Faded books and memories [Genteven] [Flashback]

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Hugo Abreo
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Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:40 pm


2nd of Frost 2622
It was dark in the streets of Genteven. It was very early in the morning, about 5 am, cold air and small touches of frost were ever-present. At a time such as this, the normally busy city was silent with only a handful of lights shining out of buildings. Those buildings in question were locations like bakeries where bakers and their apprentices woke up early so they could have bread ready for the morning crowds coming to gather for it. But those people were inside warm buildings where the warmth of the ovens kept the frost from seeping into their bones. They would have no reason to wander the streets at such a time, which left the streets to a singular figure walking the cobbled streets. Their skin was dark and their green and brown clothing made them blend in with the shadows, yet the figure did not make any effort to hide. Instead, he walked in a slow thread, observing the buildings around him and appreciating the solitude in the normally so very busy city.

This figure was Hugo Abreo, a Veir who had recently gone through quite a traumatizing series of events. Something which had caused the young man to have a sleepless night. After trying to sleep for too long he had decided that now would be a good time for a walk and enjoy the view of the city from another side. Eventually, he entered the area of the city where the richer clientele often gathered. With many of the shops in this area have actual glass windows to help display their collection amongst other things. After walking and peering through the dark glass, Hugo eventually froze as he recognized a shop he had not visited for a long time. A chill went down Hugo's spine, not one of cold but one of recognition and of old memories making themselves known. Yes, he had not been to this shop in many years. The last time he had come here had been during better times. And, when he was last here, a most curious incident had happened. As Hugo gazed through the glass at an extensive collection of books his mind was cast back to many years ago when he was but a young boy, when his father and Pascal were still alive and he still lived in fortune. A time when he had been a little shit.

22nd of Ash 2616
((6 years ago))
Hugo gazed upon the bookshop that was in front of him, taking it in with a short look. As he did so a small frown appeared on his face. This shop did not have a writ of patronage or indicator that it was owned by a Valran or other person who followed the will of the Entente. No symbol of status which made clear that this was a place for the nobility and not a place for the magicless and godless people who inhabited the empire. No instead it seemed that any man could enter here and buy goods, regardless of social rank or of their faith. Hugo felt the light temptation to send a letter of complaint to the local magistrate or prefect but he quickly squashed that desire. The relevant authorities would probably know already, and whilst he disliked the idea of any kind of commoner possessing a store of knowledge, it was too much of a bother to make sure the books got into the proper hands. Especially since he was just here to acquire a single book.

Pascal had gotten word that this book merchant had somehow gotten his hands on a copy of a text which described life in the Unbroken Empire before it's falls. He did not know the exact contents but he had heard rumours that it was a record of the Empire in its latter days. One which described its institutions and society in detail before the Emperor had reached too far and provoked the wrath of Ulen. To have an accurate copy of a book from hundreds of years ago would be a treasure trove of knowledge and possible lectures for Hugo. Furthermore, it was a large source of prestige for a member of the Empire's nobility to possess, as the Empire of Rust was the legitimate successor to the Unbroken Empire. Thus Hugo had been sent out by Pascal, with encouragement from his father, to accompany the party that were to sell some of the estate's harvest to the market. His main task was to view and learn from the proceedings, and then go and acquire this book. Instructions which Hugo followed as he had helped sell some of the goods and now he was in front of the bookstore. Taking a breath Hugo opened the door to the store and heard a small bell ringing. Immediately he could smell the atmosphere of dusty books and of stale air. He almost had to cough but managed to prevent it. In the end, he looked around the shop for where the shop owner might be but did not see them around yet, despite the door being open.

Hugo's lips curled up into a disagreeable look and began browsing the stacks of books whilst he waited for the shopkeeper to actually appear. Trying to see if there were any other tomes which Pascal might desire.

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Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:20 am

The reason no proprietor was immediately present at the door was due to helping Velx with her own inquiry. Her brother had asked to procure a specific tome about the fallen empire, but history wasn’t her strongest suit. He told her there could be other people looking for it. It took a while for her to explain to the man what exactly she was looking for, and even then, he wasn’t confident whether he still had it in stock or where it’d be exactly. It had been a while since anyone came in with a request of this type.

