
The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:03 pm


The man appeared amused at Petra's wording; his insistence that the lack of expense be applied to all potential sites of collection. He was clever, and equally cautious, which was something Alistair found almost noble in a person. He was far from dejected by Petra's request for assurance: Alistair appeared to give it freely. "I swear on my honor," he replied, bowing his head and placing his hand over his broad chest, reshaping it into a closed fist. "There is no joy in unrequited desire, anyhow, my dear. No -- if you were to join me in my bed, I would want you to crawl into it of your own volition."

Of course, that meant he wasn't opposed to Petra crawling into it, and he would receive him if that volition was held. It was an open sort of offer, but one that he hoped would assuage the young man's fears of exploitation. He understood how the situation may have appeared, and what the risks for him easily could have been. Alistair was much larger, and by that account, much stronger. They were both, equally, in a foreign land but it was one that Alistair knew how to navigate with much more proficient skill. Petra was at a disadvantage, which meant it was the Griscian man's role to make him feel safe and at ease.

"Alright, a drink you'll have," he muttered, nodding his head as he let loose the other's hand, smiling down at him warmly. "We'll walk the rest of the way. It's not far."

He gestured for the other to follow him, before ascending the steps of the marina and making his way right past the inn. Brothel workers clung to their clients outside, only because it was late enough for the Omen's watchful eye to be closed. The dark-colored building smelled of sex, drugs and revelry; smoke but with an alluring, sensual depth. Even the male prostitutes were wearing white faces of make-up, as if to both mark themselves and obscure their faces from the shame of their career. Daravin was a land that loved sex, and equally spurned it. Being a whore was a popular, lucrative, but ultimately loathsome profession.

And before long, as they walked down the dimly lit streets, all of those whores and their place of frequent residence were out of sight. Alistair turned left and led Petra further up the street, walking another five minutes or so before coming face-to-face with his small townhome, an earthly colored building with cobble and pavement before it, all along a row of what must have been thousands of small, quaint, and ultimately uniform homes.

"Here we are," he nodded, opening the door and inviting Petra inside. It was dark, Alistair conjuring his Nightorch to gleam with light until he made his way to a small lamp in the corner of the common room, which had a simple sofa, a table and some plants along the corners; a single painting stood near the opposite end, depicting a proud man standing tall and upright, wearing Griscian business attire. The Nightorch seemed to disappear, leaving them only with the yellow lighting of the room.

The mage stepped into the pantry, seeking out a bottle of wine to offer the other. Upon finding it, he coolly nodded, carrying it towards the common room where he gestured for Petra to sit.

"Remiens, 4504," Alistair named the wine. It was fairly expensive, though not deathly so. He wasn't certain Petra would have an understanding or appreciation of that, anyway. "It's sweet, and not particularly strong. Would you like some?"
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Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:11 pm


Ah so an invitation for that other type of expense was on the table, it simple revolved around Petra being a consenting partner. He could accept that, the notion of it, not the invite. At least not yet. While he was a boy with a flawed memory and little idea if he had done that type of thing before.. He also didn’t exactly remember the ins and outs of what to do in that situation at the same time. Petra accepted Alistair swearing on his honour, and let the man begin to guide him through Genteven towards his home. The drive-by of where Petra had originally pondered staying was enough to assure him he was making at least half of a good decision. He needed to assess Alistair a little more before he could in whole say it was a good decision.

The townhome was small for sure, but modesty in a bustling location was fine. Further to that point, Petra was a wanderer himself, it was improper to judge Alistair’s home without one to call his own. The means of lighting everything up was something Petra deemed to be awkward however and gave him some light relief in the fact he need not worry about that in his day-to-day. He did not desire the life of a malewife, ensuring a home was well illuminated at night, warm or cool. Still, he’d let Alistair take such a position for now, given he had offered him the refuge. Being doted on a man who could so easily crush him was awfully amusing, in an endearing manner more than anything.

When presented with the wine his eyes carefully idled over the bottle in the man’s hands, considered the descriptors, before then nodding. “If you are having some too,” He added, not wanting to be alone in such consumption. Petra wasn’t sure about the pricing of wine, it was not something he looked for. The dance of acceptance was performed with Petra settling himself into the sofa, finding comfort in his new surroundings.

