[Genteven - Solo] A flickering wish in moonlight

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:04 am

37th of Searing, 4622
It has been a long time since Jared was able to relax for a bit. He was gazing at the glimmering celestial bodies that continue to conduct their eternal waltz. The petty thief couldn't help but smile beneath his purplish-black face cloth. Then, feeling the itch to move, Jared took a moment to look around at his surroundings to ensure no one was nearby. He found it too embarrassing to practice his skills in front of people, but animals were fine since they often don't spill secrets and are honest with their emotions.

Taking a moment to conjure up a climbing pick composed of umbralplasm, the coal-black hair rogue takes a moment to seek a suitable spot before starting his ascent to higher ground; Out of sight, out of mind. Upon finding a right wall to climb, with various divers, books and bulging stones to use as holds for his ascend to the rooftops. Jared takes a moment to walk a few metres back, taking a deep breath before making his running start, quickly making a sprint before leaping off the stone pavement and onto a nearby wall.

From there, the street rat makes his climb, gripping onto the edges of wooden frames & stones and making use of his climbing pick to dig into the stone foundation before pulling himself up to reach an unattainable rock. Then, making a swing leap to cover a significant distance before finally making his way onto a random building in Genteven. "That's a good warm-up, gotta say; it does put you in the mood now~" Jared couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he took a moment to survey the Thieves' Highway for a spot that was spacious enough to make large movements while avoiding being seen by those from below.

"Hmmm… Over here seems like a good place…." In the distance, a small garden with a pavilion could be seen with no guards or people wandering through it. "Perfect," Jared mutters as he starts his trek across the many rooftops of Genteven, running freely and leaping wide in the air, watching from below as people roam the night markets without a care in the world. A sense of freedom and earthly chains being lost to the wind with each soar and glide but at the cost of discomfort from his injured side from a blast of freezing ice during his sea voyage from Alistian to Genteven.

"Fuck me… I guess I can do some light practise but better than nothing…." After a couple of minutes of travelling across the city tops with a few breaks in-between. Jared finally made his way over to the empty pavilion, a stunning sight to behold as the gardens are filled with vibrant colours that look as beautiful in moonlight and possibly even more in daylight—painting the ground in hues of violets, salmon & ivory flowers. "Well, aren't you a beauty… hope you don't mind me intruding now…" the thief chuckles as he strolls his way through the gardens, seeking a suitable spot to practice one of the many hobbies he keeps under wraps.

Once Jared could find a decently sizable spot. A marble-fenced area is sitting close to the edge of a cliff, most likely a site chosen for the scenic view over the city. "Man… can't get enough of how beautiful the view is here… and some of the people…" Jared laughed for a moment before surveying his surroundings, ensuring he didn't miss any details.

Once, he was happy that no one was watching him. Jared takes a moment to remove his cloak and upper sections of leather armour to reveal a simple black singlet and a very fit man with notable muscle mass to back his frame. Taking a moment to stretch his arms up in the air before arching them from side to side, He repeats this action with his legs, allowing them to get warmed up before spending a few hours practising his craft if it isn’t interrupted.

Taking a moment to look up at the gleaming stars, letting the image invoke a sense of an empty stage. The petty thief takes a moment to get into position with his right arm standing upright & curving slightly towards his frame whilst his left arm is slightly bent to allow his left hand to be placed centre of his belly. He held this position for a moment, recalling a time of watching two performers: a street dancer & singer, performing their art for coin from a distance.

Closing his eyes, Jared took a moment to let the world around him become silent and began to picture what sorts of sounds he could remember. The sounds of the dancer creating the slow yet powerful beat with each step that hits the stone pavement entwine with the ballad about millions of dreams keeping one awake; how one’s vision can take their actions to make the world in their colours.

The imagery set was inspired by his memories alone; Jared started making his moves. Despite recalling how the street dancer’s fluid movements skitters across the stone floors of Alistian with various twirls that lift the sunset orange dress high up in the air, the silvery sash whipping around the dancing’s body & movement of their arms to convey the emotions from the ballad.