They were at the point of digging through the tomes carefully, but without any actual reasoning. The books towards the back of the shop appeared just mostly stacked on top of each other in a chaotic fashion, and known languages were on tope of those obscure, cooking recipes smushed together with romance novels, all next to a guide to sailing for beginners. It was hard to imagine this mess ever being organized, but the man seemed unphased. Perhaps he really did have a system for this chaos. While she was initially hopeful upon seeing the entrance to the shop, she was losing said confidence quickly while helping the man move this mess around. Somehow, it was very important to him that the mess stayed exactly as messy as it was – cook, upon romance, upon sailing.

At a certain point, Maximilian lost his balance caught it again by grabbing onto a stack next to him. This caused a considerable sound as it pushed some of the scriptures off the knee height showing desk and onto the flooring. The kicked-up ruckus smelled of old, and produced a cacophony of heavy and blunt hitting the immovable. Perhaps she could improve her resonance by channeling similar sounds?

It was at this moment, as she grabbed the man by the armpit and helped him straighten up that she would notice a man between her and the doorway. Valanox said being followed was a distinct possibility, but she never expected it to happen quite so soon. Likely recognizing something about his appearance which she couldn’t, Maximilian quickly shuffled to greet the man.

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Hugo Abreo
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Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:36 pm


After browsing the stacks for but a moment Hugo heard the sound of books and papers crashing to the ground. He looked at the source of the sound and saw what appeared to be the shopkeeper. The man looked dishevelled and old, just like this bookstore. Seeing the mess of different books categorized in the wrong places, or just placed messily around the place caused a sense of displeasure and disapproval to bubble up. However, he did not let that feeling show itself on his face. Instead, he kept his face blank and his hands folded behind his back as he saw the shopkeeper approach. Before the shopkeeper began to speak Hugo could see the appearance of an odd person. They looked vaguely similar to a Sil-Norai but far more alien. Their skin seemed almost purple and their eyes seemed to lack pupils. Overall it looked quite unusual and was clearly not from any area nearby.

Seeing this strange figure Hugo's only visual response was the brief raising of his right eyebrow, though intense emotions of curiosity and wariness were hidden in his chest. His face returned to a standard blank expression with only a slight upward twist of his lips. An expression of cold certainty and amusement. Hugo then witnessed how the shopkeeper came closer and introduced himself as Maximilien. Seeming to show the usual amount of deference as was appropriate for a wealthier commoner talking to a lower-ranked member of the Entente. Instead of responding however Hugo made eye contact with the man and let the silence drag on, letting it go for about six seconds and letting the tension rise. As he did so he saw how the man's expression shifted into one of nervousness as they tried to think about what the proper response would be. After the silence dragged on for a bit and Hugo witnessed how sweat began to build on the shopkeeper's face his expression shifted as his eyes observed the shop before going back to the man. "I have recently received word that you possess a certain tome describing some of the history and culture of the Unbroken Empire. It should be written by one Veradinus. I wish to see and purchase the tome."

Hugo did not say anything more. Not bothering to introduce himself or give any response to the man's previous introduction. The man should clearly know by Hugo's bearing and the cut of his clothes that he was Entente so the relation of Superior to inferior should be clear. Hugo might have shown some measure of respect to the man if he had taken the effort to actually properly organize and clean his shop. Instead, he let precious papyrus be strewn about the room and let parts of it fall on the ground. Not only was this upjumped peasant in possession of knowledge he did not deserve, he also treated it like a.... child handled their toys. Thus Hugo kept close eye contact with the man, kept a small smile on his face and made clear that his command was to be followed.