“A hammer is my weapon of choice, by the way,” Petra announced to the other man, seemingly recounting them back to a prior topic, one that revolved around polearms. “A small steel hammer with a wooden handle that had some weaving detail. It was for masonry I believe, or a task like that, I don’t know for certain. I can’t remember when I got it.” A little more context, or at least enough to form somewhat of an image. He would’ve said he hadn’t used it, but in truth, he couldn’t remember if he had used it or not.
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Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:26 pm


If you are having some too. Alistair nodded, his brows waggling for a brief moment in time. "Of course I am," he replied. "You think I wouldn't taste my own one hundred and eighteen year old wine? I am a gentleman, not a saint," he teased, setting the bottle down before Petra only to make his way back to the pantry, finding them each a chalice in one of the flat, wooden cupboards. He laid out both of the chalices at an oddly even distance apart, given the boundaries of the table, and managed to extract the cork from the Remiens vint only to slowly pour it into each glass until they were filled about half-way.

"A hammer?" he asked, bringing the chalice to his lips, holding its handle between his index finger and thumb. "I don't know if any weapon could suit you less. But... fair enough," he said, taking his first sip. The taste was sweet and rich; pleasant, soothing to the throat. House Reid had been filled with aspiring sommeliers, and he was one of them. He'd always loved wine, and his family had the most prolific wine business in the Commonwealth. Still -- Daravinic vintages were nothing to scoff at; they tended to be older, and crafted with a sort of care unknown to the production and quantity-based culture he came from. Art, and food, followed rigid and objective standards in Grisic. In Daravin, they were more about beauty, interpretation, and feeling.

"So, you said you'd tell me more about why you're here? I'm curious to know what would bring a Blevikan acolyte down to this sodding land of inequity. Daravin has... possibly the worst inequality I've ever seen, and their sense of Godliness is beating one's self for feeling any sense of unsublimated desire. It's not a place for men like you."

He took another sip, before setting the chalice down.

"Or for me, really, but I don't have much of a choice. I'm here to become a great mage. Until then, I suffer this place -- both its beauty, and its terror. It's no wonder I must occupy my nights inviting young, foreign men to my home, eh?" Alistair laughed, lightly.
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Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:19 am


The teasing, even if it was just teasing, garnered a somewhat scrunched-up face reaction from Petra, like he didn’t enjoy being on the receiving end of that. A fair and human reaction to have. The chalices Alistair recovered from his pantry oddly reminded him of home, his parents, memories that weren’t vivid, but weren’t lost. Even if the enjoyment of the wine was going to be with somewhat of a stranger, Petra was going to enjoy clinging onto that nostalgia, that memory. It suddenly felt much more valuable to him than it had prior.

Petra arose the container to his lips and took a careful and measured sip. His slow method of swallowing presented a lack of appreciation for wine, or unfamiliarity to the taste. Either way, it was a display for Alistair to drink in. If the wine was supposed to be expensive, or hard to come by, then Petra missed that on the basis of the method he needed to employ to drink it. He took another sip, and repeated the cycle, before letting the chalice return to where Alistair had initially planted it. Not exactly at the same spot, but close enough.

“You’re correct,” Petra quickly pointed out to Alistair about his assessment of Daravin and its sense of welcoming to the young, fresh-faced, acolyte. “I am going to pretend I am not part of what would be your usual evening sport,” He expressed in a slightly mumbled voice, using the pressing of the chalice to his lips once more as a means of muffling the expression, and punctuating the topic. “I had read about a group of the Syncretic Moth who make Daravin their home. I felt I had learnt all I could about Blevika and her teachings in my homeland, so I made the journey. I had also read rumours of the Shepherd inhabiting Daravin, but, I don’t know whether that’s true or not.” He explained as he placed his chalice back down, trying to get to business, giving the other man at least a trickle of understanding. Petra believed that by giving at least some understanding to his journey, they could find themselves on equal playing fields. He wasn’t after respect, but equality might foster trust, which wouldn’t go amiss.

