[Genteven - Solo (Job)] Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Mistwalker's Vanishing Act

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Location: Genteven, The Northern Marches, Daravin
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Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:54 pm

70th of Ash, 4622
Hiding quietly behind a large pile of flour sacks, the amber-eyed Nightfallen could only wait patiently as one of the nearby guardsmen would brag into the kitchen. From the thief's position, the guard was quickly turning his head, scouring about the room before landing upon the body on the floor. A quick tell echoes out from the kitchen as the surprised guard rushes over to his companion.

"Imran! Fuck are you alright?"

Witnessing the guard moving his body upright against a nearby wall and checking his vitals, the so-called guard named Imran slowly came too albeit groggy and coughing loudly.

"Balan… What's…. Fuck! Where is that fucking rat!"

Trying to get up from the floor, the guardsman couldn't help but falter for a moment though his ally in question would quickly come to his friend's aid and support him.

"Tell me; what happened to you and what the fuck is with the massive hole in the wall?"

"Uhhhh… I was checking the kitchen because there was an odd sound and the kitchenhand was out in the storage room to make stock in the morning. After checking inside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I moved closer to the wall which has a hole now… there was something odd about it, like the walls, crates and sacks were being bent and curvy around something.

I tried to move closer but suddenly a fucking thief came out of nowhere and striked me with a club of sorts. The injury wasn't bad due to the armor but the blow was enough to knock me back a bit before suddenly my vision went black and here I am now."

While the two men conversed with each other about the events that had transpired and attempted to connect the missing pieces; Jared would take this opportunity to sneak out of the kitchen as best as he could. Staying low to the ground, the amber-eyed thief would slowly creep his way out of his hiding spot and tip-toe his way over to the open door that leads back to the main hallway.

With a decent amount of practice with moving quietly in the past 2 seasons of actively working in the larcenist business. The nightfallen thief could tell there is a significant difference when it came to the quality & speed in which he could clandestine operations. The assistance of his Obscura did help in moving quietly by hindering his opponents from a visual & audible perspective.

Once the Alistian thief managed to make his way out of the kitchen, the sudden sounds of multiple footsteps running down the hallway from above could be heard with a man yelling loudly for assistance.

“We have thieves in the building! Call for more guards, there are many of them!”

“Well shit, time to bail out.”

With that Jared would quickly scurry away from the kitchen door & turn around a corner, quickly peeking to see if there was anyone running down the hallway in his current location on the ground floor. The sight of groups of guards mainly in platoons of three would be rushing down the hallway in an attempt to bolster the defenses from within. At this point, what Jared could get was more about focusing on locking the thieves in & capturing anyone suspicious at this point and recalling about the Daravanic Laws about thievery in general. Being put to death was something that was no on Jared’s bucket list to do at this moment in his life.

As additional squads of guards made their way into the building, it was getting difficult by the second as places he could go were quickly vanishing before his very eyes. Taking a moment to move in between the brief intervals where there were no guards presently running down the hallway. The amber-eyed thief would quickly make a dash between any available cover he could use with the aid of his shadow-infused cloak to lessen the burden of trying to hide in an actively searching household.

Just as Jared was about to make his way towards one of the doors that lead to the courtyard; His gaze quickly shifts over to window as he could see many figures shrouded in darken leather clothing crashing out the window before being impaled by bolts of galvanized ether, quenching their life essence in a mere second or another figure running frantically before suddenly fall asleep.

“Shit… Getting hit by anything at this point could lead to a disaster and I still need to get Hugo out of his predicament.”

Just then a series of stomping could be heard from behind him, quickly turning around; the feminine pickpocket: Mouse was running towards his location with a squad of guards in hot pursuit.

“Open the fucking door! We need to get out of here!”

Hearing her yell in desperation, Jared immediately bolts to the door, quickly turning the door handle and rising out of the door as quickly as he could, the amber-eyed thief had just enough time ahead of Mouse to make his escape from her group of pursuers but at the same time being the first to exit the building meant that the Alistian Thief was drawing much attention to himself.

In that brief moment, the amber-eyed thief made the decision to sprint across the courtyard, ducking & weaving in between cover with hedges, fountains, statues and other objects that could break line of sight for just a second and that was all it would take to disorient most foes for the most part.

