Written in Blood [Jared]

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:46 am

23rd Searing, 4622

The Underground appeared to be the most prominent place for black operations; it was the place where you could find a simple contractual assassin to dispose of the worst of enemies. Some had a much more heftier price than others. However, it was a place where Salen was able to secure business dealings for his own back, not that it was official. He had a few loose odd-jobs hanging at the back, including the assassination of undesirable Veir in Daravin. Those who have failed the Candor and have driven themselves into a pit of scandal; the only place you could find an assassin better for the job in terms of illegitimacy and secrecy was in the darkest places.

Salen had appeared to have enjoyed a few parties and have met with various Veir; he had been getting use to the Candor for days, figuring out the loopholes and other things in the law, it was like he had witnessed from dealing with Dahlia's ways, only this time he was adopting a much more subtle approach. A loud knock on his door made his eyes smile. A smirk crept upon his lips, walking to the door and opening it. A tall dark Hyr'Norai appeared to be at the door, holding what appeared to be a contract. He silently took it and read through the contents, before giving a predatory look towards the taller male "Consider it, a done deed..."

He would leave as Salen closed the door and began taking off his clothes; the dark silouhette of his masculine figure could be seen as he showered. The moonlight beated against his skin, feeling the light against his free, soft and smooth skin. He laced his hands across the contours of his well developed musculature against his semi-porcelain complexion. His eyes lingered for a moment at the window, before he grabbed a towel and proceeded to get changed. An exquisite piece of Daravin clothing he decided to use, stolen from the very clothing collections that Dahlia had brought for him. After all, they were his, the woman had already taken the shirt right from Salen's back, there was no telling what other cruelty she had planned.

For now, he was free.

An hour later, he went to the tall Hyr'Norai who gave Salen two daggers, a bracer containing throwing knives and a bottle of poison "Use them well..." He said lowly, with an inflection to his voice.

Salen nodded, only thinking about his job at hand for which he revealed the contract "Well, arent you handsome, Veir Elijah Ameno..." He smirked at the handsome sketch that was given to him. A man with blonde hair, bearded features and blue eyes; however, those blue eyes didn't spell innocence with the accordance of his crimes "Oh dear..." He tutted as he put the contract away and sighed "Someone has been a very bad boy..." He said as he exited into a dark alleyway, where Salen would continue to walk down the long corridor. The darkness obscured everything in sight, which Salen decided to conjure Umbraplasm from his feet and embellish himself in Obscura.

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Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:25 pm

23rd of Searing, 4622

It has been only a couple of days since the petty thief landed on Genteven’s shore. The weather reminds him of his home in Alistian, but the stark difference was the number of opportunities available to Jared’s pilfering fingers. It wasn’t even a week into his stay & Jared filled his linen pockets with a variety of trinkets, items of somewhat value & dranari; Enough to keep him going until he could save up to either buy a house or rent a place to live on his own accord.

Nonetheless, the number of monuments scattered across Genteven’s alabaster coast, pearlescent skies & glimmering ocean waves is rather breathtaking.

“Didn’t realise how beautiful Genteven is; Far more peaceful than the occasional raids by the Tide back in Alistian….”

Jared couldn't help but swing his legs like a pendulum as he sat on one of the wooden beams sticking out of many buildings. However, content with what is happening at the moment, a sudden urge to simmer its way to the surface. A call to take something more interesting as mere baubles & trinkets would not be sufficient to quell his larceny urges.

“Alright, let's scout from some potential marks, shall we, Jared? But, unfortunately, the night isn’t getting younger, and there are more pockets to rob.”

Mutter to himself & convinced by his slightly impulsive nature, Jared takes a moment to pick himself up to a perch-like position on the wooden beam, squinting his amber-coloured eyes as he focuses on potential locations to find marks of interest. From the empty marketplaces, unattended docks or even remote warehouses, all valid places to line one’s pockets & enough routes to move about, hide & lose pursuit if need be.

After a moment of deliberation, the cooling rays of cascading moonlight bathed his skin. Jared stands up from his spot as he decides to make a simple route about the surrounding areas to find a suitable mark, whether a vacant workshop, lightly guarded garrison or even a stumbling victim after a long night of drinking; Any place that has potential items to nab for profits is up for grabs.

