[Genteven - Solo] - A meal that is missing something

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Mon Dec 26, 2022 1:11 pm

40th of Frost, 4622
It hasn't been long since the amber-eyed thief felt something off. Usually his senses kicked in when it was during an operation or if something terrible was going on yet for some reason, his senses were going off during his meal preparation but it wasn't a sickening feeling that he would usually get over his stomach but rather an emptiness that he could not explain.

Jared hasn't even started making his meal yet but this sense of emptiness merely grows with each passing day. In some sense, the thief did know what was missing in his life but it would generally be hard to achieve it as it requires things outside of his control which are already something of concern.

In any case, Jared had to prepare something for the night as he finished his large portions of his previous meal which lasted him for a couple of nights which was rather filling and hearty but empty at the same time.

"What to make… would be nice for something that can last for a couple of nights. Food is scarce but all the preparations made a few seasons past have finally come fruition."

It is true that Jared had spent a good portion of his free time in preparing enough food to last throughout Frost and more that could be carried over for next Frost. For each day of dedication for foodstuff preparation, the easier it is for Jared to live comfortably during Frost without needing to struggle like the time he lived on the streets for a long time in his life.

Sitting by the hearth that is currently low on fuel, Jared was pondering over a few things that needed to be restocked or made to keep the gelid conditions at bay.

“We will need to get some more firewood as this year’s cold has been a bit more brutal if I am to be honest with myself. Most of the staple goods are fine for now but I will need to start cutting down on meat portions unless I can get my hands on it, which would be rather expensive during this time or steal it… but the better question is what I want to make for dinner tonight and possibly lunch if I make enough.”

Rocking back and forward on the wooden stool for a moment by the hearth, the amber-eyed thief took a moment to sift through a large library of recipes he was currently thinking of from the top of his head.

“Fettuccine Alfredo would be nice, I have the cheese and butter to make the main part and I believe I have some dehydrated chicken so that would be nice. I think I got a meal planned for tonight then.”

Getting his ass off the stool, the citrine-eyed chef slowly made his way over to his favorite spot in the kitchen, grabbing all the necessary utensils & equipment needed to make his meal for tonight.
The first thing that came to mind in Jared’s list of preparations was making up the Fettuccine; whereas pasta comes in a variety of shapes, forms, width, length & texture. Jared had to practice a lot during his spare time as pasta is one of the main staples in daravinic cruise.

For Fettuccine, it is a type of flat, ribbon pasta where the pasta dough is flattened into sheets before being cut into ribbon-shaped strands known as Fettucce. Due to the pasta being thicker than other long noodles, it is often paired with a robust sauce such as an Alfredo sauce or Marinara sauce.

But to start, Jared had to start with making a flour well. Starting off with mixing two marco of flour (equivalent to about 2 cups) to about 1 tablespoon of salt (equivalent to 18grs); mixing the dry mix until everything was sort of dispersed. The expert-skilled chef would make a well in the center of the mixed dry ingredients so that the liquid ingredients could nestle in.

Three eggs & a half an oncia of olive oil (about ½ an ounce) would be added into the well, whisked briefly with a wooden fork until the egg white, yolk and olive oil was in an aqueous solution. It was from that point that Jared would start mixing the dry & wet ingredients together by gently folding with the fork until the mixture is combined into a lump of dough.

After the lump of dough was formed, the Alistian chef would being coating the flour on the countertop & hands before starting the kneading process; aggressively incorporating all of the ingredients by using the heel of his hand to push the dough into a ball and continuing to repeat the process albeit turning the dough to the right slightly with each stroke until the pasta dough become smooth to the touch.

Setting the dough off to the side & allowing it to rest for about an hour or so with a tea towel wrapped around the dough. Jared’s next list of items that needed to be prepared for the dish would be making the Alfredo sauce.

For an alfredo sauce, the following components would be required: Butter, cream, garlic, salt, pepper, cheese, shredded pieces of dehydrated chicken & seasoning which mainly comprises dried basil, oregano, rosemary, marjoram & thyme.

To start the recipe, Jared added half a macro of butter to one and half macro of cream, allowing it to simmer in a large saucepan over the hearth for about a minute or two. Once the butter has melted into the cream, the Alistian chef would begin whisking in the flavourants for the sauce. Quickly peeling, crushing & mincing the garlic cloves, just enough to make two heaping teaspoons of garlic, half a teaspoon of salt, quarter of a teaspoon of ground pepper & the shredded chicken.

For the seasoning a combination of two tablespoons of basil, oregano, one tablespoon of rosemary & half a teaspoon of marjoram & thyme would be blended and mixed until the seasoning was well dispersed. After placing the season into a separate clay jar, labeling it with a slate pencil with the word ‘Generic Darvanic Seasoning’, Jared would add a half a teaspoon of the seasoning mix into the semi-completed Alfredo sauce to infuse for a minute to impart the flavor before adding the last component of the Alfredo sauce which was two macros worth of cheese to thicken the sauce & add more complexity to the sauce.

With the sauce completed and currently simmering over the hearth, it was about time for Jared to start making up the Fettuccine. Removing the tea towel off the dough, the dough was split into multiple one inch discs which would then be rolled out into sheets of pasta. Once the sheet has been formed, using a chef’s knife, the amber-eyed thief would dust the workstation in a thin layer of flour before cutting the noodles into a desired thickness before again dusting the pasta ribbons and making them into a nest. From the recipe alone, it would yield enough pasta for four servings which was enough for at least two nights’ worth of pasta.

Taking a moment to breathe through his nostrils, Jared couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as his meal was close to completion, the only thing left to do was boil the fresh, handmade pasta before extracting the pasta out, add it into a bowl and add a load of the alfredo sauce.

In a separate pot, the amber-eyed chef takes a moment to head outside towards a well, taking a moment to pull up a bucket’s worth of well-water before filling it in the pot before heading back inside where the thief would about a tablespoon and half of salt for each half of a macro of fettuccine being cooked. Waiting for the pot to reach a boil, the amber-eyed scoundrel would start plating up his bowl with a ladle’s worth of alfredo sauce, waiting for the water to boil so that he could add the pasta ribbons to cook.

Based on the thickness of the pasta ribbons, the thief could estimate that about two minutes of cooking would be required for it to reach a suitable consistency for his liking. Once the pasta had been cooked, all that was left to do was plate up the meal by adding the pasta into his serving dish & mixing it thoroughly so that every inch of the pasta ribbon.

As the hearth burned down low and its blazing light dimming with the cold, frosted night. Jared sat alone, eating his meal quietly. Despite the meal tasting wonderful as usual, it just had a different feel to it… In essence what Jared was missing was company as the time he cooked for Hugo, Vinsue, Salen and many other people he had encountered in the past, provided some warmth but now that he was alone for the time being, the meal itself felt empty in essence.

word count: 1531
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