan which would take a bit of time and care.

Nevertheless, the amber-eyed chef would set the pan close to hearth and begin the preheating process so that the flesh would immediately start cooking. As the pan slowly heats up, enveloped by the warmth blanket of air that surrounds the hearth.

Jared would take a moment to season the Creske with some salt, pepper, sugar & a generous glaze of olive oil before transferring the fish to a plate that sits close to the cast-iron pan as he needed to make his root vegetable salad.

Taking a moment to look in his cold, dirt storage which was essentially a trapdoor on the outside of his home that was dug out to place some shelves, baskets and crates filled to the brim with a variety of vegetables that can last over the cold seasons. Jared would pick out a few carrots, turnips, potatoes, kale & spinach.

Giving them a brief wash with some well water, the Alistian street rat would finish coarsely chopping the leafy greens and vegetables, briefly mixing it before serving on the side, dressed with some balsamic vinegar for extra flavor. From there, the only thing left was to briefly sear the white meat and place a portion of brown rice and his meal was completed for the day.

All that was left was to boil some water and add a few heaping scoops of vegetable broth powder that he kept in reserves for such an occasion since it was easier to prepare during the warmer seasons such as mid-Glade and Searing.

Taking a moment to breathe in the warm air and allowing his muscles to relax from being exposed to the cooler weather that the early morning had shown. It was nice to be back indoors and fill one's stomach with something warm.

In a couple of minutes of assembling his meal, it was time to sit down and eat. While the Season of Frost can be brutal, it was only cruel for those that did not prepare for it and Jared was not willing to go through cold nights again after his weather-beaten bones had endured so much until now.

word count: 1557
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