The Black Dahlia's Revelry [Group Assignment]

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Hugo Abreo
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Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:14 pm


From the moment that he had detected the strange invisible person in the corner, everything happened rapidly. Hugo had just finished drawing his Brand-based blade when from that same exact source an inky black substance headed towards him. He saw it and yet he did not have the time to dodge out of the way as he breathed in the foulest smell he had ever experienced. Fouler than some of the open-pit sewers that were scattered around the poorer sections of Genteven. This foul sensation then began to spread around his body, putting its grasp on him as he felt everywhere the taint touched grow weaker. Hugo was knocked prone and just focused on breathing, with even that simple action being difficult.

Even as he was knocked prone though, Hugo could see a female figure appearing out of the edge of his vision. He could not make out much due to his viewpoint being partially to the ground but he could make out that her clothes were of fine make and that she was probably an Entente. It seemed that he had got put into some kind of power play by the overly dramatic Rene. At least it seemed that some kind of salvation was near as he felt the taint that had brought him to its knees was suddenly withdrawn. A new voice and presence made it's presence aware, as Hugo took a panicked gasp of air and stood up. Then as he began to regain his breath it seemed that two of the female figures, apparently sisters, had drawn into a conversation of sorts. Which was fine by him as it allowed Hugo time to regain his bearings and gain an understanding of his surroundings. Then just as he had done that, the fight was on.

Several followers of this other figure, (Dahlia ?) made their presence known. Coming out of the shadows just as their leader made their presence known. The most prominent and attention-drawing of this figure was a somewhat lithe female figure who seemed to transform INTO A FUCKING BEAR !!!! Hugo had heard of malformity mages before, but to hear of them and to see them change was something completely different. As he saw how this female person had their mass increased due to magic. Then to make the situation even worse, the bear figure was now eying Hugo with a look that all beings recognized on a primal level. The look of a predator seeing its prey, (specifically with the intent to eat it).

Hugo rapidly assessed his options and life decisions as he saw the bear, then began to back up. Even as the area surrounding him began to shift into some other kind of environment. Sure that was something important that had to be kept in mind but it was very much a secondary concern to the massive bulk in front of him. Though he did notice how all the surfaces in the room began to grow reflective and how the very walls began to shift in order to make it more labyrinthine. But the bear was still in front of him, it was just beginning to charge when it was delayed by something. He could not make out what it was but he did see how a shadowy substance of sorts gave him several seconds of time to create some distance between him and the bear, who afterwards also seemed quite intent on destroying this mirror realm. Which was fine by him as Hugo began eying the bear, and began to take a deep breath before pulling raw ether towards him. Feeling the raw sensation as the burning sensation went through his core and then towards his hands. Where the ether began to spark and fizzle as it formed into a sort of viscous substance. Seeming almost reminiscent of clay or slime, but it was something far more dangerous than that.

Making account of the distance between him and the bear, Hugo began to throw these bolts/balls of Galvanized Ether towards the head of the bear. Specifically aiming for the area around the eyes. Because whilst he could not take out the bear in a straight-up fight, he could push the conditions of the fight in his favour.

Assuming that this succeeds, Hugo would try to be mostly quiet and keep out of the claw range of the mostly blinded bear. Dancing around the edge of its range.
Even as he did so Hugo began to take more control of his conjured magical shortsword, as instead of being in Hugo's hands it began floating in front of him. Eventually reaching about 10-15 feet ahead of Hugo's form. From this distance, it began to attack the form of the bear. Maneuvring around the (hopefully) mostly blinded being and slowly creating several cuts across the bear's body by slashing at its side or acting as a tool for the bear to impale itself upon if it charged in any particular direction. Whilst the sword was trying to cause death by several dozen cuts (it would probably not be a thousand) Hugo would directly begin tossing more galvanized ether at the bear. Trying to focus around the head area, hopefully causing further damage to the bear and frying its brains out whilst it is distracted by the floating sword.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:09 am


Vinsue looked at Rene as he mentioned the sadness was caused by magic. Her cheerful smile immediately dropped "your offer to help is why I'm here," She said. As the ink hit Jared she would dunk immediately struggling not to panic. She would lose this struggle as all chaos broke out.. She stepped back, her eyes wide. As the bear took shape she froze going into shock. It was too much for her to handle all at once. She was barely able to remain calm around a mage but the use always scared her. Bringing back memories of when her friend died. 

