The Subtle Art of Wine and Politics [Hugo]

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Hugo Abreo
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Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:50 pm

Hugo scowled at Salen's response, carefully listening to whether anyone is nearby before responding further. "You are right looks as if, because it most certainly is not." Hugo continued to grip Salen's hand, not wishing to lay off the pressure just yet. He would move at the pace he set himself, he would not let this low-bred stranger gain the upper hand. He would certainly prefer not to be spotted, but at this point backing down and some light gossip was preferable to seeming weak to this stranger. The individual had a certain gravitas to him, he was not Entente but he was important. So whilst he would try to minimize any social embarrassments from this, now learning more about this individual was of higher importance.

After the stranger finally acquiesced the pressure on Salen's hand went lighter. "I do not require your trust. All I ask for is your cooperation and good manners."Hugo would then keep looking at Salen, his smile settling down to a calm and smug expression of superiority rather than the previous predatory look he was probably giving off.

Then as Salen said he was not responsible for the mental effect Hugo felt doubt for a moment. Maybe he could have used the mental effect earlier? But it was unlikely, he only become of true import to this individual after he confronted him in the corridor and would not have been targetted earlier. Unless this individual could affect everyone in the room. This was possible but unlikely, the stranger seemed to have some skill but not that much"Perhaps, perhaps not. I will take the reliability of the source into consideration."

Hugo raised an eyebrow as the name of the stranger was finally revealed, Salen, interesting. Well, probably not the individual's actual name but probably a cover of sorts. Still, if pressured some people's minds might go to the names that were familiar to them. Whether they were allies or enemies did not matter, there was a high likelihood this individual had met a Salen at one point who might have a significant connection. Right now he did not have the resources to do an intensive enough follow-up, but it was a piece in the puzzle of who this stranger might be. At the very least, the stranger revealing an alibi meant he was acquiescing to some of the demands Hugo had lain out before him. Perhaps he could now ask more questions of this strange individual. At the very least Hugo should now be courteous and introduce himself. Revealing his name was not that much of a risk, his skin made him quite distinctive amongst the Entente here and not much research would be needed to confirm his identity. "Hugo Abreo, a.... pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Now the question was, what did he want to know and how could he gain that knowledge? Despite being trained in this kind of environment, Hugo had to admit, this was honestly going a bit too fast for him. Sure he had engaged in Entente interactions before and had some light-sparring, but never something this high stakes or so sudden. Regardless, whether he was comfortable or not with this should not matter, his focus should be on what to do now. What did he need to know about this individual, his purpose at the party? No that might be too direct, he might be too evasive about that.

What he needed most of all was, using the analogy of a puzzle, a centrepiece. Something which other pieces can attach to in order to form a complete picture. It should be something that is not seen as too consequential enough to lie about, but also something that would reveal more of what the stranger's skill, goals and personality are. From there he could go on further and perhaps learn how he could contact and perhaps use the skills of this Salen in the future. So what was at the centre of this stranger? Something inconsequential to start with but significant enough not to raise eyebrows. "So where did you get that outfit? The attire seems to be of a fine make but quite a bit darker than usual, it stands out quite well. Maybe you could recommend the tailor to me in the future? "

Hugo was uncertain of how 'Salen' would react to this question but he figured it likely it would throw him off-balance. He could potentially get some insight into the kind of things this Salen appreciated in his clothing, which could clue him into what his personality might be like. Furthermore, the outfit actually did look pretty good, sure it was not to the usual entente style but the cloth seemed to be of fine make. Depending on the price of it Hugo could maybe commission one or two outfits from them.

Hugo would then wait for Salen probably asking his own question before asking his own second question. A completely honest and truthful answer was unlikely at this time but the stranger might at least tell him something close to the truth. "So what kind of job do you usually have? You do not seem like a part of the Entente so what do you do to make ends meet?" Satisfied with these two questions for the time being Hugo would continue paying close attention to 'Salen'.

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Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:14 am

Salen couldn't help but lead the male astray and play along with Hugo's seemingly sudden advances, it wasn't like he cared if he made a complete embarrassment of himself, it's not like he had anything to lose, but perhaps alot to gain from the male; particularly an ally if he played his cards right. However, the possessive grip became harsher, grimacing slightly as he tilted his head smirking "It can be anything if you use your imagination" He taunted as his eyes interlinked with his once more; the male was sure of himself and yet it seemed he could throw the male straight into scandal if he wanted to but he didn't. Perhaps there was some use to him as he seemed eager enough to express his interest.

