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[Genteven - Solo] From Light to Shadow: Discovery of Umbralplasm Usage

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:41 pm
by Gloomcrest
31st of Searing,
It was a pleasant afternoon within Genteven; the streets were busting full of life & movement from every corner of the road and walk of life. In Jared’s case, walking through these stone pavements and watched how every citizen of Daravin conducted themselves. Some are unaware of what is happening or the guards leading their usual patrol routes and maintaining order when required.

The charcoal-hair thief couldn’t help but ponder about many things in life, mainly how the sunlight angles illuminate particular sections of people & objects but, in contrast, define the boards that darkness & shadows; in essence giving meaning to it. Jared couldn’t help but get lost in his thoughts, merely questioning many aspects of light.

“Stars cannot shine without the darkness, and without darkness, there is no light to giving it meaning.”

Jared muttered to himself before accidentally bumping his head into a corner of a building, too deep in his thoughts even to recognise his surroundings, but if it was by fate or mere luck that Jared stumbled upon a boardwalk that connected itself to one of the docks in Genteven.

Surprisingly busy for an afternoon, Jared could help but seek out a vantage point to perch. After all, Jared always loved high places, whether on bell towers or at the tips of a verdant tree. However, being free from the ground limits his freedom to some extent.

Taking a moment to scout about, looking for any possible spot that most people wouldn't look up to, Jared managed to find a warehouse or storage building high enough for his liking and out of the way from public eyes to conduct his usual training.

Making his way briskly, Jared walks through the winding streets and narrow alleyways that make people call Genteven home. The city itself is beautiful in its own right, with many marble-white agoras that have seen the light of day and beaten from the various storms that rarely come through the city and the many open markets that are littered with trinkets, baubles & other miscellaneous wares that one could find if they were determined to find something.

From a distance, Jared could see an obelisk which he knew was meant to represent the battle of the old, one that should not be forgotten for the number of souls that drift into the ethereal & blood that people have shed upon the soil that people stand on today. The Northern March’s fertile lands & seas have many blessings, Offering much agriculture & routes for trade throughout Daravin, but those are the slightest concern for the petty thief.

Currently, on Jared's mind was to do some practice with his strange gift. The dark fluid that congealed at a whisk of his command is something that the thief wanted to understand further; what are the mechanisms that make this power its own, and what are the limits the pitch-black hair rogue could do without straining himself too much.

So far, Jared understood that his gift was a form of magic which was much of a surprise to the young man as Jared often glorified his perception of mages. However, living in riches or comfortably at least & that the common folk are often beneath a mage. Would that mean he needs to change his attitude towards other people that do not exhibit magical prowess; probably not?

In any case, after spending a little bit of time scouting for a quiet spot to practice on, A particular place where a small yet dilapidated fountain nested itself away from the main streets & walkways to the docks seemed to be a perfect spot to practice.

Taking a moment to look around, once Jared was satisfied that there was no one approximately. The black-hair thief sat down on the weather-beaten stone pavement. He breathed softly as he began concentrating and picturing how he would conjure this organic mass of darkness.

Come on, Jared… You did it before, and you can do it again. Just imagine some fog or a cloud condensing itself into tiny droplets.”

With that basic imagery set in stone, the weird sensation of black mist enveloping the thief’s body begins to snake its way over, trailing towards the palms of his callous hands, which grow ever so slowly into a pitch-black ball with a weirdly smooth surface like a polished obsidian orb.

“Alright, You got the basics down; Now, if I remember correctly, I could do a few things with this sphere…. All it takes is a bit of creativity.”

The petty thief took a moment to lift the orb and walk over to the shadows that run along the wall, gently placing his hand on it before muttering.

"Where is light, there are shadows. What shines brightly gives darkness meaning, for light and dark are two sides of a coin.”

By then, the amber-eyed rogue watches as the orb of umbralplasm begins to shift and waver for a moment before it finally infuses itself into the building’s shadows. Then, taking a moment to step away, the fledgling night fallen waits for a minute before stepping back into the shade, ushering phrase before a hooded figure with a cloth mask conjures itself within the confines of the building’s shadows, repeating the exact quote he muttered before infusing the wall with his magic.