It was quickly clear she was not ready for a battle like this. A bar fight, well those were easy, two people focused on fists. Even then she was never part of them; she was always the one to stop a bar fight. Now blades and magic. Actual lives at stake was not something she was ready for. This was not something she trained for as why would she, she a lowborn tradesmen. Escape became her main goal. But there was no way out that did not involve the mages. Despite her plan she was frozen in fear only moving after Jared helped move her out of danger. She began to move as the pink cloud took the room. Replacing it with mirrors 

Vinsue looked around confused but soon began walking through the mirror maze. She stopped when she noticed one of the attackers. He stood with his back to her and so she did what any crazy non magic person would do. She ran up to the man knowing stealth was not going to happen. Goal stomp his calf to cause him to fall than knee him where the sun don't shine and lastly run to follow the changing mirror scape to get as fat away from the danger.
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:05 am

The gnome appeared to have caused quite a bit of grievance for Ulric who was chasing the little gnome. A good kick in his shin left him screeching in pain before he looked at the gnome and growled "Why... You LITTLE!" He continued to chase the gnome, until he was blocked by the change in the illusory landscape, he eventually sighed and made his way followed the labyrinth's path to the center where Salen and Rene were focusing their ether to stabilise each other. Ulric grinned as he pulled his dagger out and climbed the stairs to the pedestal where Salen and Rene were performing their astralisation channelling. It was strenuous on both the mages, but the question was, why was Rene so helpful to Salen in the first place?

"You still have alot of unanswered questions, why me... Is there more to this than my vendetta against Dahlia?"

"Now's not the time to explain..."

"You claim to have the answer to my problems, but what is it? What is it that you so give fulfillment to that you desperately reach out to me through my dreams?"

"That'll come in time, now focus!"

That did not make Salen feel any easier, but it appeared that he was watching the bear blindly destroy his mindscape; the bear appeared to be frustrated with the Galvanised bolts of ether that Hugo had been throwing at her. Charlotte wasn't about to give up as began to smash the place, hoping that she'd catch Hugo from the sight of blindness, instead she caught Klade with her teeth and began to maul him in a bloody mass as she received the blunt blows from the streams of Volley, coming from Jared. Eric looked terrified for a moment as he shook his head "Charlotte! You killed Klade! Do you not know the concept of friendly fire!" He said distracted for a moment as he proceeded to gain eyes on the thief, before unleashing a tendril of water. It was eventually cut off before Eric turned around and noticed the bear coming forth towards Eric.

"CHARLOTTE! NOOOO!" The tormented screams of Eric would come as he was mangled and brutally killed by the blind bear. She was hungry and was desperate to find the mage who initially caused her blindless. She would eventually begin to cast Chimerism and mold her tail intil a giant scorpion tail, ensuring that each strike she inflicts will inject her victims with a deadly and potent venom. She continues to prowl across the labyrinth, blind and relying on the use of sound to track her victims. Salen sighed as he watched from the pedestal, seeing the others struggle for their lives.

Rene sighed "Disable your illusion..."

"What? And let the bear loose in a small room? She'd kill us!"

"Just trust me..."

Salen eventually stopped channelling his ether as the room appeared to slowly return back to normal, everyone would find themselves stood in the middle of the room with a bear wielding a large scorpion tail. It growled as Salen eventually conjured a Compass. The bear growled at everyone as it eventually began to charge at Salen. He stood there, stoic in his expression he shook his head "You are crazy, Salen... So crazy, that you're not thinking straight..." He said to himself as he watched the bear charge towards him. He proceeded to dived to the side, rolling and tumbling. Whilst within momentum, he threw the compass in the bear's way and beginning to initiate the cast of Stratum.

The Compass transformed into a black shadowy wall, that eventually ensnared the struggling bear. It desperately began to struggle as the grip of the Stratum's umbralplasm was heavy and dense, that the bear remained in a snared condition. Salen eventually looked at Hugo, Jared and Vinsue "Would any of you do the honors?"