Translating memories to physical motion is rather challenging to say the least. The thief couldn’t help but trip over his footwork as he tried to twirl but rotated too quickly or slowly. The pace of each step, from the tips of his feet to the misplaced footwork with his imaginative beat & the burning sensations of his wound, would not allow Jared to do any extended periods of practice without many long breaks or risk injuring his side again.

“However big, however small; Let me be part of it all; Share your dreams with me….” Jared couldn’t help but start a poor rendition of the ballad from his memories. Despite not being trained in the performing arts, how poor the quality of his voice produced sounds, the large amounts of accidental vocal fry, the limited range his voice could extend beyond the general register, and even the occasional cracking as he attempts to hit specific notes. However, that did not deter Jared from practising his voice; Rather, it was more comforting that no one was around to hear him that he was aware.

It wouldn’t be for a couple of hours of practising, tripping over his footwork and possibly screeching one’s voice, that Jared would finally stop, covered with a layer of sweat & bruises and a hoarse voice. Feeling beaten by his attempts at practising and with no guide to working independently, Jared couldn’t help but feel deflated. No one is well-known, bard Jared... Everyone has humble beginnings... Even if it is a terrible one...” Jared couldn’t help but feel saddened that his mastery over the few hobbies he has is pathetic. Nothing graceful about a novice dancer or stunning about a beginner vocalist; the negative thoughts are clouding his frame of the world.

Taking a moment to place his back against the marble fence, The coal-black hair thief slowly slides down until he can crouch into himself, barely able to keep himself composed as he recalls how much time was wasted and things could be different if he had spent more time. It was only then that the sound of a feline’s call caught his attention; A black cat who stands neatly on all four paws in front of his feet. “Haha…. It seems like I have some company….” Jared doesn’t make any sudden movements, letting the cat do its own little thing.

“The world is tough, isn’t it?” Jared directed his question to his temporary companion, knowing that the creature would not reply or even be listening to his concerns about himself. However, having something to project his problems on is somewhat comforting for the thief. “It sucks…. It feels like everything I try to do turns into rubbish…. I’m only good at stealing, hiding and running away from my problems….” Jared’s voice cracks as he begins to sob as agents start polluting his thoughts and reasons. "Go away, and we don't want your broken parts! Run away, no one will love you as you are!" Curling into himself in his attempts to shrink away from the world at large, letting much of his bottled anguish leak through and generally giving up on his external & internal struggles about the world but was quickly interrupted by his companion purring & its fluffy body gently wrapping around his legs before letting out a chirp.

A weak but genuine smile crept along the saddened thief’s face, Feeling slightly better than an animal hadn’t left his side during an emotional & vulnerable moment in his life. “Guess you are right, huh?” Jared takes a moment to stand up, wiping off the small number of tears that have balled up around his amber eyes before redressing his armour back on while the cat stares off into the distance while its tail gently wiggles in the air like the ocean tides. “Well, no point in dwelling on mistakes… Just take it one step at a time, and keep practising until you get it right….” Once Jared finished putting on his armour, He took a moment to look back at the cat, who continued to stare. “Thanks for listening, friend…. Hope I get to see you again later or in another life….” Jared chuckles for a moment before quickly making his way out of the gardens but not before taking a final glance back. “Need to come back here and practice more; Not a bad place to practice, at least.”

Last edited by Gloomcrest on Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1676
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Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:05 am



Dancing: Basic Footwork;
Singing: Adjusting pitch & tone;
Singing: Discovering limits of vocal range;
Climbing: Scaling on stone-buildings
Climbing: Making lunge for difficult to reach holds;
Acrobatics: Leaping over long distances;

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 7 you may use 2 for Nightfall

Comments: He's such a humble boy, I love reading about him. Great thread, enjoy your rewards.

word count: 72
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