Salen's gaze turned somewhat feline and devilish at his sudden advancement for good manners; he knew it was a tactic to gain his trust or so it would seem that Hugo had an upper hand which caused him to respond in assertion "Well, you require my respect, respect is earnt not given easily. Of course, you already know that don't you." He said with a smile as he stared into his eyes "An example of a rather brutish and yet barbaric form of greeting is you simply grabbing my wrist, twisting it like a bloodhound... Everyone would think you were some sort of possessive asshole." He immediately changed his facial expression to a more worried and concerned face as if in some sort of fright "Appearance is everything after all and it would be awfully tragic if I screamed for help and made you look like the bad guy who beats his lover up." He reiterated, showing a deep sadness for him before tilting his head to the left and blinking twice "Want my respect? Letting me go is a start..." His tone became somewhat passive aggressive in nature, as if the man had displeased him already.

As the man's grip loosened looked over at the other male as he looked him up and down, rubbing his wrist as if he was in slight pain from the grip that he had; he glared at him for a moment, before regaining his full composure, taking in the other male's simple statement of a name "Well, Hugo... Pleasure to make yours too." His eyes would tilt his head, knowing that this appeared to be the most challenging situation that he has ever come across and with a former fellow mentor now enlisted in an act of mere betrayal, it seemed that he had no other way to follow other than to gain the trust of the few Entente that he could possibly make acquaintance with and if so secure powerful allies to help him achieve his goal.

It was clear he would try and probe information out of him, but yet the Corvo would indeed make it difficult, knowing he was in a game of sparse wit and pure etiquette with an exchange of looking back; there came the question of his clothing. Obviously, he wanted to simply evade the origins of the other question. He simply smiled and answered politely "I acquired this ensemble in Amoren, from a tailor who... Lets say had a bad and scandalous history; sadly he's no longer around, although utterly tragic with the way on how he was discovered." He shrugged as his eyes shifted towards making eye contact once more "I can say you look quite stunning yourself." He complimented with such perfect accuracy that he had shown he simply understood the layers of wit he had.

It was a shame that he couldn't reveal anything more.

Salen remained calm, knowing how much of a painfully sensitive question he asked; he thought of a way to make it seem legitimate and legal; so much that it wouldn't inhabit any suspicion on the Daravinic Empire "I'm simply a cleaner of the undesirables of the empire..." He admitted to Hugo as it could imply all kinds of things, firstly an association with the shadowy underworld of Daravin's criminal lords and secondly an agent or Valran that's in service of the Halamire; either one could be the answer, but it wasn't going to be a game that Salen would reveal instantly "Why do you think I'm here hmm?" He said with a shrug as he balanced a sword over Hugo's head, knowing that such information could be deemed badly inconsequential that Salen's eye contact would intensify, enforcing Beguiler upon the individual once again.

"I ask that you keep this between us, besides... I have something you want right?"

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Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:59 pm

Hugo had to resist the temptation to roll his eyes at Salen's 'It can be anything if you use your imagination.' like he was going to fall for such a tease like that. He was not the common rabble who were flustered by the slightest reference to sex or someone appealing to them. Sex was a weakness, showing your vulnerability to others and it was something that should be seen with contempt rather than admired or sought after. Though admittedly this was a flaw that was more common amongst some of the Entente rather than the commoners. Regardless, it had little effect on him.

Then the tone of the conversation began to shift towards the direction that Hugo preferred, beginning to fall into the pattern that Hugo was more familiar with, a social song and dance of which he knew the steps. "Mhm, perhaps I do know that. Respect is earned, but a modicum of respect is necessary for any dialogue between individuals. Acknowledging that the person you are speaking with has value. Even if it is not equal to yours." Then the stranger once more sought eye contact with Hugo, which forced him to admit, that they admittedly were beautiful to look at. A sort of bright blue which seemed to shine in the candlelight reflecting on it. Or it had to be, the colours of the eyes themselves were surely not golden? No, it probably was not. Then the stranger, 'Salen' seemingly admonished him for the tight grip on his wrist. Calling it brutish, which was not wrong. "Mhm, you are indeed not wrong in this case, this form of greeting is rather base. Base but effective at conveying the nature of the conversation between the two of us. " Then the individual seemed to fake distress and gave a vague threat in the shape of calling for help, Hugo once more began to show some teeth.