Dahlia began to channel a figure of sound, eventually using Aural Burst to break the bear free, meaning that she was loose once again "Oh no you don't..." She tutted, before Sonic Blinking and swirling her particles around Hugo, before she materialised in behind of him, laughing as she eventually begins to channel her ether, eventually conjuring a mound of black pathos and began initiating the effects of Sopor upon Hugo. Once she was done with the casting time and he was limp, shrugging "Oh, I have so many things to do with this one, Rene... Congratulations... You've revealed too much and now I shall have the upper hand... I will make sure your plan doesnt succeed, that includes that filthy lowborn of a rat over there..." She pointed towards Salen.

"You will not survive! I will make sure of it..." She eventually brought out a Shard Resonator device and propped it up on a chair, before channeling her ether to create a portal, throwing Hugo inside, before walking in herself as it closes swiftly. Salen growled as he tried to throw one last inch of Umbraplasm at her, before Rene stops him.

"Cordelia... If you will..."

Cordelia nodded as she began to immerse the Malformist in a Pearl of Water, created within the vapour particles around her, before beginning to cast Baptism again. The Malformist's bear form would eventually become more human as she is dropped on the floor in a wettened heap, coughing. Rene eventually levitated her with Weave as he narrows his eyes "You're going to tell me... Exactly where Dahlia's lair is... And only then, will I have the compassion to spare you... But right now... I don't feel quite in the mood for lies."

"Let me handle it, Rene... I'll make the bitch talk..." Salen interrupted, before he grabs her by the neck and slams her against the wall "Don't fucking lie... Tell the truth, because I'll find out weither your alive right now..."

"A... A... Amoren! She... She uses the sewer system!"

"Sounds like a sewer rat needs a drop of rat poison..."

"Seems so... Andre, could you take Vinsue to somewhere private, talk with her..." He spoke softly before whispering in his ear "I sense she's a little bewildered..."

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Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:14 pm


She smiled at the man when he crumpled in pain she caused. This joy did not last long as he managed to get up. She immediately frowned as she turned and began to run. Relief was present as the maze blocked her chaser from her. She stopped to take a breather. The mirror showed her hair was a mess and that she had lost her mask at some point.  Soon the sound of an angry bear hollering accompanied by pain filled screams echoed through the labyrinth. She again started working her way out of the maze. This kept her on edge. She stayed ready to run but hoped that would not be needed. 

Then everything changed. The mirrors melted away to put them all back in the small room. A small room with a scorpion bear. Who was extra pissed. She took a light stance ready to dodge the bear. She quickly decided to hide under one of the chairs. She was not ready for a fight like this. But instead of hiding she looked for something she could throw. She decided this as Hugo fell unconscious. He protected her in the beginning of the fight; the least she could do is return the favor. But she was not fast enough to stop her from taking him away through the portal. She did however get enough time to find an inkwell and throw it at Dahlia before the portal closed. She fully hoped it would cover the kidnapper with the black gooey substance.

Vinsue was mad that Hugo was kidnapped but at least it would seem that the others also wanted him to be found. She stood watching them interrogate the bear lady. It took a lot to not run or freeze at the magical demonstration of water directed at the bear. She was shaken and scared but she was able to focus on anger to help hide a little of her fear. 

The second she was given a chance to leave the room she would take it. She needed a minute to get over what had just happened. Her greatest fear had been magic since she was little, due to it killing her best friend. But this was the first time she had seen many of them in use. 

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Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:53 am

Andre took her aside to the dining room before sighing, shaking his head as he could still feel the ringing in his ears from the battle. The sharp screaming of Dahlia's resonance magic almost proved too much, not to mention the force of the soundwaves that knocked him back and forth. He noticed the gnome's anger and fear was prevalent. He eventually sat down to make the gnome easy as they spoke "Rene said you have a fear of magic? The only way you conquer that fear is through psychological exposure, by normalising it. You'll find magic is everywhere and, in some cases, we all have ether within us" He takes a piece of ceramic pottery and begins to erode its contents into a powdery substance.

