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Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:02 pm
by Hugo Abreo

Hugo was making his way through the soiree, going through the usual basic steps when something unexpected happened to Hugo. A voice appeared, a voice that he was unfortunately far too familiar with. The voice of Salen no last name given. Which was odd since Hugo did not know that Salen was going to be here in the first place. It was odd that both he and Salen would be invited. Was it related to the expedition of the start of the month, or was this due to the odd relationship that he and Salen shared? That was unclear, but what was clear was that Salen was very much acting like regular Salen again, despite the fact that Hugo could not see the strange man, yet he could still hear his sarcastic and smug voice echoing clearly into his ear.

Salen was implying that he was everywhere Hugo went and was trying to softly intimidate him. Something which was admittedly not completely ineffective. It was scary that Salen could either see/communicate with him remotely or even more dangerously could be invisible. But the latter was unlikely, as in the event that an invisible person bumped into another person it could be very dangerous and inconvenient. Furthermore, Salen had not demonstrated something like this before, so the strange man had to be around here somewhere and/or his ability had to be limited in some kind of sense. At the very least if it was a powerful ability it would come with a heavy ether cost, which reduced the likelihood that he was constantly being surveilled by Salen through this ability. Then finally, to put a 'colourful' end to the conversation Salen insulted Hugo's choice of dress. Which was just plain offensive. Just because style could be subtle did not mean it was bad. It was certainly preferable to being thought of as a reckless, flamboyant fool. Hugo whispered quietly after Salen finished speaking, making sure his muttering to himself wasn't noticed. "If you see and hear everything it is embarrassing how you still always seem to be in the wrong place. And who are you to judge my clothing? You wouldn't be able to discern the difference between a barn and a palace." After that line of conversation, Hugo finally spotted Salen in the crowd, looking right at him. So Salen had to be nearby to mentally talk to him, that was good to know. Then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. An odd symbol was embroidered along his shoulder. Some kind of bird. Hugo could feel anger rising in his chest, the urge to retaliate, but he suppressed the emotion. He had to remain calm. Nothing that could be done about the odd symbolism now. Just had to keep going.

After the most unpleasant of interactions, Hugo began casting his eye throughout the ballroom. Seeing if any notable people were present who could perhaps be useful to talk to. He saw several notable Veir, with one, in particular, catching his eyes. This Veir was Eric Augustus, a man who Hugo might or might not have taken some minor inspiration from. He was a prominent businessman amongst the lower entente and was generally well-liked. Though there were some odd rumours about him, specifically that he was perhaps involved with selling illegal hallucinogenics. But as Hugo knew success bred envy and envy bred bad rumours. Perhaps the man was involved in some minor transgressions, but the same was true for all of the people gathered here. This was still a man of great success, with many possible business contacts that Hugo could use. Sure he might not have the same area of expertise, but many of the movers and shakers of the import and export business were cross-business. Who knew what benefit could be gained from having a conversation with this odd man?

As such after the unseemly interaction with Salen Hugo made his way toward Eric Augustus, introducing himself to the man when the first polite opportunity to do so arose. "Quite a pleasant party is this not ? The decor is well-dressed and the vintages are well-supplied, though I defer on the second topic to the experts." Hugo would give a small nod of his head and a smile in the direction of Augustus before responding further. "My name is Hugo Abreo, a humble Veir and an admirer of your work. Many of our colleagues seem to disdain the art of commerce yet you seem to have mastered it quite well."


Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:18 pm
by Salen
Eric smiled at Hugo once more as he nodded towards him as he stared over at him, before he laughed eccentrically "Aha... Yes, and who are you..." He said as he seemed defensive at the moment, looking him up and down. He appeared to be quite young for the man, but his arrogant attitude proved to be something quite extraordinary. Eric considered his age as he rudely replied "An admirer? Well, I must say it comes with the simple authentication of words. Something that you may be too young to understand yourself." He simply spoke back at Hugo for a moment as he poured himself a glass of wine.

