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[Montein - Job Tread] Rags to Some Riches - Casing & pilfering an artisan's workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:52 am
by Gloomcrest
29th of Searing, 4622
It has been a week since Jared had arrived at Genteven through uncomfortable means of travel. To stow away in the darkest corners you could find in a cramped deck full of cargo isn't the most luxurious way to get around places but most certainly the cheapest method if you don’t get caught.

It did take some time to adjust to the new setting as Genteven's style of life is a bit different to Alistian, such as how the people are treated, what things you can afford, and what you can do. Jared wasn't too keen to experience social constraints but must comply if he wanted to stay out of trouble for the time being, but a few shops caught Jared's gleaming eye. A few weapon & armour stores, jewellery merchants & even a few artisan workshops have some substantial value.

"Hmmm…. let's take it slow. A simple artisan's workshop should have plenty of finished goods and raw materials that I could pawn off for the right buyer. The question now is which one should be my mark…."

Jared spent a lot of time scouring every nook and cranny along with the common districts that spread across Genteven's soil. Seeking high and low, observing from the shadows of the alleys peering over rooftops in the middle of moonglow night,; even hanging off the side of the building to obtain a different perspective of the mark. After all, every building and security has a flaw; it is all about finding that tiny crack and utilising it to its fullest potential.

One such workshop is a decent-sized cottage, one with a few additional rooms to boot (generally a good sign of wealth or having connections to wealthy people.) The building hosts two people. A young burette female human who seems to be an apprentice and an older black-haired female human who appears to be the master of this establishment; They seem to work on accessories such as brooches, pendants & lockets.

Jared mutters to himself for a moment as he hangs off the side of a high white-stone building outside the city streets' main view. "Hmmm… It seems like a good place to start. Lightweight, portable and easy to sell; not a bad find, not a bad find indeed. Remember now; it's not how much you steal but what you steal…." Taking a deep breath, the Jet-black-hair thief quickly descends the side of the marble building into the alleyways before vanishing into the shadows, waiting for the dead of night to approach, the hour in which a thief operates.

In the meantime, a brisk stroll through a busy marketplace is a perfect way to kill time. Jared had a routine to go through; simply bump into random marks that he could pick out of the crowd and let his nimble fingers take what they could grab; some people have loose-fitted coin purses, and others might need a blade to cut loose. A sharp knife can cut through even the thickest fabric if given enough time and patience. In Jared's case, he uses his ability to create umbralplasm in the smallest amount possible, just enough so that umbralplasm can be altered into a jet-black onyx ring around his right ring finger. When a purse can be cut open, the band will taper out into a thin razor's edge before slicing a bag wide open with a flick of his finger, where the contents of the bag can be collected & stashed away in Jared’s hidden pockets before vanishing into a sea of many faces.

To say that Jared's created mayhem is an understatement. After all, if multiple people had their stuff stolen right underneath your nose in broad daylight, Wouldn't they start wailing and accusing people around them? Well, when the fighting started, that was Jared's cue to slink into the safety of the darkened alley streets with his honest earning and remove his umbralplasm ring. "Alright, not a bad haul today, but there is a much bigger fish to catch tonight…. Better to prepare yourself, Jared. Unfamiliar soils & little tricks of the trade are a good way to get yourself caught and even killed. Time to collect some stuff and make this happen…."

He has a decent amount of Farthings in his belt. Next, it was time to set up the board; Jared spent the remaining waking hours of light. He was gathering miscellaneous items such as oil, rope, a hand mirror and a few other things to assist in breaking in or escaping out of a sticky situation. Once Jared had collected all the items, it was time to return to the marked target and observe from a distance until the coast was clear.

As the sun begins to fade and the curtains of night sweep over Genteven, lulling most to the warmth of their bed or start to the evening work. So too do the mice and rats crawling out of the gutter, making opportunities to become rich or survive another night longer; for Jared, the dead of night approaches and his time to strike on the unsuspecting artisan. They are waiting on the rooftops of a nearby building, close to the Artisans' workshop. The Jet-black-hair thief looks over the edge, carefully observing when the time is right to start his illicit operation. "Okay, time to play the act, Jared. The stage is set, and it is up to you to make this performance flawless. If all goes according to plan, only the mist enters and leaves the premises without a trace."

With that, Jared strung into action once the flickering candlelight within the workshop turned off and an hour had passed to ensure that the owner of the building was fast asleep. Taking a quick look from his vantage point, Jared could see a few guards patrolling around the area with a torch in hand. "Best to do this fast; grab what you think is of value and what information could be worth selling…." With that, Jared quickly descends into the alleyway with his umbralplasm rope, trying his best not to make a sound as he continues his way down the street level.