"Sometimes, the best way to conquer a fear is to take our monsters and become them... You fear mages for their magic, but you shouldn't fear magic as a whole, only the people that wield such great forces..." He gathers the powder and sits down near Vinsue "I will begin, take this powder and swallow it." He said softly, trying to ease the gnome into the initiation process. Although he knew it wasn't going to be easy.
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Hugo Abreo
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Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:52 pm


Hugo watched in horrified horror as it seemed that the actions that he had undertaken had been almost too effective. His tactic had worked, with the galvanized ether causing a great deal of pain for the massive bear and obscuring her vision. Admittedly as a consequence of channelling so much Ether, primarily due to the galvanized ether, muscles around his arms were moving independently of his will. With spasms affecting his mobility and manual dexterity. But a few muscle spasms were very much worth the fact that he was alive and well, whilst several bear's allies did not have the luxury of breathing, or having a heartbeat. Hugo knew one thing for certain, he would not forget the sight of the atrocities committed by the sentient bear. First, he had seen how her jaws had closed around a man's head, followed by the sound of sharp breaks as her huge paws impacted the man's body. But this was only the appetizer, as the bear discovered another target in the labyrinth, Eric Augustus a.k.a. the main course. Hugo watched with rising horror and bile as the noble he had admired beat the Veir into a bloody mess. This effect was made worse as the bear seemed to take a few bites out of the chest of the noblemen, chunks of red meat present in the creature's mouth. A fate which Hugo himself might suffer if he was not careful.

This became even clearer as the room shifted and became smaller. Which meant that the bear was getting closer to everyone else. Then he heard male voices talking, and he saw how Salen and Rene were having a loud discussion with each other. Something that Charlotte the Blind Bear had clearly noticed as well as she sought to vanquish another human being, all to gain revenge for her injury. Something which was luckily avoided as he saw how some kind of shadowy shape seemed to pin the bear to the ground and prevent her from moving even further. Meaning that most of the enemy combatants had now been dealt with. Which meant there was only still one potential enemy remaining. Though he could not see where they were.

He then heard Salen asking for someone taking the honours to finish the bear. Hugo hesitated about whether or not he should kill the creature, which meant he did not notice the last remaining enemy combatant taking her last course of action. Hugo heard a sound that he was quite familiar with, as he saw the bear was somehow released, only to hear the sound of very high-frequency vibrations behind him. He turned around, getting ready to thrust his sword towards the source of the sound but it was too late. The figure of Dahlia appeared out of the edge of his vision, then his vision began to........ blur. He could feel his eyes grow heavy and his limbs beginning to limply hang downwards. It was an odd sensation, he felt like he was about to fall asleep at any moment, and yet he smelled odd things. He could of course smell sensations from the corpses, a faint smell of urine, but more prominently was a smell reminiscent of stale/rotten bread. It clogged up his throat and seemed to shut down his body.

The last thing Hugo heard was the sound of a female voicing almost monologuing. As his vision faded he could only think one thing:


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Fri Oct 14, 2022 6:10 am

At this point, everything was a blur to Jared; his sole focus on trying to keep himself from harm's way from the Risen & Mentalist was proving to be more complex than the thief would like to admit. He was indeed fighting off two people while trying his best to keep his gnomish friend & battle-born buddy from getting themselves killed in one way or another.

For a brief moment, he could see Hugo battling out the giant bear that was merely charging through the fractal mindscape that Salen had created to assist his allies while hindering his opponents, a feat that was required by someone who had seen combat of sorts for quite some time. Something the thief was somewhat jealous of as his experience with combat is minimal at best due to his habits of circumventing possible encounters through the use of distractions, stealth & bypassing security.

Another thing of note was Vinsue’s attempts at hindering the Engraver with dirty fighting tactics. The thief could afford a brief smirk underneath his facecloth & porcelain mask, as that is something Jared would have done if he had been given a chance to do so. In a fight for life, honour is merely a flimsy shield & living is far more critical in a situation such as this.

With seconds passing quickly, the thief was doing his best at trying to avoid potential critical hits onto his body with the use of his innate acrobatics and when it proved to be difficult; controlling the bouncing orbs of penumbra into intercepting ranged attacks by soaking the hit before causing it to bounce off to a semi-random direction that was dictated by the direction where the globe received the impact.