Rene left his private quarters as he took a moment to glance around the room, he narrowed his eyes at the trouble, before approaching Hugo and Eric who were in conversation with each other "Ahh... Eric... I thought you'd be doing one of your little runs around town."

"Rene, why this is a party."

"Don't lie to me, I can see through lies very well, you know that..."

"Yes... You're a Remnomancer... The scary sort, I believe I am mismatched..."

"I am indeed, so... Please try to behave and leave me and this young gentleman alone for a while... We have something to discuss." He said with a smile as Eric nodded before leaving the scene. He eyed the wineglasses as he narrowed his eyes, dipping his finger in one and licking it. The foul taste of a hallucinogenic drug, known as Purgatory, could already be contained as he looked over at Hugo for a moment "And Eric, you're always such a sly little fox. Don't drink the wine..."

He stared at the other party guests for a moment as he watched them become hallucinogenically influenced, seemingly high on euphoria. Rene sighed for a moment as he shook his head "Oh, By the grace of Ulen's eye... What's happened here..." Chaos had started to unfold as Entente were flailing around like wild animals. It would seem Vinsue, Hugo, Jared and Salen would have to contend with stuff themselves, but would they fall influence under the drugged contents of the wine as a rouse that Eric had planned.

"Come... To my private quarters... I will be here; I will be gathering the others." He beckoned Hugo, the chaos started to unfold before him as he knew that Eric had planted a trap, making it completely difficult to endure. Vinsue, Salen and Jared are greeted by Rene's Valran, Synthar and Andre who would beckon them to follow them into the private quarters.

The big question was...

Who was drugged?
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Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:24 am
by Gloomcrest

As the semi-decently dressed rogue ponders at what he could do to improve the food if he was in the position to do so; Jared felt something was off as his intuition, or what most people call a gut feeling, felt strong as if someone was churning the insides of his intestines. As the thief took another bite of his finger foods, it was then and there that the surreal sensation grew in its intensity.

“Uhhh… That’s not good….”

Briefly bringing the food close to his cloth-covered nose, it took the Journeyman Cook a few sniffs to only realise that the aromas were off. What should have been slightly alliaceous with cooked shellfish odour was utterly different from what he uncovered as the meal had a somewhat funky & earthy tonality, some of which he would often associate with mushrooms, mould or some types of root vegetables.

“Better stopping eating; something tells me it isn’t right….”

With that, the thief takes a moment to look around as he seeks a suitable spot to discard the remnants of his appetiser, which came in the form of a servants’ pocket; With a flick of his wrist as he passed by one of the many butlers that roam about the ballroom, the thief quickly stashes away the half-eaten meal into the unsuspecting server before lightly waltzing back to the edge of the ballroom.

It was only then that Jared managed to find two familiar faces; Vinuse, who was dressed wearing a rather brightly yellow dress that made her stand out like deer trying to hide in the middle of a flock of sheep.

On the other hand, Hugo, who was also wearing hues of yellows with a splash of green albeit dull with his armour & contrasted with the lightly mocha brown gloves that had golden laced web designed sewn into the material.

Still, it was a surprise to see them here at this soiree; What are the chances of meeting at such a place? Jared could under if Hugo was invited to such an event, but Vinsue was another thing as she was a lowborn like himself, but then again, the thief couldn’t say much about himself either. The Alistian thief stole all of the clothing he had been wearing right now from the past three days before receiving Rene's invitation, which he still didn’t know much about.

“Might need to lay low for a little bit or not shop for high-end clothing for a little bit.”

Just as the amber-eyed larcenist was about to think further about how he should approach the social debacle that is nobles interacting with each other, kissing each other's ass, in his opinion or a brutal scargrounds of political affairs. His attention was immediately honed in by a mysterious lady whose appearance was the ideal shape of an hourglass & dressed to the high nighs from what the thief could gather based on all the other Entente muttering about who this mysterious person was.