Stretching his arms & legs, The Alistian Rogue takes flight as he swiftly runs from rooftop to rooftop as there is very little to no traffic on the Thieves’ Highway. His footsteps leave behind some indentation & noise as he continues his way to one of the nearby marketplaces and for a little flare and practice. The petty thief would slide down from one of the angular roofs, descending rapidly before launching himself off onto a ledge & springing his way down to the ground levels of an enshrouded street.

“Alright, Jared. No rest for the wicked, and empty pockets mean no food for tonight.”

Upon landing, the petty thief takes a moment to don his Obscura as his Umbralplasm whips around his feet before forming a hooded cloak of shadow; Making sure to stray away from the light of nearby torches & lanterns.

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Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:45 pm

Salen came to the exit of the alleyways, unveiling his Obscura from existence. He looked for an opportunity particularly with the crowds of Entente appeared to be gathering around the place, ready for a night of quiet parties, drinks and the indominable presence of knowledge. At these events, someone would slip up, reveal their hand and perhaps show their own doorways to their private lives, all in which could end in scandal, severe reprimand or even death. Salen was always cautious when attending events like this, especially since he had barely any sentiment of knowledge.

His eyes were on the prize as he had a contract to fulfill, knowing he had to sit there looking coy for a moment as if to be asked out to be an accomplice to their dance. After all, Salen's masculine beauty was the epitome of greatness, a body of perfection that Daravinic society would deem as favorable by Ulen. In this case, he did not favor Ulen, nor either did Ulen favor him in most of his life, despite what people said, he had an agenda for which he chose to sit and wait, pouncing on an opportunity to strive a Veir who deemed him as a centerpiece for their event.

Arm candy.

He waited beside the bench, crossing his legs demurely as he would pretend to act alone, as if waiting for someone; it was his way of making his presence known to those around him. However, he appeared to be alone, giving Salen an opportunity to pull out a cigarette and a lighter from his jacket in which he lit it, taking a pull and blowing it out into the silent, yet peaceful air. It was quiet, but there was about to be an Entente man who would get him into that party, after all pretending to wait for someone.

Little did he know, that there would be so many opportunists around.

Including thieves.

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Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:09 pm

23rd of Searing, 4622

As Jared continues to wander about through the various side streets & alleyways that litter the city of Genteven. The enshrouded rogue took some opportunities to listen into different conversations from town guards to babbling drunks & street rats; One particular conversation strikes a keen interest from the thief where a group of Entente was hosting a party.

“Interesting…. Let’s look and see what is there; Remember not to stick your head far unless you want it cut off….”

Jared’s views of the Entente were mixed as, on the one hand, he views them with slight envy as they would seem to have an easy life on the surface of things but at the same time curious as to what the Entente would do on a day-to-day basis. Still, Jared wouldn’t change his life in any way, as where he is now is a result of life’s trials & tribulations.

Tailing the guards who had given him this knowledge of a potential soirée, The petty thief looms closely as for every inch he makes his way to his destination, the deeper the feeling of dread, excitement & possible rewards may come.

As Jared darts from shadow to shadow, placing his back against the cold stone walls of the building and reaching out for various ledges to scale over multiple gates and squeezing through narrow which, luckily, his more petite frame allows him to fit into places where many could not go without a significant amount of effort.

“Fuck me… Why is security always tight when it comes to these so-called soirée; Well, it wouldn’t be a challenge if everything was easy.”

The thief smiles underneath his face cloth as he takes his time to find various faults in security, from patrol patterns to finding multiple sections of walls, gates & doors that could be used for escape & seeking suitable hiding spots to remove unwanted attention; Taking his Obscura to cloak off as long periods of usage would strain his body, and he would need all energy he could muster if things were to go awry.

“Like a moth to the flame; it seems like something interesting is bound to happen. I wonder if events will transpire; in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”

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Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:27 pm

Salen didn't appear to have any success in the manor of securing himself a potential escort for the date; it was clear that Entente were even the most untrustworthy of people who are unknown to them, particularly if they appeared to have dangerous beauty. Many would argue about the amount of necromantic procedures that had been carried out on a person, particularly if they were Entente. It appeared he would fit right in, but without an invitation into the party or an escort, he was hopelessly waiting for a man to sweep him from his feet; it appeared that there was no pressure to complicate the issue of magical abundance.