Still, the sense of battle fills the thief’s veins with adrenaline as he continues to make himself as distant as possible from his foes, manipulating the orbs of compressed darkness which ricochet across the gleaming hallways of refracting glass. Then, seeing that the Risen Magus tosses out a tendril of water towards the Nightfallen Mage. Jared takes a moment to flick his index & middle finger in an upward motion as one of the dense umbralplasm spheres that bounce onto the ground suddenly squishes itself flat before launching itself towards Eric, smashing his wrist as the orb, which weighted much like an iron ball whacks itself into the flimsy magus; shattering the bones as it flies into a nearby wall & disjointing the stream of water being conjured at the thief’s direction.

As all of this was happening, a glimpse caught the thief’s eye as a bolt of galvanised energy shot forward from Hugo’s hand, landing squarely at the large bear’s eyes which caused it to roar in anger & begin charging through the mirror-like world. Seeing this chance as people quickly turn their attention to the bear, Jared starts to fiddle with his fingers as if puppeteering the nearby compasses to branch out like swarming vines of liquid shadow.

“Come on, Jared; you need to get those trinkets….”

Pushing himself to manipulate multiple compasses was an exhausting feat that the thief had not done before; he could feel his muscles spasm & a thunderous headache loom as the vines danced across the room & reaching towards the glimmering emblems which he so desperately wanted. Finally, using his pinkie finger, the amber-eyed thief makes a hook shape before tugging his finger inwards towards his palm, which causes the umbralplasm to latch itself onto Eric, Klade & Ulric’s badges which were being displayed for the thief’s take.

There was little remaining time that this brief moment of chaos allowed the thief to conduct his larceny in mid-combat, Pulling his right hand back as if he was reeling in a fish. The umbralplasm that managed to hook itself onto the emblems merely tore off the fabric it was attached to. It swiftly returned into the bouncing umbralplasm before the room suddenly shifted to reality.

Jared was so focused on getting the emblems into his hands that he didn’t realise until it was too late that Dahlia let out a wicked cackle like the hag she was before pulling Hugo into a strange warp and disappearing into oblivion. At the same time, the giant bear was rampaging through the room, mauling down Klade before doing the same with Eric.

“Holy shit…”

The thief couldn’t help but panic for a moment or two as he had just witnessed Hugo being abducted, one of Dahlia’s supporters gone missing & the other being extorted out for any available information they may have. Nevertheless, the amber-eyed alistian couldn’t help but make his way towards one of the spheres of darkness he had conjured, quickly clinging to his clothing as he collected the stolen emblems that he strived to take.

It was only when the thief had a closer inspection of these badges that Jared spoke up but breathed heavily as the accumulation of fatigue settled in.

“I don’t know if this will be important, but the attackers had these on them… We are also missing a man with a torch….”

Presenting the emblems to Rene, his retainers & Salen, the thief tries to move his body as he attempts to try & find the missing supporter, but his body gives as he collapses onto the floor; the strain on his body and soul is forcing the thief to remain immobile from the build-up of radioactive ether & his already existing Mageblight.

As much as the thief tried to speak, no words could come out & his vision quickly became hazy before darkness took over, his body needing much rest as he pushed his sickened body to its limits.

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Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:48 am

The interrogation of the female would continue as there was murderous intent in Salen's eyes, Rene would eventually look at the malformist's eyes for a moment as he tilts his head. He eventually takes a strange emblem from her neck before she screams out "No! You can't take that, that is important..."

"So, you're one of House Demarik?" He asked curiously before shrugging his shoulders "Hmm... Nothing more to say I suppose..."

The female laughed for a moment as she shook her head "So you're Salen... The one who was in those pretty little love notes I read, before mauling your lover to death..." He said for a moment as Salen's anger was burning, raging inside as his anguish was developing in perpetual flame. A mixture of sorrow in his eyes as she tried to provoke him, the Malformist's was beginning to malform into a bear, but only half way through the transformation, Salen grabbed a dagger from the table; he turned around, lodging the sharp blade into her throat, twisting it so the woman would feel the eternal suffering that Salen had brought into with.

