Underworld: The First Contract

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Location: Daravin
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Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:38 pm

17th Searing, 4622

In the dark recesses of the underground cells of Genteven, it proved to be the most prominent place to find work within the depths of the underground, Salen turns towards one of the alleyways as he discovers a emblem-like structure in the wall of one of the alleyways, identical to the symbol he once saw during his strange dream. He realised that it was the key he was given during his initiation as a Corvo, in which he took his emblem and placed it into the hole where it seemed to fit symmetrically within the structure. A clicking sound could be heard as he turned the key, eventually opening a secret door.

Inside appeared to be some kind of hideout, decorated rather decadently, the walls and rooms appeared to be decorated with gilded gold with paintings hanging on the wall of what looked like Ulenic artistry. Sitting at the desk were two men exactly like him in terms of appearance, exceedingly good looking and possessing a familiar gauntlet that was similar to his own shaper.

He inspected them both with caution as he entered, but before he could get a word the two appeared to clap back at him as if he were either a member or an intruder “It appears we have new blood here, although you’re clearly not from around here… I sense the scent, an extremely vibrant body but his clothes need nothing more than a… Makeover.” Salen snickered at the remark made by the other Corvo, although chose not to address the brazen nature of the other man.

“I’m looking for work…”

“Oh? Work? What kind.”

“Any kind… Anything really.”

“You’re specialty?” The bearded male asked as he put his feet up, smoking a cigar; the air was pungent as he began to become more relaxed and amiable as he dragged his cigar, lifted his head up and blew the smoke volcanically upwards into the air, before giggling to himself.

“Depends on the brief.”

“Well, you may have come to the wrong place, unless you’re in for some dirty work.”

“What do you have in mind?” Salen spoke in a patronizing tone

The two would look at each other as the half Sil’Norai would ask such a bold and brazen question in front of the two Corvo; it was weird to them how a stranger from their brotherhood would appear out of the blue and offer himself up as a potential working client.

“Well, it seems you’re indeed a fellow brother, although your subtlety seems to be lacking amongst us folk.”

“True, but this isn’t a party, or soiree…” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“A wig?”

“It’s stupid to make assumptions…”

“Oh really?” The male sat at the desk said as he dragged his pungent smelling cigar and blew it into the direction of the other male, as if he didn’t believe a word he said.

“You’d be amazed how persuasive I can be, even with dangerous men and women…”

The two would look at each other and laugh at the clashback from Salen, before he snatched his cigar from his hand, pulling forward the smoke through his lungs before exhaling outwards; his eyes remained locked on his as the male sitting at the desk was taken back by the sudden brazen nature of the Corvo that stood in front of him. He was even more shocked by his rudeness, which also brought a comforting and inviting nature towards this.

“Weed… What a pussy, if you want a joy ride atleast get yourself hooked on some narcotics, that’ll keep you busy.”

He stashed the cigar in the ashtray as the other male gasped in shock, as if that behavior was deemed undesirable around him. It seemed to make him angry, which Salen fed off those kind of emotions; he was manipulative and resourceful in the way he turned the tables on people, as if he was almost sly and spiteful.

He had a justified reason so he believed from all the cruelty he had been subject to, resulting in him taking matters into his own hands. He also risked himself entering dangerous territory amongst the Entente, knowing that he was guilty of not reconditioning himself in Ulen’s name at the time of the initiation; he had realized that if he had devoted himself amongst that path, Salen would have found it easier to infiltrate the Entente’s ways, but with his looks at the time he would have been discarded as a leper in society.

His decisions have now made challenges in his life for it was something that he needed to overcome. However, the angry male wasn’t taking much of Salen’s antics any longer, for he slammed his fist on the table and stood up, flipping it with such force.