“Don’t ask me of my travels in this land so far, I remember little, and I cannot explain to you why that is either.” He blurted out, a nugget for Alistair to mull over, chew on perhaps, but Petra’s tone and delivery were unbudging. The other man wasn’t going to learn of the lapse in Petra’s memory without earning as such. “Your magic, tell me about that,” He suggested, reclining his body into the sofa, wedging his back into the corner, and laying his legs out along the cushioned area, knees hanging off the side. His body claimed one-half of their shared seating area.

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Sun Jun 12, 2022 12:39 pm


Alistair stood, deciding he was more than just parched; he was hungry, and he knew exactly the snack he had in mind. Wading back into the pantry, he grabbed two apples, returning to the common area and setting one before Petra while the other was slowly lodged into his mouth. He chewed it as he listened and pondered alike, taking interest in so many little things, little details that the other left behind. It was interesting that Petra did not know where the leader of his own Order was located, but on further reflection, it made sense. Daravin and Lorien both violently suppressed worship of the Living Gods, and there were surely spies lodged within each monastic group. To have the location of their leader be commonly known was inviting assassination -- it was better to leave it to the most trusted within the group.

"The Shepherd," he repeated. It was a fanciful title, but very befitting of religious sort, of which he was... in theory. He wished almost to disclose his own factional affiliation, but knew it was best not to let others outside of the Brotherhood know what he was. Corvo were typically associated with undue manipulation and seduction, and Alistair did not want their rapport to be invalidated by such suspicion. So, he remained quiet for the moment, speculating only on this group he'd only vaguely been familiar with until now: the Syncretic Moth.

"If they're here, they've got balls," Alistair remarked, taking another bite from his apple, before washing that bite down with a swig of wine that emptied out his cup. "I wouldn't recommend Daravin as a favorable destination for any religious leader. They're not quite as brutal as my own people when it comes to stamping such things out, but they're getting there. It's only going to get worse... now that the Gods have returned."

He remembered hearing words about Kyrikain being here -- they called him Nydden, but that was simply their way of lessening the Creators into the alleged pawns of a fake being. Kyrikain's re-emergence was something that had already spread across the Empire like wild-fire, because -- perhaps beyond all of the religious brainwashing by the Omen -- people recognized the return of a real God when they saw it, when they felt its changes.

"My magic? Mmh, not much to say, I'm afraid. Well... I suppose there's very much to say, but I'm not certain how much of it I want to." The man cracked a devious sort of smile, only to wave a hand forward to demonstrate that he wasn't being serious. "I became a mage years ago, in Grisic. It's quite illegal there, though, as you might have heard. Lorien has all sorts of penalties, but ours are much more final. If you turn yourself in, you can become a Penitent, a weaponized mage meant to hunt others of your kind. If not, you are executed, burned alive. I was forced to do neither, because I..."

The man bit his lower lip, deciding on whether or not full honesty was worth it. Quickly, he determined that Petra was no particular threat. "I was the Heir to House Reid, the second most powerful family in the Empire. To keep the peace, they let me leave as an exile, dropped me off from a Skyvessel into the desert wastes of Khadai. I learned even more magic, there -- Grave, a taboo sort, but not entirely unwelcome. I furthered my reach into Baptism, that... water magic you may have heard of. I'm quite good at that one, actually," he said with surprising humility. Alistair was very skilled at Baptism.

He shrugged his shoulders, glancing around awkwardly. "Anything else you want me to say? Anything specific you want to know?"
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Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:01 pm


Petra found himself somewhat captivated by the way Alistair made work of the apple in his hands, so much so he had forgotten one had been dispensed into his own grip. To save looking on too intently, he averted his eyes to the orb of nutrition, moving it around, observing it. He’d seen apples before, eaten apples before, but the way he studied it suggested it was a foreign fruit. Anything to avoid suspicion. It was somewhat hard to look upon Alistair and not think about his flirtations, his proposition that wasn’t a proposition in earnest, but probably was with the right nudge about it.