Feeling his heart racing from the additional waves of adrenaline rushing through his veins as some of the guardsmen & women would fire an array of ether-infused projectiles from galvanized bolts to lances that melted an inch of stone. It was paramount that he avoided it all and while Jared was busy trying to avoid getting killed or caught by the swarming amount of guards. Mouse was already on the case by following behind & following the apprentice thief’s lead by ducking & weaving through the various obstacles provided while at the same time trying to hinder her pursuers through her own bag of tricks such as lacing the ground with wooden ball-bearings and blasting them with a bag of dust to force up a choking fit.

Upon reaching the door that he managed to break the lock, Jared would quickly swing the door open and make a dash out of the premise only to find himself surrounded by a larger platoon of guards waiting outside.

“Shit… They shouldn't have been able to mobilize that quickly… Someone must have informed them and led a trap.”

Just then Mouse arrived with the courtyard blocked off by other guards who were chasing after the pickpocket. Both thieves were a bit surprised by the situation that they got their hands into and escape is almost impossible for most people.

“Well… this is a tricky situation we got ourselves into… Any plans you got up that noggin of yours Mistwalker?”

“I do but you are gonna need to make a break for it… I am not responsible if you get caught.”

“Fair enough, pull off a fucking miracle now or we both dead.”

“Stop your chattering! If you cooperate, we might make your judgment swift & painless!”

Not wanting to waste any time as every second counts, Jared immediately arcs his umbralplasm-infused cloak around his body, concentrating for a moment and picturing water boiling away into a cloud of steam. This visual aid, assisted in the Nightfallen Magus’s ability to conjure up a thick plume of Gloom which quickly spreads out like a rolling fog emitted from Jared.

As the surrounding area is suddenly engulfed by a cloud of darkness, panic within the ranks as guards immediately use whatever tools they had on hand just to figure out what was going on.

“Where the fuck are the street rats! Find them!”

“They couldn’t escape that easily, we cornered them!”

“We can’t see them though! For all we know, they could have slipped by!”

“Those who can use Brand, use your Ethersight and find them! They can’t be far!”

While the chaos ensues, Jared took this opportunity to slip by, nudging through the tight crowd & attempting to blend in as best as he could with the movement to not rouse much suspicion. Whether or not Mouse managed to escape herself was another story but Jared’s main goal was self-preservation. After a couple of seconds of narrowly squeezing by; Jared had managed to make a break for it, quickly darting off and turning into a nearby corner to catch his breath, muttering to himself before leaving the scene as quickly & quietly.

“Fuck… Guess, I can’t be here for a couple weeks but I did what was needed here. Time to lay low for a bit and hopefully things won’t blow over…”

Meanwhile, in a secluded alleyway far from the building that was being used as a testing ground for potential recruits; Mouse could be seen discussing with a mysterious figure about the events that have transpired.

“Seems like we have a few potential sprouts that could be added to the ranks. Do you have a particular sprout you want to endorse Mouse?”

“I do but I believe they will need more time to experience the world & hone their skills before the picking is right.”

“I see… Keep your eye on the potential candidates… They will be keys for the ground scheme of things.”

“As you wish…”

word count: 1630
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Posts: 1058
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:03 pm
Location: Imperial Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:22 pm

Stealth: Moving quietly in admit chaos;
Stealth: Slipping by guards while highly alert;
Running: Avoiding incoming projectiles while maintaining distance from pursuers;
Nightfall (Gloom): Create a mass cloud of darkness to create cover for escape;
Acrobatics: Dodging incoming potentially lethal strikes;
Bodybuilding: Building up endurance during a chase;

Magic Experience:
3 (Nightfall) At this point, Jared's reckless use of his mark is causing more harm than good. Still, it cannot be denied that he is pushing himself.

Mundane XP:

Jared really needs to take a break; there was a lot of casting and generating umbralplasm, combat magic, and such through these threads - he's going to be regretting his decisions for sure.

I did like the story here, Jared has an interesting workplace dynamic with his colleagues. I'm excited to see what the future holds for him with this mysterious amber-texted man. Keep up the great work and enjoy your rewards.
word count: 159
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