However, it appeared that there was an opportunity to save a damsel in distress and bargain his way into the night with the suave etiquette and untruthful words of an trickster. After all, Salen was a man who liked to tell people what they wanted to hear, to gain their trust before wrenching at an Entente's wellbeing. Revenge was indeed a pleasurable dish, best served cold by his hand, although it had begun to get even harder for him to survive, particularly with his security in the Underworld which was yet unknown and scary. Everyone had an agenda, but his eyes would follow an shadowy figure in the night, watching him like a hawk as he could predict something was about to happen.

The man was a troublemaker and it appeared he reveled of taking advantage of an situation if needed, including getting himself into a soiree to finish his contract. Unlike other soirees he had been to, it appeared that invitations were needed for security reasons, maybe someone heard about the recent murder of Sylve Damocha that had been spreading around like wildfire. An assassin bold enough to kill in an soiree situation, evident that Salen would need to change his tactic as there will be eyes everywhere watching. Security would be tighter after those rumours have been scurrying about at one of these soirees, it would be clear that he would require a person's desire to become their weapon.

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Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:10 pm

23rd of Searing, 4622
Whether or not the amber-eyed thief could break into this soirée was only a matter of determination, careful planning & opportunities. Like most scoundrels such as himself, Jared’s presence often leaves a level of surprise, terror and confusion for the most part before quickly turning to rage as no one likes their possessions being taken away by a low-born’s hands.

As his gaze watches, the figures that make their way into this so-called private party are dressed in all-sorts attires, from different delicate silk dress gleaming in rustic marrows and gold to simple yet elegant whites. The men were no other with fine, fancy suits with a wide variety of designs from vine motifs to lace patterns that would take a seamstress many days & nights to make.

Each & every person he saw from his perched hiding spot, the amount of stunning & beautiful men and women was an understatement. Yet the Alistian thief wouldn’t know better for what drastic lengths each member of the Entente had to do to maintain their status within this game of politics, intrigue and backstabbing.

“Well fuck me… Aren’t the Entente a pretty bunch….”

The nightfallen thief couldn’t help but be enamoured by each person as, on the surface of things, they all seem flawless from his perspective, but Jared quickly pinches his arm to bring himself back to reality. After all, the thief had a job to do, and he could daydream when the night was over. For now, it was time for him to slip in & keep his presence as low as possible.

Scaling down from his rooftops, the petty thief waits in the shadows, his leering amber gaze watching as guards make their routes around the host’s home & walls. Then, he patiently waits for when a lapse in security reveals itself before quickly making his way to the wall, examining potential nooks that his hands could reach, his climbing picks to take hold or a spot that a grappling hook could take hold.

Once the thief determines a suitable spot for his ascend on the wall, Jared takes a moment to pull out a three-spaced hook with some corded hemp attached to the eyelet. Then, giving his grappling hook a brief whirl in the air, the rogue tosses the metal piece over the wall and begins to pull it, waiting to feel some resistance to indicate that the hook managed to find a divot to hold itself into before making his ascent over the marble wall and vanishing into the courtyard with little to no trace.

“Alright, let's get this show on the road… The sooner we finish this, the more time I can rest easy for the week.”

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Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:31 pm

Salen could spot his potential target on the run, talking to the other man. However, he appeared to be within the routes of where anyone could steal from him. A roguish sentiment came in, knowing how he was going to lure the victim into his own embrace. A simple act of heroic mercy would enact upon him. After all, it was the common standpoint for another man to take someone, especially when the Entente preyed on vulnerable victims such as their own targets. It was the case of creating opportunity for opportunities sake.

His eyes would trail towards the marble wall on the courtyard as he noticed a figure come down. He observed the place for a moment until he eventually stepped closer, pretending as if he didn't see a thing climb over the courtyard's wall. It was evident that Salen was creating opportunity for himself, to secure himself an invitation through word of mouth, rather than the common decency of securing one himself. However, there were a number of ways he could get into the party. Stealing was one of them, but he was too classy and exposed for any kind of work like that.

His patience was waning and time was running low, for everyone would be inside now. Including his target who had left an mark on his target. He had to get in somehow that was until his target seemed to have caught the sight of his enamoured beauty and appeared to have been smirked.

Just like I'd hope, I knew many people can't keep it in their pants long enough that they would eventually come swooning after me. What a simp...

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance on this fine night, It would appear I would've met someone who meets my expectations."

"Don't go kissing my ring just yet, it's made of diamond. I mean who knows, it might break your teeth right after I say no..." He said with a smirk as he played coyly, not wanting to attract attention of the other Entente, particularly with his aggressive demeanour meant that he was headstrong.