His eyes retreated from the apple with the topic of magic, digesting an understanding of it as if it was the apple Alistair had so interestingly consumed. The topic of magic came with a reveal, which was quite weighty for sure, but Petra measured his reaction, nodding instead. It was interesting to be seated with the heir to a great house, yet, those things did not exactly please someone so devoted to a god he had never cast his eyes upon. An order he had never had proper relations with. The dagger, as if it was turned from pointing direction with each exchange, was offered Petra’s way again. “I mean no offence, truly, but while I can recognise your backstory, it won’t change my disposition or intents, you are still simply the man with the gondola. Who saved me from a night in what would be a brothel. A fair assessment?” Petra supplied, making sure their status-quo was not damaged by hastily skipping over the other’s admissions. However, he couldn’t help but be somewhat interested still in the topic of magic.

“I have no magic of my own, none at all, so you’ll forgive me for asking, but what do I have to do for an example of this water magic? Baptism? I find that far more interesting than political intrigue and powerful families.” He pressed, with a casual smile on his lips. Based on the way Petra supplied the question and carried himself, it was an innocent inquiry rather than a calculated trap setting, or an insult aimed at Alistair’s lineage. It came also with the notion of fair exchange, a chance for Alistair to submit his price if there was one. By that point the apple that had been doing rotations in Petra’s fidgety hands was dormant, and his attention was clearly pressed to the other man, every ounce of his attention.

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Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:44 pm


For a moment, he thought to consider some price -- some thing worth offering as a bargain for having to endure the overbearing effort of utilizing magic. In truth, he liked showing off, and though ether was a valuable resource it wasn't one he utilized enough to feel any worry. So -- Alistair contemplated what to show him. He'd asked for Baptism, not Grave, and that was fair enough; it was the magic he'd offered some insight on, whereas Grave was an anomaly that he allegedly wasn't quite as skilled in using.

He felt like a clown at a circus, preparing his party tricks. What sort of power would be most certain to enthrall the masses? Alistair had an idea, in fact, though he worried about getting his common room all too wet. He could draw out the water with Realign and Sway, but it would be a hassle, one best alleviated by simply taking a trip outside.

"I have a small yard in the back," he suggested, sitting up and leaving a half-eaten apple on the table before him, as well as his empty glass of wine. The man stood fully upright, beckoning the other to follow. "I'll demonstrate it for you out there -- less likely to soak my couch, that way."

He guided the other to a small wooden door that led out to the back, which was surrounded by a very unimpressive sandstone wall, with a few chairs overlooking a patch of grass. The man focused for a moment, extending one arm outward, his forearms and biceps curling opposite to one another, elbow directed towards the ground. Pulling in his palm before extending it forward, water forming around it; at first pearl-like drops, before a spinning vortex encircled his brachi. The vortex funneled into a shape behind him, moving out past his shoulder until a veritable golem of bluish liquid towered behind the man, looming forward.

"Ensign," he called it. "My elemental. It is capable of a few impressive things -- combat, interrogation, and being utilized as a conduit through which I can draw water and perform other abilities. I can also change it to a solid or a gas, and make it more acidic or basic, just like any other power of Baptism. All of the skills within the magic are highly malleable; it's why I chose it. The potential ends only at my creativity."

Nodding, he transitioned the arms of the Ensign to that of what seemed to be a half-state between liquid and gas, the water beginning to steam and boil. "My other magic, Grave, is less easy to perform at a whim. Mostly I use it to animate corpses, and as far as I'm aware there aren't any nearby. I hope that does not disturb you, Petra -- Necromancy is merely a tool, and in Daravin the culture is wise to see it that way as well."

While the other pondered his moral question, the man took the opportunity to pull some clear, non-gaseous water from his Ensign, directing it towards Petra like a torrent and completely dousing him. Grinning faintly, the Lord feigned a tease, while water moved through the outer layers of Petra's skin and seeped through its course.

"Sorry," Alistair muttered, "sometimes I accidentally lose control."
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Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:17 am



13 Generic Lores


11 Generic Lores for Alistair
Baptism: Ensign: Initiating an Ensign interrogation
Baptism: Ensign: Utilizing Ensign as a source
Baptism: Submersion: Rapidly immersing a target within Submersion

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

8 points for Petra
5 Baptism and 3 Normal exp for Alistair

Great thread, let me know if you have any questions.

word count: 71
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