"Oh if you want to take such a course of action please do. Who will they believe? The unknown stranger who stumbled into a party out of nowhere, knocked over all of the glasses and embarrassed a member of the Entente, or a well-established Veir who is a known factor and far more preferable to get the approval of ? All it will do is open you up for..... unpleasantness" Hugo then made his head go a tad bit sidewards as Salen mentioned the possibility of releasing his hand. "I suppose now that certain misunderstandings have been solved, it would be appropriate for me to let go."

Hugo then listened as 'Salen responded' to his initial question about where he got the clothing from, which revealed several things about him. Firstly, the individual revealed that he had been in Amoren. This either meant that this stranger came from the South or that he was quite well-travelled. Traversing great distances, probably on a relatively common basis. It might just be him trying to confirm his own suspicions, but Hugo assumed the latter. This individual was one who travelled a lot, so either he took jobs with limited local opportunities or he was on the run for something. Probaply some kind of ghosts of the past, whether this was from a powerful enemy or painful memories. Though these assumptions might go a bit too far based on limited information, still, it was something to keep in mind when interacting further with the stranger.

Secondly, the stranger through speaking of his clothes revealed that he had gotten it from a tailor of dubious character. This meant that either the man's reputation was well-known and 'Salen' got these clothes at a relatively cheap price because of the tailors low repute. Or 'Salen' had somehow learned secrets from a tailor and blackmailed him into making the suit. Then he killed the tailor ? Hugo had to admit he did not fully grasp whether 'Salen' hinted that he was responsible for killing the tailor or not. Still, this was all valuable information from something as small as asking about what clothing he wore. This statement was followed by Salen complimenting Hugo's own outfit. Which he had to admit he did take some amount of pride in.

Now the real interesting part came when the stranger told him of his profession, or rather was quite vague about it. A cleaner of undesirables. Which probaply meant assassination or some kind of underground operations when combined with the earlier statement about the tailor. Perhaps it could be that this Salen created new identities for those who knew too much ? Perhaps but unlikely. Assasination was the most likely option, though he might not be that proficient of an assassin as he attracted the attention of the entirety of the guests assembled for the soiree when he knocked over the glass of the wine tower.

The question this all raised was who did this Salen work for ? Hugo assumed it had to be either for a figure of national interest, as that would explain all of the travelling, or as a freelance (probaply) assassin. Maybe working for some organization but also for the highest bidder if necessary. The chance of 'Salen' worker for a truly important figure was admittedly unlikely. Though competent he was attending a low level soiree and whilst competent at magic stood out too much for traditional assassination work. Then came the statement of 'why do you think I'm here ?', that statement briefly sent a shiver down Hugo's spine (and his resonance brand) at the idea that he was potentially a target. But no, he hadn't attracted the attention of any major figures yet and had no true enemies. Nor had he revealed any weaknesses, he would not be the target of this Salen.

BUt should he be silent about this and keep this knowledge between him and Salen. Mhm, it might be a good idea. Why did other people need to know anyway, he had established some kind of rapport with this stranger who probaply had at least minor connection to the underworld. The thought appealed to him for a moment, maybe a tad bit too much was it some kind of emotional appeal like ealrier? Nah,this was just an extension of his feelings from the conversation. Hugo mentally shook his head. Perhaps he might say that he would keep this information only to himself, but this could be valuable information. Sure it was not likely that he would share it, but that was at his discretion. "Mhm, perhaps. But what do you think you have that I want ?"

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Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:10 am

The liberation felt by the release of the hand caused him to glare at him "As far as I am concerned, everyone is unknown including you." He smirked as he was right; a nameless Veir such as Hugo would've had to seek proof of such thing, that he was an outsider as he dug into the grounding nature of his class "I'm sorry, was that too honest? Pardon me." He chuckled as he rolled his eyes, knowing himself that he wanted.