"Ahh, a warrior at best, but only Ulen's warrior's are as decadent as you are"

"Flattery, as usual... Is that all words or is it something you mean?"

"Why not find out?"

"I might... Who's house is this?"

"Why it's mine... Elijah Ameno..."

"Perfect, seems like you've made the A-list..."

I think you mean kill list, Salen. Ugh, get your facts right, Entente are disgusting...

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Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:09 pm

23rd of Searing, 4622.

Going over obstacles & bypassing security was the easy part, to say the least. Merely being on the other side of the marbled wall that fences off the Highborn & Lowborn. It is easy to see why the Entente is a class of its own. Just stepping into the courtyard alone was a display of art with its well-kept lawns, the various statues made of alabaster, bronze, granite & limestone in all sorts of dynamic poses.

“Well, someone here likes to flaunt their wealth… Not that I mind it, though….”

The amber-eyed thief mutters for a moment as his honey-hued gaze looks deep into the crowd that slowly shifts its way inside the manor. During his brief investigation, however, for a brief moment, his breathing becomes ragged as a handsome man converses with another man; the semi-porcelain complexion, an athletic build, and a stunning jawline made the thief stifle gawk. Something about this man was alluring, but also, at the same time, his gut told him that something sinister was amidst the crowd; After all, the scoundrel was not accustomed to the games that the Entente would play among themselves nor would he like to know.

“Get it together; we are here work….”

Slightly flustered but steering his resolve, the Nightfallen thief makes his route to the left-hand side of the building. Careful to blend into the shadows with the assistance of his dark-hued clothing, which camouflages him in the dim light that the marble walls cast against the brilliant moonlight. Time is of the essence, and surveilling for possible routes of entry into the household itself would take a few minutes at best; Casing the joint tends to be the majority of burglar’s workload, but careful planning & execution of actions is solely dependent on what information you have to work with & discerning fact from fiction is always a tricky line to draw.

Creeping forward whilst everyone was distracted, the thief in question began to dart from cover to cover, from the slotted stone fences to crouching behind various hedges & statues; the courtyard was full of hiding spots if one were bold enough to use and avoid being caught in certain angles. But unfortunately, blindspots are always present, and the rogue is willing to take full advantage of them.

One particular mode of entry that Jared planned to take was entering through the second story with a balcony as the majority of the guest & servants of the household would be attending in the main ballroom, which is generally on the first floor from his previous experiences when it came to scouting manors & taking advice from other thieves of the trade that have taken on stealing from wealthy people.

Once the coast was clear from the thief's perspective, the Alistian male took a moment to reach his designated target, right underneath the balcony of his choice. Coating his grappling hook with a thin layer of Umbralplasm, altering the texture to mimic a sort of padding material to assist in reducing the sound & providing additional grip for his hook when it snags itself into a suitable position. Jared would give a brief tug at the rope to ensure the hook was secured before making his ascent to the second floor with a balcony with due haste to avoid being seen by potential on-lookers.

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Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:06 pm

Salen would wonder about the other man's intentions for the night as he would wonder off, he would speak to his Valran whilst Salen appeared to be distracted for a moment "Hmm..." He saw the tiny male climbing up from a rope and saw an opportunity. To create the perfect distraction for Elijah's Valran to disappear, a perfect time for the male to be alone without any disturbances in his current plan "It seems although we have an naughty straggler ruining our romantic night, besides I wouldn't want an thief breaking into your home... Let me be a gentleman and allow me." He offered as Salen would channel his ether.

All of a sudden, Jared would feel a sudden heat, as if the rope had been burnt on fire. He would see the rope has been casted upon with illusory fire that is spreading upwards. He would feel the burning sensation of the rope, but other Entente guests notice the application of illusion, like it was obviously that there was a fire "Stop! Thief!" They shouted, before Salen appeared to be distracted with the other male "Well, you have strong Valran... Let them deal with it I say..." He said with a grin as Elijah laughed on the spot.

"I suppose your right... May I take your hand."

"Of course."

Already dying inside He said with a smile, knowing exactly how to feign things. It would be a wondrous night to continue for the both of them as they enter into the house. Surely, Salen's contract wouldn't take that long, although he did wonder if he'd ever see that poor distraction again.

He proved handy.