“Seems like another Entente has entered the building…. It feels like I am at a brawling pit, yet something feels odd... Come on, Jared, and your gut has never been wrong about these things... So why are you feeling nervous about it?”

It was true that Jared couldn’t shake off this wave of unease compared to other stressful moments, as if this sensation was clinging to the back of his skin. However, keeping an eye on the mysterious lady in question, the thief loses her once she enters the crowd of Entente, which surprised Jared as he was holding a hawk-eye’s gaze behind his black & white porcelain mask.

“Damn, just like that & she is gone but expected as much if you want to avoid drawing attention to yourself….”

As Jared begins to relax and ponder again how he could gather enough intel to proceed further with whatever plans he would conjure up out of the sky, a familiar soft sultry voice echoes out near his right ear.

“Huh? Oh, it is you…. Wait, what?”

The thief took a moment to turn his head slightly towards the voice, his vision barely catching a glimpse of Salen, who was well-dressed in his black doublet with accents of nightshade purple embroidery paired excellently with his leather pants & boots.

“What are you doing here??? Why are you here of all places???”

Jared, despite being covered in layers of fabric & his face being covered mostly, excluding a small section of his high cheekbone, the Alistian thief seemed very startled by Salen’s appearance, which quickly turned to a bout of flustered stammering for a moment before rapidly recomposing himself as he turns his head away from Salen as he attempts to quell this new sensation when he first met Alistair during his transit from Alistian to Genteven; a deep well of lust that he tries to control yet failing miserably.

“Ummm… Do you know what is going on? I am lost as to why I am here or even my purpose for being here… Hell, I don’t even know why they invited me of all people….”

The thief was slightly annoyed about his current predicament as he could have spent his evening stalking out new marks, finding more opportunities, or even doing further Frost preparations as the days grew colder by the second. Yet, now he was blundering on how to maintain his usual calm & calculating demeanour that he often puts up as his typical guard against the world.

It was only then that Jared’s attention shifted to something disturbing, in his opinion, as the crowd of Entente became elated, which soon became a scene of wild animals flailing. Still, something caught the thief’s eye as he noted that when some of the Entente consumed more of the foods & beverages present, the degree of ecstasy was more substantial, almost brimming, and the cask was about to burst by the scenes.

“What the….”

The nightfallen mage felt stunned for a moment as his gut was right on the mark about the food & drinks being laced with something foul; Before Jared could say anything to Salen about what is going on with everyone, he quickly saw Vinsue also acting in such a manner as well, affected by this unknown substance.

“Shit…. Vinsue seems like some help….”

Before Jared could make his move in his attempts to get a familiar acquaintance out of a sticky situation, the thief was quickly blocked by a 6’2ft tall man who looked human with some notable Sil’Norai features, which are incredibly stunning in the thief’s opinion to the point, Jared felt his heart skip a beat as his scarred hands begin to sweat profusely. The same sensation that he felt from Alistair & Salen was also occurring with the mysterious figure.

Jared followed this stranger, who beckoned him over to another section of the manor; He could not keep his eyes off this stranger for even one second as much as his logic screamed at him to pull the breaks and assess the situation around him, leaving Hugo, Vinsue & Salen to figure out their predicament—quickly weaving through the crowd of maddened people as if he was dancing with his acrobatic movements, avoiding much of the ensuing chaos that erupts among the many before vanishing into another part of the building.


Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:56 pm
by Salen
Salen wondered his eyes over to Jared for a moment as he spoke to him within the crowd before sighing deeply "I... I would like to ask myself the same question, it smells of a trap here... Although Entente gossip is the only way to destroy one's fame... You know what to do, keep quiet, don't say anything, smile and nod politely... That's all you can do, even if this place does make your blood boil from half the time..." The little thief appeared to be flustered by his presence and even more so by the party's environment, knowing how chaotic is is when people are enduring nights of drunken debauchery, it was fine for him, he could handle the dark nature of these events, particularly when there was a vile and yet exciting thrill within the game. It wasn't until Salen noticed that strange and yet familiar smell, wafting from the underground covens of Amoren, the smell of a drug he use to share with his lover.