“Well, that is interesting. Of course, I will need to practice a bit more, but I am sure I can make some use of this… Distractions are a thief’s best friend, and opportunities come in many shapes and forms.”

Jared couldn’t help but chuckle as his habit of talking to himself is rather apparent and a method to cope with his isolation. It is fair to assume that living a scoundrel’s lifestyle, one would need to guard themselves against the cruel world, and it is still a surprise to the umbral-wielding thief how he managed to scrounge by.

Either way, After a bit of time sorting out his various thoughts and feeling, his body recollect itself. Jared takes a moment to take in a few muffled breaths, letting the sensations of warmth filter down into a slightly numbing crawl against his pale skin as he pulls the identical photons that make up the visible spectrum of light through his hands & fingers. A nebulous gloom surrounds the black-haired crook before coalescing into the tight ball of eerie, obsidian goo that undulates in his hand's palm.

“Okay, slightly better on the execution and slightly faster at making this so-called Umbralplasm. Now, if I remember… I could use this to cover myself in this odd thing….”

Taking a moment to motion his orb of umbralplasm towards the sole of his feet, Jared took the chance to picture a wispy cloak or veil that could cover his entire body. From thought to motion, the umbralplasm shifts and clings to the surface of his body before emitting a slight ebony haze.

The sensation of the Umbralplasm attaching to his body felt strange but oddly comforting. Once the Obscura had a chance to settle, the thief took a moment to walk over to a reflective surface of the fountain water to assess what this particular ability could do.

Upon seeing a shadowy face in the slightly gleaming pools of water, Jared fully understood what this extraordinary power did.

"I see; so using the Umbralplasm in this way can hide various features and blend in the dark… how does it fare in the light, though…."

Taking a moment to look around his semi-private & temporary training grounds, the amber-eyed thief spots a faint ray of sunlight that peeks through the various nooks and crannies of the clustered buildings within one of the Genteven docks.

He was slowly moving his hand out towards this ray of alabaster light. Jared watches closely as the Umbralplasm skin becomes wispy before retreating to the sole comfort of darkness as if a mouse was trying to back away from its predator.

Take a moment to consider the opinions on using this particular cloaking ability to the fullest extent, from stalking the streets under the veil of gloom or playing a game of cat and mouse with the guards & stealing various pouches and pockets.

“Hmmm…. Got a few ideas as to what I could do with this but what are the limits, and how far can I push it without too much strain….”

Jared pondered to himself, pacing back and forward, but the waning ray of lights would immediately catch the thief’s attention as he soon realised how much time had passed with his impromptu training session.

“Well, Time flies by when you are trying to figure things out but let's give these new tricks of the trade for a spin then, Jared.”

Seeing that the hours of the day lay itself to rest once more and the court of stars begin their manifestation, The time for talk is over, and work needs to be done with his umbralplasm cloak still intact. Jared takes a moment to climb up to the rooftops and admire the view of Genteven’s docks before scouting to find new marks to reap so that he can continue to live comfortably and spend more time on further discovering what he could do with this strange yet fascinating magic he controls.

Re: [Genteven - Solo] From Light to Shadow: Discovery of Umbralplasm Usage

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:21 pm
by Salen

Player 1

Nightfall (Confide) - Discovering various applications for distractions & relaying information;
Nightfall (Obscura) - Discovering cloaking purposes and basic limitations of use;
Nightfall (Devise) - Gathering darkness with limited ambient light;
Nightfall (Compass] - Slightly faster production of Compass with concentration;
Investigation - Seeking suitable spots for training Raw Magic out of public eye;
Investigation - Seeking vantage points for opportunities and different perspectives;

Loot: N/A
Injuries: +1 Mageblight, ensure you add this to your ledger. This is from Light Overstepping from learning two abilities at once.

Points: 5 (All 5 can be used on Nightfall)

Comments: Great thread, a thing to point out is that learning two abilities at once can put strain on you, ensure you're following the mageblight system correctly as two abilities can be strenuous for a Magic Beginner. His race currently puts him at 1/10 on the Mageblight scale which is No Mageblight currently, if you go above two, you'll be at Early Stage Mageblight. Please ensure you're following this correctly. If you have any questions in regards to your rewards, don't be afraid to ask.