[Genteven - Solo (Job)] Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Search for Importance

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:52 am
Location: Genteven, The Northern Marches, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=2017
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2022

Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:38 pm

70th of Ash, 4622
Crouching behind a few tall hedges trimmed to have a flat rectangular surface on all of its surfaces. The amber-eyed thief had his eye on the prize, as his goal at the moment was to infiltrate the guarded building and scout for potential loot that a fence could sell. After all, trying to sell stolen goods that have some reputation attached can likely leave traces back to the apprentice thief.

Limiting the amount of exposure to the world in regards to the general public & underground is better for the thief as he needed more time to develop his skills before he could confidently consider himself a professional in the art of robbery.

Peek over the side of the hedge, Jared was keeping an eye on how many guards were currently patrolling the courtyard of this particular establishment. Noting that there were a couple who were standing beside the entrance of the main building, a singular guard was standing beside a side entrance & a group of three circulated the large courtyard, covering the ground & keeping a lookout for anything out of place.

“A few guards are about, but nothing that I can handle… My only concern is the other thieves roaming everywhere & some using the route I made for myself… Remember, this is a race to see what you grab; Better keep moving, or I will lose the chance to take anything for myself. Not to mention that something seems off, but I can’t put my finger on it… The only way out is to get this done & over with them.”

Taking a moment to look back, Jared could see that more thieves had entered the fray, using his handiwork to break through the back gate to bypass the first defense that led to a potentially large payout. Not wanting to lose his chance to get ahead, Jared takes a moment to move to a nearby water fountain with a marble statue of a lady holding an urn over its shoulder that spews out a thin but consistent stream of water into the base of the font.

As the water trickles down, creating the noise of water splashing, Jared used the generic background noise to his advantage as he could afford to move a bit faster without breaking his hidden cover since the noise he would generate is already stifled by his Obscura & fountain would help further drown out any noise within the vicinity.

Peering over the hedge, Jared had a decision: Would he try to enter through the front entrance with the two guards standing in front of the lone guard standing by the side entrance? Some decisions needed to be made, but without prior knowledge about what was available inside or how many people inside did raise a bit of concern for the apprentice thief.

“Both opinions aren’t great… Better to make a third option then…”

Taking a moment to see what he could do to make his third option possible; there were a few balconies that Jared could scale up but would risk getting caught if he was not careful. Another option was to phase through a nearby wall or window that is presently dark with the use of Trespasser, but by doing so could risk getting sick further with his Mageblight; Alternatively, the Nightfallen thief could attempt to pry one of the windows open but finding a spot that blocks the majority of the guard’s line of sight would require some time.

Slipping through the gaps between each patrol cycle, the amber-eyed thief was focused on getting close to a side window that generally would have much foot traffic. However, Jared did notice that some of the other thieves had either remained in the courtyard, still assessing their outcomes or left to find another more subtle route to enter the premise, such as Mouse, who previously pickpocketed a patrolling guard before slinking back into the shadows to find a suitable spot to enter.

In any case, Jared couldn’t waste his as the longer he was out in the open & in an exposed state, the risk of getting caught gets higher by the minute & while it would have been easier to take down a few guards in the short term; the more suspicion. If missing guards & hell, even finding a body, whether alive or not, would spell many disasters.

Upon arriving around the corner, the citrine-eyed thief takes a moment to scan his surroundings, seeking a suitable entrance for him to get into the building and start his investigation of various goods, wares & intel that he could use for further operations or possibly pawning off important information to an information broker or anyone who would find such intel useful for their means whether it is nefarious or not is not up Jared at that point.

His gaze lands upon a nearby balcony with a faint amber glow, lingering close to the crystalline panes that make up the exquisite arch windows that would allow one to come and go as they please to view the world in their ivory refuge.

“Alright, it should be too hard to get up there… Going to feel sore but more than worth the minor discomfort….”

Preparing to make a short ascend towards the balcony, the alistian thief takes a moment to pull out a small orb of umbralplasm that he kept in all sorts of hidden pockets that Jared would have on his clothing as it was vital to maintain a sufficient amount of backup items that couldn’t be easily detected by normal means. With the orb, Jared that's a moment to pinch the Compass and began to stretch it, briefly aiming at the stone slab before commanding the solid shadow to fly up in the air in a slight arch.

A light splat could be heard as the conjured darkness sticks underneath the platform as if The Umbralplasm nailed itself to the stone slab. He was taking a moment to tug at his makeshift rope; once Jared was satisfied with the rope being secured & able to take his weight, the Nightfallen Magus began his climb to reach the balcony.

It wouldn’t take too long for the nimble thief to ascend to the balcony, drawing very little attention as, from a distance, it would seem like a brief blur of blues & blacks appeared & disappeared, which could be mistaken for something else entirely. Fatigue or a temporary blip in one’s imagination is all it took for a thief to enter into a secure premise & gain access to places that many dreams to enter but at the risk of one’s life.

Once the amber-eyed thief managed to vault over his last obstacle, Jared quickly made his way to a nearby wall. Avoiding the windows & the edge of the balcony to prevent gaining the attention of the guards from below but also limiting the amount of exposure the Alistian thief was putting himself from any possible people that could be inside the room he was about to use to gain entry to the fine establishment.

“Seems like no one is home… Time to take a crack at the door; it's A shame that the nobles & those with connections can afford these things, but luxury is only there to make life comfortable & I don’t know if I can sit still for long….”

Briefly look at what Jared was working with; the door preventing Jared from entering the premise was a simple multiple glass pane door with a birch frame. The door key was a simple insert, but the apprentice larcenist could fiddle around with the lock & leave behind minimal trace at the expense of time.

Not wanting to waste more time than needed, the apprentice thief opted for a faster solution. Placing his gloved hand on the surface of one of the glass panes closest to the handle, the cat-burglar takes a moment to take a deep breath as the surrounding darkness collects itself onto his fingertips to create a thin blade.

Once the nightfallen magus formed the blade’s edge, Jared took a moment to position his fingertips at a point before slowly rotating his wrist to score the glass. It was a simple trick when it came to breaking into homes, as a glass cutter was often used when a thief wanted to break into a place quickly without caring to leave a little bit of evidence behind.

Extending the umbralplasm to seep right into the scored glass, with a flick of his wrist, a circular glass disk no bigger than a standard farthing was extracted. Leaving a suitable hole for wires or other sorts of thin materials to slip through easily; once more extending his umbralplasm out, small branch-like structures make their way to the handle, coiling around the lever for a moment before pushing the vertical door handle down causing the door to click as it begins to swing towards the balcony gradually.

“Good; let's keep moving before the others figure out how to enter inside….’

word count: 1539
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Taelian Edevane
Posts: 1265
Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:23 pm
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=47
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=286
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=152

Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:38 am



Stealth: Hiding in semi-exposed spaces;
Nightfall (Compass): Creating a climbing rope;
Running: Moving quickly between cover;
Climbing: Quick ascend in secured premise;
Investigation: Searching for suitable spots to infiltrate;
Larceny: Using a glass-cutter;

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5 XP, with up to 2 Nightfall XP

Comments: Please let me know if you have any questions. :)

word count: 70
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