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[Valtoria, memory] An Unusual Customer

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:15 pm
by Thomas
24th of Searing, Year 4618

Business in Valtoria had been unexpectedly good. Maybe it had been a while since the locals had some entertainment, or maybe they'd just caught the city when it was on an upswing. No matter what the cause, Thomas' coffers were growing quite full of farthings. Three of the local ladies had even tipped him some bank notes. They said it was because he was good at what he did, but he suspected it was because his biceps looked fantastic in his stupid little vest. Magnus had been right about the vest, though, as well as the decision to extend their stay in Valtoria.

It was well and truly dark outside now, the bright heat of day becoming more of a dull, background haze, the kind of sweaty night that called for chilled wine for those that could afford it, and visits to a watering hole for those that had the spare time. Since Thomas had neither money for fripperies or time for anything, he just did his best to ensure his mascara didn't run as he looked into his crystal orb.

It was actually just a big lens he'd swiped from a factory back home that he'd painted with glitter and stars on it, but uncivilized rubes in Daravin weren't going to be able to tell the difference anyhow. He doubted they knew what a printing press was in much of this continent while his home country regularly pumped out new inventions that moved the country forward. Not that it much mattered, because he had no intention of ever going back.

On what was to be the last night of the circus in Valtoria, his tent was not quite as busy as it had been on the two nights prior, but it just meant that people who came by took longer, and he was paid by the question, so it worked out. There was something that intrigued him, however: a single, attractive man wandering around the circus. Usually, men this young and attractive came with simpering women on their arms who couldn't believe their good fortune, and stayed in the dancehall or bar for much of the night. This man seemed restless, though, at times even lurking by Thomas' tent.

Or rather, Altair's tent. When he completed his latest prognostication, he offered a gently scented cloth to the crying older woman about the news that should yet bear another child, and advised that she keep it, if she wished. She was so delighted she seemed to float from the tent, leaving his table open. He cocked his head at the man lurking just beyond the threshold.

"I say, young man," he boomed, "do you care to call upon the prodigious prognostication of Altair the Clairevoyant?"

Re: [Valtoria, memory] An Unusual Customer

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:52 pm
by Zaros
♅ 24th of Searing, Year 4618 ♅
Company: Handsome Fortuneteller| Thoughts: This should be good| Mood: relaxed, intrigued

As much as I wanted to be out hunting down botchlings, or even the corrupted abominations that attacked the shoreline of Valtoria, Haldir suggested that it would be better for me to clear my head, take my mind off of the task I had spent so much of my life preparing for. We had only been here for a season, but it was clear that my obsession with hunting down that dranoch was consuming, and not wanting to see me become devoured by it, he ordered me to go and relax.

With no other choice, I set out to "mingle" with the townsfolk. I happened to overhear about this circus that was in town from a peasant who happen to be in the local market earlier that day. I was rather intrigued to see what the fuss was all about, as performance groups like these were not something I had the pleasure of coming across in my life. Upon reaching the campgrounds I was amazed by what I saw, as it was truly something out of a kid's fantasy.

Upon breaching the threshold of the circus grounds, I was bombarded by vibrant color. Though I was hardened by the extremes of fighting an unseen war I could still appreciate beautiful displays. The place was so vibrant with life, part of which made me homesick, but on the other hand reminded me that this was why I was doing what I was doing, to protect such beauty.

For the first time since joining the Black Remedy, I felt unburdened by the weight of duty and secrecy I was subjected to. It was beautiful, and I was having the time of my life, feeling like a tourist trying everything that was free to try. Coming off the high of my excitement, I found myself just wandering around now, taking in the other people as they were entertained by the circus performers.

I was enjoying the scenery around me, given that I didnt have many happy moments I could fondly recall of recent years. No, I was going to enjoy every moment of this. Admits my delighting in the visuals before me, a presence called out to me, and I couldnt help but to immediately tense up on the inside but kept my outward appearance calm and unbothered by the person's voice. Hearing his invitation I turned my head, allowing my eyes to find the source. It came from a tent of someone claiming to be Altair the Clairevoyant.

I wasnt much for fortunetelling, but I figured I'd give it a go, and ventured into the tent. Looking the man over he was..........actually quite handsome, an intriguing look to him, but definitely not bad on the eyes that was for sure. "I dont see any harm in it, so why not." I stated, folding my arms under my chest as I leaned back into the chair, my eyes still giving an appraising look over the male before me.

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"

Re: [Valtoria, memory] An Unusual Customer

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:34 pm
by Thomas

Thomas looked at the man through Altair's eyes. He'd had few Sil'Norai clients before. Perhaps their lengthier lifespans made concerns like good luck and romance irrelevant, and there was little point in asking about fertility or prosperity given the hand they'd been dealt. He was difficult to read, but he didn't seem particularly upset about anything. If anything, he seemed happy just to be here. Perhaps he was unfamiliar with circuses; certainly there was little cause for mirth in an awful place like Daravin, and even less in Sil'Elaine.

He extended his arms over his head, letting his fingers form a bridge as he oh-so-casually flexed to see if that sparked any interest, and was unsurprised to see a positive reaction. So that was one reason this man was here, presumably. Most likely, he didn't have a burning question and was just bored, and looking to see what he could get. An explanation of how this worked was probably a good next step.

"Now then, stranger, Altair the Clairvoyant shall explain how he performs his perspicacious prognostication for your aural pleasure. First, you must pay me a farcical fraction of farthings, a trifling tradition, yet necessary for the tremendous toll my abilities take upon me. You pay per query, and multi-part questions are counted as separate questions, so ponder prodigiously prior to petitioning. If you feel ready for our voyage into the fraught and fractious future, please place your farthings on the table, and we shall begin. Am I understood, or shall I be required to repeat sans rhetorical riddles?"

As he spoke, he gradually brought his arms down to his side, showing off his definition in a way that could have been accidental but absolutely wasn't. His foot was on the pedal that would make the crystal ball light up after the patron asked whatever burning question he could throw at him, his smile was incandescent, and he was ready to perform.

Re: [Valtoria, memory] An Unusual Customer

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:50 pm
by Salen


Disguise: Wearing Odd Clothes to Look Exotic
Disguise: Generic Lore x2
Rhetoric: Using Alliteration for Effect
Psychology: Sil'Elaine characteristics and cultural values (basic)
Psychology: Cold-Reading (intermediate)
Psychology: Generic Lore x2

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8 for Thomas

Shame this thread was unfinished; if Ellasir would like any rewards, please let me know, I will distribute fairly.