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Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:12 am

23rd of Searing, 4622

Whether or not the Alistian could have scored a decent amount of worth in various items, trinkets and miscellaneous baubles. Instead, Jared was focused on getting in and out of the manor before anyone would notice, but fate seemed to have other plans for the Nightfallen Thief. Halfway through his ascend, the sudden sensation of burning courses through the scoundrel’s leather-covered hands; in that brief moment, Sheer panic settles in as the hemp rope sets itself ablaze. Possibly an ill-omen or someone managed to detect him is something the thief can ponder at another time.

“God fucking dammit….”

The thief couldn’t help but curse under his breath as he quickly loosened his grip on the rope, which immediately sent the thief spiralling down before landing on his feet with a loud thud as his thick, leather boots made contact with the stone floor.

The sounds of a man yelling, immediately alerting the surrounding guards in the manor that a thief is on his property, catches his attention, and the amber-eyed thief shifts his gaze to the two men conversing a few minutes before the escapades occurred.

Jared could only make a mental note about the two figures based on their appearance alone, as he did not have enough time to study his targets for many reasons. But, even then, The nightfallen thief quickly quelled thoughts of the men as he darts to whatever cover he could get to minimise the amount of exposure his body would give. Breaking the line of sight was important for many reasons, from disorienting your target to preventing them from getting a clean shot from his friendly thieves taught him in crime back at home in Valtoria.

“Come on, Jared, you just need to get out of here & lose them on the streets!”

The alistian rogue mutters loudly under his black cloth-covered mouth as he runs to his next cover using the stone fences, statues & hedges. Still, the thief knew that time was running short as they closed in, but his goal was within arm’s reach as he managed to reach the marbled walls that separated the private property and public space.

Gambling his dice in this one attempt to escape the manor, the alistian mage; quickly scopes his arm in the deepest available shadows around him as he conjures a thick wisp of darkness around his arms & palms. Following its master command, the darkness ungulates and thickens into a dense orb in his palm, to which the thief immediately throws the Umbralplasm onto the wall.

Those near the thief could hear a loud splat as the dark organic mass shimmers for a moment in the brilliant silver moonlight as it jerks & twitches before making a series of protruding sticks, enough that a foot could stand on or use as leverage while at the same time.

The nightfallen thief uses additional amounts of his ether to conjure additional umbralplasm that snakes its way under his leather armour as make-shift organic padding to assist in absorbing possible hits on his body. At best, his treated-leather armour will soak the impact, and at worse, the bolts will pierce through and hit the Umbralplasm, which would leave some bruising & a small risk of arrows lodging themselves inside of flesh.

Wasting no time, the thief runs for his exit as a series of bolts from the guards rushes itself to the thief. Whether the attempt on his life was more for hindering the thief’s movement or outright killing him is another question that needs to be pondered as the arrows whisk by his narrow frame by a few inches or miss entirely.

Jared had a few run-ins when it came to ranged attacks in a physical manner, and his acrobatic skills & innate agility proved enough to avoid life-threatening hits, but that did not make the thief invulnerable as stray arrows & bolts hit his frame, throwing the thief’s balance off by a bit but still determined to get out.

Nonetheless, the thief makes his ascent on the walls as he hopscotches on each protruding pole of Umbralplasm that edges itself out of the pristine marble wall. Focusing more on his balance as a single false move can risk him falling back into the estate for sure being killed by the guards.

As the amber-eyed thief managed to reach over and was about to vault over the top to the semi-safe space of the public space & all of its alleyways that litter the city of monuments, Jared’s right hand felt a sharp sting as an arrow lands firmly into his flesh.

Cursing loudly at the pain but his blood filled with adrenaline, The thief makes the final push to vault over the wall whilst his left-hand pries the Umbralplasm off the wall, and squirms its way back into an orb in his possession.

With very little time to deal with the wound inflicted upon him, the thief grits his teeth as he pulls the ammunition out but keeps it in his possession, which allows a small splash of blood to escape from his body. Then, tearing the edges of his tattered cloak, the amber-eyed thief quickly wraps his right hand to stench the blood flow for a time before darting off into the safety of the shadows.

It was not in the apprentice’s thief's favour tonight, but Jared earned a slightly bloodied trinket. A keepsake to remember for his failed attempt at stealing from an entente. Whether this man was going out of his way to find Jared was something the thief would deal with for another time. Another pressing matter once the coast was clear was explaining to his roommate: Alistair, about the wound he sustained and needing assistance with treatment.

“Awwww… I hope Alistair doesn’t chew my head off for this….”

word count: 1011
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