"Lets think who they would believe, someone with more grounding in the society and unfortunately, it doesnt seem to be you, darlin' but maybe we can help with that... One day." He raised an eyebrow as he wondered how much of an impression he was making upon the man, it seemed that leading him astray was the answer in this case, as he was trying to reinforce a common ground as well as setting his boundaries as his eyes were in deep eye contact with his for a moment with the way he had spoken his recent demand; although it was more subtle than his previous attempt. Perhaps he had beguiled him into submission, but he couldn't be sure until Hugo asked the question. A complete failure on Salen's behalf once again, knowing that it was going to be a tough battle to influence the male, especially when he had a vital contract to fulfill.

He turned and smiled towards the other male, before looking at him "Well... What is it you want, or desire even?" He said as his eyes lingered towards the ballroom once again; the music appeared to be fit for even the strengthening vibe of the pasodoble, or the sensual vibes of the tango. It seemed a dance was a fitting gesture to ask for as he wondered if establishing a relationship with the male would benefit him in the long run, perhaps for the achievement of his goal "A dance perhaps?" He said, raising his eyebrow and tilting his head coyly, knowing he had already created the foundations of an already complicated situation, he would wonder if his social advances would either be beneficial or detrimental to him.

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Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:15 pm

As Salen said everyone was an unknown, Hugo kept his face as it was before with a small smile. The statement of the stranger was true and untrue at the same time. Yes all of the members of the Entente valued knowledge, kept it to themselves and hid what they did not want others to know, often quite effectively. On the other hand, they generally tried to be well-known, if in a certain way. The system of power here functioned on prestige and reputation, if one had renown and was known for being reliable and effective at their work they would find far greater success than an individual who was completely unknown. Was this Salen part of the Entente? Certainly not of the local community and Hugo suspected that he wasn't a part of the Southern Entente either. From his own conversation and alleged occupation he would be an assassin or personal agent of a superior in the Entente ladder (if he was one) yet he was not skilful enough to avoid drawing attention to himself or getting ambushed by Hugo. So perhaps he had some skill, but not enough skill to be a personal agent of a Montesse or other Entente member who wanted to remove obstacles in the North.

Hugo listened carefully as he listened to Salen implying that he was more grounded in high society and that Hugo could be the one to learn from him. An interesting attempt to put Hugo on the backfoot, but really this song and dance of making Hugo think of himself as the inferior in this conversation was not impressing him overly much, beyond the fact that one who did not seem Entente (though familiar with some of their customs) managed to fit some of the traditional song and dance. "Perhaps, perhaps not, but it would certainly not be in your best interest."

Then Hugo had to resist a combination of shock and laughter when the stranger, 'Salen' asked him what his desire was. Did he just honestly plain up ask what Hugo wanted most of all? That was just..... so unorthodox and brazen. So very much like the stranger. Should he entertain the stranger's offer and give him some false goal? No, it would not do to humour this person and reveal too much. Even stating a false goal could come back to bite him back at a later date. Better to omit knowledge than to lie in most cases. On the other hand, he had made a promise to trade a question for a question. It would be ungentlemanly and bad for his reputation to not adhere to the agreement he himself had stipulated."A brazen question, but we made a deal earlier that I would ask a question and you would get one in return. I asked two questions so I still owe you one answer after this one, so I will humour it. I want power, as do all gathered today or in the entire world." Not untrue, but not the full story. Many wanted power for the sake of power but that was not Hugo's goal. Still, he would not tell this upstart that.

One surprising request was then subsequently followed by another, a request to dance. It was a highly personal request and something that was often reserved for close allies or those who seemed to make a statement that they were comfortable with each other, so quite rare. Most dances were more individualistic affairs, showing one's prowess at the skill or doing it in a form of storytelling with a distant partner who never truly touched the other. To imply some form of intimate or friendly connection to this stranger might yet be too early and risky. Also on that matter, Hugo hadn't really practised dancing before, never truly had the time and he did not want to embarrass himself. Though he would not reveal that info. "Mhm, that wouldn't be to my liking. Perhaps a game of chess instead ?"