Purgatory. He could sense the hallucinogenic compound by it's earthy and pungent aroma, scrunching his nose up. Why do things have bad smells when they make even the darkest feelings of esctasy light up; the ascending euphoria that drove someone to mania, atleast for the normal and mundane people. Of course, Salen wasn't a fan of such a drug for he prefered lighter and more relaxing tones compared to the infinite chaos that is spread by none other than a demonic mold from the depths of Bel.

Salen looked around, noticing the gnome girl from the expedition. She appeared to be in some kind of expedition, of course he knew if he picked up a gnome she might start wiggling about like Moop would. The stubborn eccentric girl he met in the badlands; it was clear they had something in common, they both thought highly of themselves when infact they needed a reality check.

And fast...

He could see that all the other Entente appeared to be acting like unruly animals as they would fling themselves at each other in chaos; even causing fights whilst under the influence. It was a question of weither Rene would simply let this matter unfold into something much darker or worse, or possibly do something about it. He eyed Rene who appeared to be with Hugo at the time, when he witnessed him talking with him, directing him towards the private quarters. Salen could feel a bottle club him in the back as it smashed behind him, he winced as the force appeared to be invisible from behind him, the sound of footsteps followed by a feminine shadow could be seen running away, giggling with glee.

Salen growled as he tried to find the perpetrator, until Andre stopped him in place "Oh... It's you... Did you see that! Fucking traitorous bitch..."

"Yes I saw... Come, Rene wants to see you..." He pats him on his shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze before he left for the private quarters behind the curtain.

Meanwhile, the party was in chaos and it seems like there were other problems, particularly finding the gnome. Synthar appeared to look everywhere, but he did not find her. She could be anywhere, but he did not know how much trouble a gnome would be in until he spots the naive creature, appearing to be under the influence of Purgatory "Oh... For fuck sake..." Synthar slaps his hand over his face, before signalling to Andre.

He responded with a no as he shook his head, mouthing the words 'You deal with it, I'm dealing with these three right now...'


Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:28 am
by Vinsue

At first everything was fine. She finally found someone she recognized and no longer felt like a complete outsider. But this did not last. By time she realised something was off it was too late to stop it. Her entire glass was empty. She first realized something was wrong when everything got brighter. She spotted Jared and her first instinct was to go to someone formalure to keep her safe. But she lost sight of him.

Suddenly one of the people near her turned into a swarm of butterfly.

She stood there poking the air. Than she noticed when one guy called another over and pointed her way. She waved what she thought was a cute finger wave. Then a widely below her age thums to her ears waving her hands, tongue out. She then turned and began to run into the crowd. she of course tripped and landed on her face. She immediately got up with a laugh and continued through the crowd.

some of the belts and ribbons were snakes.

She pulled one off of the person it was wrapped around then tossed it far away. "Bad snake. Stay away from people" She grabbed another belt. But this one was a feisty one.

the snake tried to bite her as it wrapped around her. In the struggle she fell on her back whipping the snake around as she screamed at it.

She spotted Synthar or was it Andre. It didn't matter which as to her they were both after her in this game of chance. She tossed the belt at them. "Bite them" She yelled and got up. "You'll never catch me goblins." Once the person got close enough she pushed the man behind her and ran off in hopes to get her persuar in trouble. By now the room was in chaos and to her everything was funny.

She grabbed two drinks and ran with them. All of its contents hit the ground but she didn't notice. She ran straight into Andre. "Oops," she said, stepping back. As soon as she realised who she ran into she attempted to toss the drinks onto him but they were already empty. She then stared at the empty cups before tossing the cups at him. She then attempted to slip past him but found herself on her butt. She erupted into laughter. Unable to get up despite her attempts. Her hand clapped her lap. "You caught me."