“Hang on a minute! You come charging through here like you own the place and yet you think you’re Brilan Ald or somebody…”

“I wouldn’t go that far, not that I care much for Daravin’s politics. However, games are fun, goes with my turf…”

The two Corvo would look at each other, amongst the enigmatic stranger who appeared to be offering himself for work. The two don’t seem to be impressed by his demeanor, but it appeared to be an offer that they couldn’t refuse somehow, there was something about him that spoke greatness. A Corvo who offered himself for work, knowing that he did have potential amongst their circle; it seemed anyone with an emblem from the Brotherhood of Scaeva appeared to be a valuable ally.

“First, tell us… Where did you come from?”

“Why would I tell someone I just met my business?”

Salen’s reluctance was shown when he tensed his shoulders and glared both of the Corvo, side to side; he clenched his fist tightly as if he was growing impatient, like a wolf ready to pounce on his prey. The two appeared to be even more tense as Salen grew unpredictable at that point, however there was no reason to start conflict with two men offering a reasonable amount of work, especially since he had proven how much of a work ethic he had recited to the two earlier on.

“Fine, If you must know, I came from Amoren…”

“You must be one of that nasty lady’s sect members?”

“Why do you ask?”

“We both were, there was me, Andre over there and a guy called Tiberius…”

“Tiberius… Do you know of him?” Salen asked.

“Yes, was unfortunately condemned to criminal activities, it’s prevented him from seeing us; although we do send him supplies to the badlands now and then… To keep him alive and well whilst we figure out a way to sort out his… Complicated situation.”

Salen’s expression softened up for a moment, knowing now that these two appear to be allies within the dark place; perhaps there was a purpose in serving with this sect whilst he got himself back on his feet, knowing that Salen hasn’t been condemned of anything criminal or damaging unlike Tiberius has, it would probably save him from a completely different situation.

“He’s my lover…” He spoke softly, as if almost saddened by his situation.

“You’re the guy he’s spoken about?” Andre had spoken out, realising that the puzzle pieces were fitting together.

“He spoke about me?”

“Yeah, he can’t seem to stop…”

“It’s because he cares,” Salen responded “Tell me what I need to do, what’s the job you’re offering me? I’ll do it, anything to keep me busy for a while.”

Andre snickered “Oh? You’re wanting the blood bounty?”

“Blood bounty?”

“In other words, we are paid by Veir clients secretly to dispose of undesirables of Daravin, those who are accused of heresy, being a foreign mage or even committing an unlawful act away from Entente eyes...”

“However, no one can know, we are not the Halamire, nor do we have any place in law enforcement.”

“Think of us as vigilantes or cleaners in other words, isn't that right, Synthar.” Andre smirked, revealing the other name of the other Corvo beside him.

“Alright, who’s the target…”

Andre threw a paper contract amongst the table as he smirked for a moment “Oh he’s handsome, but a nasty piece of work… Sylve Damocha, known for his taste of sex addiction, both in the bedroom, he treats both his clients, men and women as disposable and is responsible for many counts of rape. He’s a disgusting man and needs to be pacified as soon as possible.” Synthar immediately spoke out as he crossed his arms.

“Think you can handle it?”

“Sure.” Salen spoke assertively.

“He’ll be attending a party at Sybil Laurent’s residence, a social gathering where he would be looking for potential ‘meat’ as he would call it” Andre snickered.

“It’s about time I put myself on display then, that’ll make the feast a predator in a way. A predator of predators is always one step ahead of the game, darlin’”

“Welcome, Brother.” Andre spoke with a smile “You have three days to prepare, we’ll assign you your clothing, however you should get use to your new quarters, it isn’t like Dahlia’s cellars, it’s more cosy.”

“Sounds like I could get use to it.” Salen smirked.

word count: 1590
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Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:26 am



Persuasion: Getting to the Point
Persuasion: Demonstrate your Work Ethic
Persuasion: Remain Assertive and Calm when making deals.
Negotiation: Discuss the Terms of the Contract
Negotiation: Understanding the Job to Make an Offer
Negotiation: Reassuring you're a good candidate for the job

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5

Comments: If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know. Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 77
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