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Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:54 pm

The conversation started to bore Salen, for he only wanted to simply finish his contract and get out of the party that was causing him so much grief, not to mention listening to the epitome of arrogance running from the other man's mouth. It was boring and perhaps the wonders of being an Entente aren't all fun and games, but merely a swordplay of political agendas waiting to be settled in. A dice here and a jab there, but each time it would seem that Hugo and Salen would miss each other's armor everytime, of course there were clinks in each of their armor, but yet Salen wasn't about to reveal such a weakness

"Don't we all, welcome to the club." He answered, he seemed annoyed by the reason he was here, yet he started to wonder if he was lured into some kind of trap or weither Synthar and Andre were telling the truth about the contract. He didn't know the Brotherhood of Scaeva's plans very well, only that one day they'll bring their god home from Bel to the mortal plane; however, that would be a hopeless goal that Brazim would continue himself to torture, so it would seem that Salen and his god were on equal ground, waiting for their tormented dreams to be over.

"Chess?" Salen answered in an unamused way.

"Isn't that what we do with people, I mean think of us as pawns for example, Montese as knights and Treveyn's as kings and queens. It's much alike don't you think?" He smirked at the expression he made, before a darker haired man approached, at that moment Salen glared at him as if he almost knew him; he could recognise the portrait from the contract he had written, but it was none other than Sylve Damocha, however made him brood in thought for a moment as he furrowed his eyebrows as if strikingly annoyed once again.

"I couldn't help but listen to you're stimulating conversation here, although a very stimulating odour appears to have once again met me with a challenging partner." As he tried to take Salen's hand he slapped it away for a moment, whilst noone else was around; it appeared only Hugo was the one to witness such a tiff from Salen, however it appeared that he was awaiting some kind of advance from him, however it would be the social game that Salen would play to keep his cover up "Heheh... I bet although I'd always say curiosity does somehow always kill the cat, even if they frantically do have nine lives, in this case you only have one..." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I pardon my rudeness."

I know who you are, you're about as transparent as a magnifying glass... He thought.

"Are you two a couple of sorts?" He asked, pointing at Hugo as Salen smirked in mischief.

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Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:12 pm

Hugo cocked an eyebrow as 'Salen' began speaking about how he associated chess with how members of the Entente used others. Equating various members of the nobility to different chess pieces. It admittedly was one way to look at the interactions between nobles and conflict in general, as a two-dimensional board where one side worked against the other with a limited and ever-decreasing amount of assets. It was one that Hugo had heard from other Veir as well but he found that the analogy was ineffective. For one thing, the allegiance of a person is not fixed in stone, one will not purely be black or white. They will switch to one side or the other depending on their personality, interests and the likelihood that one side will be victorious. No one wants to be on the losing side, so if one faction seems to be at a disadvantage one might see many of their pawns suddenly switch sides. Furthermore, whilst most often it did, status does not necessarily equate to combat abilities. For one thing, the Emprise herself whilst cunning did not have a wide repertoire of combat-based magic to defend herself with. Whilst the Emperant, whilst titularly the most powerful individual was less powerful in magic than most of his theoretically subordinate Trevyn.

"Perhaps that is one way to look at it. But chess as a metaphor is quite limited. A pawn is just a pawn with a limited set of moves, it can only move forward and has but one direction to go with no variety between one pawn or another. Whilst, if one were to equate chess with real-life, one pawn might be good at one thing, whilst another pawn has a different expertise."

Then with a slight shock Hugo heard that another participant had entered the conversation. He had been so focused on the stranger that he had not paid enough attention to his surroundings. A grave error and one that he had to remember not to repeat in the future. Thus he turned towards the sound and kept his face blank as he saw an infamous Veir enter the scene. This was made harder as the Veir, who he quickly remembered to be one Sylve Damocha, made his own entry into the conversation. 'Although a very stimulating odour appears to have once again met with a challenging partner'. Honestly, why would anyone say something like that? Especially a person of good breeding such as Damocha. Sure 'Salen' had a strange and somewhat enticing scent but why would anyone just straight up mention such a thing except as a mild compliment? He supposed this strange line might lend some credence to rumours he had heard of Damocha.

Somehow Damocha then denigrated himself further as he sought to take 'Salen's' hand. To so openly and blatantly try to engage in physical contact and imply great intimacy between the two was audacious and mind-bending. Admittedly it was somewhat hypocritical for Hugo to judge an action like that, but when he had held Salen's hand there were no outside observers and served as a threat. Here it merely served to exemplify the unthoughtful rashness that Damocha portrayed. Salen then responded but he seemed to almost be unsettled, followed by a vague and quite aggressive threat to Damocha. Which seemed quite typical of Salen but was made clearer now that Salen was speaking to someone other than him.