As both men finally brought her wherever they were going she would take stuff out of their pockets. She also reached for anything small enough to throw and held onto them its best not to ask what she was thinking or planning…


Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:34 pm
by Salen
She watches, she waits like a tiger prowling at her next victim, she watches the every move of Salen as she had just smashed a bottle upon his head. The fact was she was brewing a plan to try and undo Rene's plans of action against her, but those plans are already put into place. Little does she know she had walked into a larger wolves' den.

"Psst..." She said to Charlotte as she beckoned her outside for a moment, pretending she was having a cigarette break with her colleague, Eric. Only it was a meeting and a deeper plan "Well, Charlotte... Spill the beans, I want to know what you've learnt..." She asked before she unveiled her shroud for a moment as they appeared to be in complete cover, she stared at Eric and smirked "Did everyone receive the dosage of Purgatory?"

"Yes... Everyone except well, three people..."

Dahlia seemed unimpressed by his actions as she was given the news that Eric had failed on the count of three people. This appeared to have foiled their plan to frame Rene as a drug baron to undo this reputation with the Empire; he was quite charming and cautious that even the slightest plans of rebellion seem to fail. For Dahlia, it appeared to be detrimental "Well, I'm just going to have to do everything myself, arent I... Prepare yourselves for a fight, after all we have to look like we are protectors ourselves" She appeared to prick her finger before taking in the blood intake required to Shroud once again as she entered the premises again undetected.

Eventually, she saw Hugo and Jared about to be escorted into the private quarter's of Rene's home. She casts Nailing on them both, forcing them to stop in place as she begins casting two tethers amongst them, once they are locked she would hide and continue channelling, freeing them from their Nailing at the moment. Andre looked around as he became suspicious, he proceeded to cast Parse around them as he feels a presence of organic matter. He narrows his eyes, before entering the private quarters, whispering in Rene's ear

"We have an invisible intruder in the building..."

"Oh... I see, my ex wife surely knows how to make a fool of herself... Find her bring her here..."

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Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:34 pm
by Hugo Abreo

Hugo felt slightly annoyed as he was derided for his youth by Eric Augustus, the elder Veir. Admittedly, age gives one more experience; the old often know more than the new. But to link, a lack of understanding to youth felt..... wrong. Still, it seemed that his effort to get into closer graces with the elder Veir were not being successful, but it appeared that the had caught the attention of the prime mover and shaker of the party.

As Rene appeared and spoke it became apparent that this Eric Augustus was obfuscating his intention and reason for being at the party. Specifically as to the reasons why he was at the party in the first place, whilst supposedly being occupied elsewhere. Which might mean that the merchant was not originally invited/expected, then why was he still here? Hugo did not know but perhaps it would become clearer later. The final benefit, as Hugo listened to Eric and Rene, was that apparently, Rene was a remnomancer. Hugo did not know much about the magic itself except that it had something to do with the realm of dreams, which was concerning enough.

Just as Hugo was being escorted/walking towards Rene's office for a conversation, it looked almost like Bel had broken loose. THe guests started to act like animals, losing any inhibitions and seemingly being consumed by their primal instincts. Veir who would normally be the paragons of decorum and stature were acting like madmen, fighting those who came near or seeking closer comforts of the flesh. Hugo saw the scene for only a few seconds as the madness began, and yet for a moment, it seemed like a dream.... Perhaps he was being affected by Rene's remnomancy ? Perhaps what he was seeing was only a dream. And yet... this did not feel magical. It all looked and felt like it was based on the real world. It was all just so confusing, it might be best if Hugo vacated the ballroom so that he would not be caught up by the derangement that was occurring there.