With vindiction and malice, he took the blade out, before aggressively following up with consecutive stab wounds, one after the other, showing his untameable vengeance and furious anger; especially against the woman who killed his own lover "ROT IN BEL!" He said, continuing to stab the woman and inflicting as much pain as possible "Salen was covered in her blood, Her body slumped against the floor as she took her last breath, before Salen spat at her disrespectfully "I hope you're satisfied with your situation, because I hope you choke on your own blood..."

Rene seemed shocked as Synthar approached and looked at the gorey scene of a woman lavished in a pool of blood, created by Salen's hands. Salen was heaving in anger as he shook his head, in sudden realisation of his actions. His emotions completely took over from that moment, but there was nothing he could do now. As Salen left the scene, Rene was shaking as he looked over at Synthar, before he took Jared's tired body and slumped him over his shoulder, knowing he needed medical assistance.

"Keep an eye on him... I'm worried he's going to do something crazy and jeopardise our plan... Inform Andre and get everyone sobered up and out of this blistering hell of a manor... I have a reputation to uphold..."

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Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:12 am



Remnant: Astralisation - Projecting a Fragment of your mindscape
Remnant: Astralisation - The Phantasmal Landscape of a Mind.
Remnant: Astralisation - Costs Ether to Channel and Maintain.
Nightfall: Compass - Using Compass to Conjure a Wall of Darkness
Nightfall: Stratum - A Wall of Umbraplasm
Nightfall: Stratum - Can Ensnare Targets
Nightfall: Stratum - Can create sharp tendrils of Umbraplasm.
Mentalism: Tethers - Analysing a Mural
Mentalism: The Mural - The Emotional Landscape of a Mind.
Mentalism: The Weave - Keeping Objects afloat in Combat.
Flight: Using your body weight to maintain momentum and balance.
Blades: Consecutive stabbing.
Blades: Twisting a dagger.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: +2 mageblight

Points 5XP non magic 5XP magic




Unarmed Combat: rules change when faced with life or death
Unarmed Combat: groin kick
Unarmed Combat: using anger
Unarmed Combat: time changes when afraid
Deception: hiding fear
Deception: convincing one's self
Tactics: knowing where everyone is
Tactics: knowing who's on your team
Tactics: knowing where the closest makeshift weapon might be.
Storytelling: know the senses
Storytelling: a new story of mirrors and and a bear
Larceny: snatching flowers
Larceny: the shoulder can't stop her

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 non magic XP




Investigation: Noticing cues of invisible people in brightly lit-rooms;
Investigation: Seeking clues for anything odd;
Etiquette: Remaining calm over inflammatory comments;
Persuasion: Prying into hidden motives;
Tactics: Reacting to surprised attack;
Tactics: Making use of conjuring non-lethal hazards;
Running: Creating distance with large strides;
Acrobatics: Gliding across obstacles while running;
Nightfall (Compass): Creating ricocheting iron-heavy umbralplasm spheres;
Nightfall (Compass): Creating a tar-like spread with umbralplasm to hinder movement;
Nightfall (Stratum): Conjuring a non-lethal whip to knock away ally from danger;
Nightfall (Stratum): Manipulating multiple compasses to create thin vines to steal trinkets from multiple people;
Nightfall (Volley): Launching a barrage of heavy-weighted umbralplasm in quick succession;

Loot: An Emblem of Demarik
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 non magic XP 5 magic XP




Brand: Ethersight - Being able to see a Mentalists's tether
Brand: Ethersight - Seeing an invisible person through the use of ethersight.
Brand: Ethersight- Being able to block out the apperance of bright/glaring Ether so that it does not distract you
Brand: Devise - Knowing how to quickly and safely devise a weapon when combat is near without hurting onself.
Brand: Arbiter - How to properly control a devised weapon from a distance and use it to attack an enemy whilst maintaining a distance
Brand: Galvanize - Knowing how to form galvanized ether shapes to throw at enemies
Brand: Galvanize - Being able to know the average speed/trajectory of Galvanized Ether and how to hit an enemy with it
Brand: Galvanize - The ability/skill to galvanize ether in non-ideal enviroments (in the middle of combat)
5 Generic Lores

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 non magic XP 5 magic XP

word count: 510
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