Damocha then excused himself for his rudeness, something which forced Hugo to keep his face blank. If he had not been of good breeding he would have scoffed at such a remark after the blatant uncouthness and lack of grace displayed by Damocha. Hugo remained notably silent after the remark, he might not be a notable Veir but he at least did not have the marks of shame that Damocha did. The apology was suddenly invalidated by the implication that he was a couple with Salen and such an obvious mocking facial expression. Honestly, it grated Hugo's nerves to see a man like Damocha acting like this. A veir who gained his status through right of birth yet showed no social skills whatsoever except to cause agitation. "Alas I have met this man only at the ball. I do not possess the intimacy you have with him." Hugo says, explicitly turning his eyes towards the hand which Damocha had less than a minute before used to grasp Salen's own.

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Tue Aug 23, 2022 5:37 am

Salen listened carefully to the other male, although it appeared to be a much more boring conversation than usual; so much that Salen slipped a folded piece of paper adeptly into Hugo's pocket without him noticing; it would be rather incriminating if Salen had the contents of the piece of paper in question on him, knowing that a little deception game would be beneficial in his rise to excellence. What could he say? He thought of people as mere tools for his goal, like they did, so what was the point in beating around the bush, trying to perfect the Candor; if you wanted results, you had to exploit every inch of their game to achieve perfection. Salen crossed his arms at the mere insolence of the other man and reflected on what Hugo had said about the game of chess; he could see where his philosophical logic went with all the games, however it wasn't fun and games to those who lost such a game.

The Candor.

Salen rolled his eyes, knowing that he had broken perhaps a thousand different rules in the rule book, and yet his reputation didn't seem amendable, so much that the man seemed to be lonely, drawn by the mere luscious scent of the Corvo; of course, what would happen next would be a mystery, but it wasn't going to be entirely fun and games, although Salen usually gave a man his final lasting pleasure before pacifying them to their untimely death. This man would endure his last soiree, knowing what he had in store for him. He turned his head towards Hugo and winked with a smirk that showed his cocksure attitude "Well, I didn't quite catch you're name..." He asked coyly as he waited for a response.

"Sylve Damocha..."

"Oh..." A dangerous thing it was to admit, knowing that Salen had him exactly where he wanted him, he watched as he settled his wineglass down before discretely emptying the contents of an unknown bottle of substance he had; a poison that Dahlia had given him to previously poison Degare, only it seemed to serve him well in these times. When Damocha and Hugo were busy with conversation, Salen's eyes would wonder and as they were distracted, he pricked his finger and managed to camoflague himself, before walking away from them and leaving them to converse.

Sylve begins to drink the wine as he smiles, before feeling an nauseating effect on him; he begins to cough up blood "Wha... Wha happe'n" His words were muddled by the amount of arsenic he had received from the bottle, but by the time Hugo would turn around, Salen already disappeared from the scene; the question was will he catch him? Other Entente mages would rush to his aide, but some would revel in pity, knowing that he was a liability to their status; Sylve eventually collapsed to the floor and choked on his own poison, before eventually dying on the floor where he had shared wine with Salen and Hugo.

This concerned alot of Entente, knowing that there was a potential assassin lose, but who knew what damage an innocent stranger could do; especially when the remainder of his clones were dancing innocently; it made the perfect alibi for Salen.

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Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:04 pm

As Hugo talked to the Veir Damocha he saw how Salen crept a bit closer to him and in a subtle and quick movement inserted something into one of Hugo's pockets as he stood in close proximity. Hugo couldn't stop Salen without causing a scene but it was quite an interesting action nonetheless. What was it that 'Salen' wanted to plant on Hugo? A secret message, a threat, something else entirely? He did not know and the idea intrigued him. But it was not something that he would check at this very moment. This moment was dedicated to conversing with the less than eloquent Damocha. After finishing a verbal jab implying a strong romantic relationship between Damocha and Salen he saw that the strange interloper began speaking with Damocha. Asking for the latter's name. For a moment Hugo thought he saw something flash from Salen's hand near Damocha's wine bottle but dismissed the concern as a flash of his imagination.