But even as he made his way towards Rene's private quarters, he felt it become harder to move, for one moment it felt as if he was stuck onto the floor. Like some kind of magic was pinning him down. Then just as suddenly as it appeared it was gone, the pressure disappearing. And yet whilst the pressure was gone, Hugo felt that something still stuck to him. Some kind of echo of the magic that had pinned him to the ground. What was it? Was it a safety feature, something related to remnomancy or something else entirely ? Hugo did not know and until he did he would keep a healthy suspicion of the odd man who had invited him to this abnormal ball for an unknown reason. There were too many questions in the air and yet Hugo still had to continue on, there didn't really seem to be any other apparent choice that he could make.

He was soon joined by Jared Gloomcrest, an odd individual that he had met sometime earlier this Season. This was feeling quite odd, especially with Salen somewhere in the premise as well. What was it that motivated a Veir of Rene's standing to summon so many minor local actors ? Too many questions and too few answers. Perhaps a few might be answered once he and Jared arrived at the private quarters. Just before they arrived in those quarters (or preferably after they were seated) Hugo spoke up. "Thank you for the invitation to your residence your grace. But I must ask. What is it that requires the expertise of me, this person-" Hugo says, nodding towards Jared. "and whoever else you have gathered? I am sure you have many subordinates who can do all manner of tasks for you."


Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:54 am
by Salen
Eventually, Synthar became sick of looking for the gnome, that was until he bumped into her, he grabbed the little woman and slung him over his shoulder "Come on..." He said as he was about to walk over to the private quarters, Emmett eventually stopped him as he tapped him on his shoulder, whispering in his ear "By the way... I did catch a glimpse that someone is implanting evidence of drugs against your Veir... I heard them outside..." He smirked.

Synthar rolled his eyes as he growled "I will deal with this accordingly." He said as he brought the gnome to the private quarters and sat her amongst a chair "This one has been a handful..." He said as Synthar glared at Rene.

"I know of the situation, Synthar... You don't have to tell me." He said as he remained in thought, before turning around and looking at his guests, he smiled to each of them before telling Hugo to hush for a moment "No need for formalities here..." He stared to Andre, followed by the masked woman who is sat amongst the chair. It appeared she was getting a good look at Salen, then Hugo. She would eventually walk towards the both, remaining silent as she circled them slowly, getting a good look at their visage, before sitting down.

She remained quiet throughout the meeting as Rene would compose himself. Everyone was here, in the private quarters and it was about to become.
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Re: The Night of a Hunter's Moon [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:35 am
by Fortuna


Remnant: Phantasmal Reckoning - Illusory clothing
Remnant: Phantasmal Reckoning - Changing aspects of appearance.
Remnant: Voyage - Going into another's dreamscape whilst awake.
Remnant: Voyage - Hugo's MIndscape
Spycraft: Analysing Engramic Structures
Spycraft: A subtle use of Voyage can unlock hidden secrets within a mind.
Spycraft: Analysing surroundings.
Spycraft: Smell and taste for poisonous or narcotic contents.
Spycraft: Chaotic Environments are easier to blend in.
Spycraft: A creation of a scene can prove beneficial as a distraction.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 non magic XP


HEY guys sorry for the mix up.


Larceny: your not very sneaky when high
Larceny: high people are less likely to notice
Larceny: high people are less forgiving
Unarmed Combat: how to battle a snake
Unarmed Combat: pay attention to your opponents location
Stealth: being short makes it easier to hide in a crowd
Physics: balance is off when high
Physics: drinks disappear when high
Physics: why being high makes you happy
Physics: time slows when your high

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 XP non magic




Investigation: Searching for marks in crowds;
Bodybuilding: Resisting effects of Purgatory;
Larceny: Slipping objects into another person's pocket;
Dancing: Waltz in crowded place;
Acrobatics: Moving through crowds;
Acrobatics: Light Footwork;
Running: Moving quickly through crowds;
Stealth: Not drawing attention;
Cooking: Detecting foreign smells;
Cooking: Detecting foreign taste;

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 XP non magic




10 Generic Lores

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 10 XP non magic