The first thing that Jared did was to check if any windows could be used as an entry point, as the front doors of any workshop would have some sort of bell system attached to alert the owner of a customer entering the premises (though it was possible to break through the front if you could disable the bell first.)

After a little kit of skulking and weaving in-between patrol patterns, a suitable window frame that slides upward was located. A simple internal latch slides an L-shaped bolt in, but the annoying thing about it was that a padlock was attached. "Well… this makes my job a bit harder but let's see what I can do…." Jared chuckles, enjoying the thrill of a heist, even if it is a minor one. Taking a moment to form a globe of umbralplasm in his hand, Jared took a moment to extend the plasm out into thin, needle-shaped spears, which quickly slipped through the cracks and seams of the paned window before snaking their way over to the lock. "Okay, just like you practised… now… concentrate…." Jared mutters as the mysterious black fluid enters through the bottom, slipping into the keyhole and slowly filling the space of the keyhole. His muscles are locked, and his breath is as still as a stone pillar.

When Jared felt slight resistance from the padlock, he could breathe again. "There we go, now…. Just slowly twist it and make sure to grab the lock…." With that, Jared begins his fine manipulation of the umbralplasm, slowly twisting his wrist as if it were a key itself before Jared could hear a slight 'pop' and the lock springing from there. Jared maintains his focus on the plasm so that an extension would reach the shackle, lifting and twisting it before an additional extension from the main branch of the plasm motions itself over to the latch and move the bolt to the side to its unlocked position.

It was only then that Jared heard the thudding, metallic footsteps approaching from a distance. His time was cutting short, and he still needed to get; Sparing very little time, Jared quickly moves the padlock on the windowsill, trying his best to not make a sound before sliding the window up, which makes a slight scratching which causes the Jet-black-hair thief to wince. "Shit… Please don't let the owners hear that…'' before Jared could think of any further plans, his body springs into action, as he quickly slips through the window, landing sort of softly into the workshop space before turning around and as silently as possibly pulls the window down which again makes another minor creak. With so little time left, Jared simply fucked underneath the window, clinging to the wall like he was a sheet of paper. His amber-hued gaze widened as the sounds of metallic footsteps approached.

The torch's light shines through the glass panes, casting shadows in every direction possible before quickly fading into the ambient moonlight. Waiting for a second or two passes, Jared could sigh of relief, but the job had only begun, and his arms felt slightly off with minor cramping. "Okay…. Coast is clear, let's start the search…." From this point, Jared carefully moved around the workshop, checking every nook and cranny, leaving no stone unturned. Pilfering whatever was deemed valuable, generic rings, brooches, pendants and even a ledger with various client names and signatures.

One particular thing Jared was on the lookout for was hidden compartments; false walls, floors and even false bottoms in drawers & chests and as luck would have it. A few pouches of what seemed to be raw materials for making jewellery, such as metals (Mainly brass & cadmium) and dranari notes could be found in a nearby chest (that contained a false panel on the backside of the chest) that was located in the back of the workshop.

"There is probably more I could take, but time is short… and my pockets are full of lasting me a bit of time…. Now I just gotta get out of here and find a fence to pawn these goods off…." Jared mutters before heading back to his entrance point and quickly oiling the sides of the window. At least the creaking noises are muffled before carefully listening to hear any possible footsteps before exiting the premise & re-securing the padlock in place with his umbralplasm in his attempts to leave as little trace as possible.

Scaling back onto the Thieves Highway, Jared takes a brief look out into the ocean, the crescent moon glimmering beautiful. "Well, this has been a pleasant night, but it is time to hang my head low… already creating enough trouble for the time being… It should be a little bit more lively now…. " With that, Jared quickly scurries off, leaping from rooftop to rooftop to return to his temporary squalid hideout to rest and plan his next strike on an unsuspecting mark.

Re: [Montein - Job Tread] Rags to Some Riches - Casing & pilfering an artisan's workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:56 am
by Salen


Larceny: Cutting purses and bags open;
Investigation: Seeking hidden caches in workshops;
Stealth: Breaking-In;
Nightfall: Altering properties of Umbralplasm texture, width & height in different junctions;
Nightfall: Altering properties of Umbralplasm texture to resemble small blades;
Climbing: Ascending & Descending off of buildings;

Loot:A few gemstones, some generic jewellery made of brass & cadmium, some dranari bank notes & a ledger of people's names & signatures.
Injuries: N/A

Points: 7, you may use 3 in Nightfall.

Comments: This was a great read, I hope to see Jared develop further.