After the delay of Damocha giving his name to 'Salen' the despicable Veir seemed to prepare himself to say something. A counter perhaps to Hugo's implication that he was acting in a vulgar manner with 'Salen'. But instead of an ill-phrased remark Damocha seemed to instead say some slurred words and then........ began coughing up blood. Almost immediately Hugo knew what the cause of Damocha's ailment was. There were no other candidates than the stranger that had appeared at the ball, the 'Salen'. But as Hugo began to glance towards where 'Salen' was supposed to be he saw nothing. Something which was quite concerning as Damocha seemed to be rapidly deteriorating. Falling onto the ground and begins to choke in some way...... What should Hugo do, should he save this person?

No of course not. This man was a shame to all who called themselves Veir or Entente. Nor would remaining at the scene of the crime be in his best interest. Luckily no one else was nearby so if Hugo was fast he could make his way back towards the rest of the main ball before his absence would be noted. As such with only a quick glance towards the man dying by his feet, Hugo made his way through the library and to a side entrance of the ballroom. As he entered he grabbed a drink of his own, casting smiles toward any who looked at him. He chatted with the occasional low-ranked Veir at the ball, letting the pleasantries instinctively flow out of his mouth even as his mind was distracted by the murder attempt that he had just seen.

Clearly, it seemed that the target this Salen was supposed to clean up was Sylve Damocha, probably for any number of reasons knowing the demeanour of the man. But why didn't he kill Hugo? A witness who would have seen all of this happening? He did not know but it was concerning. It was clear that he was not supposed to be part of what happened and that his presence had disrupted the plan. But that meant that 'Salen' either intended to frame him in the future or dispose of him directly. Either of which was potentially concerning, perhaps it was related to the object that had been slipped into his pocket. Some part of Hugo wanted to know what it was but did not want to touch it at risk of it perhaps being some touch-based potion.

For some reason, Salen seemed to still be in the ballroom as well, yet these might not be the same Salen as he had seen before. At the beginning of the ball he had seen Ether-based spectres detaching from Salen and these might be the very same.

About 5 minutes after Hugo had entered the ballroom again there was a sound of some chaos and discord from the direction of the library. Hugo did not truly see to know what had been found, clearly, it would have been the body of Sylve Damocha. Hugo began to move in that direction, showing some curiosity, but mostly it was to keep up an appearance and make him not look suspect. After the body was found the party and attendants quickly dissipated. Hugo was one of the first to go, citing dismay at the sight of a dead Veir, but mostly he left early so he could find a trace of this Salen, Hugo was lucky for the abilities that Brand gave him.

For the second time that evening, Hugo slowly channelled the energy of his brand into his eyes, allowing another colour to enter his eyes without completely blinding him. Allowing him to see the trail of the most recent person to leave the party, one with a certain amount of mageblight to it which caused an excess of ether to be left in their wake. A trail which Hugo hoped was Salen's. After quickly summoning Bertrand the two of them left in pursuit of the stranger bold enough to kill a Veir at a soiree.

word count: 848
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Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:41 pm

Salen had left the party as the phantasmal clones of himself began to dissipate from view; he would seem like he was safe for a moment as he walked through the silent dark streets of Genteven's corner; eventually he came towards an alleyway, in which Salen looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching; just incase, the Remnomancer couldn't help but feel he was being watched as he pulled the emblem necklace from his view, placing it within his secretive hole and turning it around, before entering the headquarters of the unknown Corvo sect that he found himself in. The secret door closed behind him and the keylock simply disappeared; a product of Remnant, designed to protect the Corvo inside.

Salen smirked as the two Corvo who were sat there were shocked with his entrance "Did you do it?" He asked.

"Yep, I did, he's dead and for a good reason, now I need a nice hot shower... Don't be scared to join me." He offered coyly, before removing his shirt in front of them freely, letting it drop as his clothes would trail on, before entering the bathing units of the headquarters, for which he could enjoy an nice shower and even some erotic company. After all, this was a house of Corvo knowing that they couldn't abstain themselves for a while after looking at so many exquisite and handsome bodies. He wondered if Hugo had bothered to follow him that night for the sudden disappearance, it was obviously an deeply savage and clever trick to find him, but yet it appeared maybe he had forgotten one thing.


He sighed and bottled it up, now realising that he could've followed him with Ethersight, an amateur mistake so it seemed.

word count: 306
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