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Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:45 pm

The newcomer to the shop had occupied much of Maximilian’s attention. Lack of decorum drew her lips to a line as she watched their interaction carefully. So easily forgotten, their previous search was put aside to show clear and utter deference to a well-dressed boy. By both cut and nurture, he was clearly noble. Beyond that, it was just a matter of extent. Many of these noble families were not much more than pups of greater names and old fames. Threading carefully was still wise, as the probability of encountering another practitioner was much higher in Daravin than elsewhere.

She realized she was drawing closer as she observed them. Theirs was not a hidden conversation, so it was not surprising when she heard the writer’s name.

It was true. Her brother assumed well and others would be coming for the book. Carefully taking in the surrounding area, she tried to make out any sort of an escort for the boy either at the door or through the windows, but could find none. It appeared he had come alone, covert, like herself. While coin bought position, clothes and attitude, it could not buy experience. She easily had years on both the boy and Maximilian combined, so shying away from an outfit wasn’t in her nature.

She could see the owner as he bent in the boy’s gaze and decided to apply opposing pressure lest he break unfavorably.

“Could be there’s a waiting list” she made herself loud enough to interrupt their moment. “Could be that your name is not on top” she did her best to look at him the same way he looked at the shopkeeper, but she was no actor. “Young one” she added with emphasis.

It was an easy life to always have things bend or break for your wishes. True test of a man was found in the face of uncompromising circumstances. She did her best to become one, without promoting outright conflict.

word count: 332
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Hugo Abreo
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Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:21 pm


Hugo carefully raised a single eyebrow as the strange lady seemed to speak. She thought that there was a waiting list. A waiting list.... it sounded like an interesting idea. That the person who had ordered a book first would be the first to receive an order for a book to arrive. However, in practice, Hugo had not heard of such a thing being used in everyday society. It seemed somewhat contradictory to what would be normal in Daravin. The possession of an item did not belong to whoever wanted it the most or had the most 'fair' claim on it. It belonged to the person who had the most power and influence to leverage in order to possess the item. He could not reliably make any emphasis on how much power the lady opposite had, but by her demeanour, species and the way that the shopkeeper acted it seemed that he had more influence of the two. So if he wished to acquire the book and complete his task he would have to exercise his influence and use his social status to put greater pressure on the shopkeeper and the odd lady that stood opposite of him. The lady opposite him did act confident, but it should ideally not alter the balance of influence that the two of them had.
He was about to respond to her initial statement when the lady called him 'young one'. A statement which briefly caused Hugo's perpetual small and smug smile to disappear for a second before it re-established itself. He took a small breath, looked the lady in the eyes before responding. That there is a waiting list is certainly a possibility. However, considering the general trends and this gentleman's status I would consider it... unlikely.

Hugo's gaze returned to that of the shopkeeper, his smile curling further upwards as he did so. "Is there a waiting list here ? I have not heard of such a thing before and it would be quite irregular. Though perhaps many things in this shop could be consider irregular." Hugo picked up one of the books on the floor, gave it a quick glance and then put it in a nearby bookcase. "It is important for things to be uniform. In accordance with their status and purpose. Is it not ?" As Hugo said this he sent a quick look at the shopkeeper. Indirectly referencing the vast class divide that is present in Daravin, and how this book merchant was on the wrong side of it.

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Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:57 am

The boy seemed to be ignoring her for the most part, but the pressure he seemed to be applying to the proprietor didn’t appear to be letting up. Whichever class divide bridged them, mattered little to the woman. It was a dance for the locals and those wishing to be like them. She did not wish much from this place, just the works of Veradinus and she’d be on her way. To the best of her ability, the boy had come alone. If the situation arose, she did not consider herself in any true danger of having the book taken off her.

Since it was clear that Maximilian would bend or break given enough time and pressure, she simply took the choice away from him. Much like the young noble talked over the two of them, it was her turn to talk over the book seller. “Irregular indeed. Special requests make space for special circumstances” she took the moment to purposefully misinterpret his words “Uniforms are nice. Safe” one more glance behind a man, almost expecting danger to materialize. “Yours doesn’t warrant any added importance to me” she half turned her back to the man, refusing to fully let him out of her sight. The young were prone to rash action.

“The works of Veradinus, if this man even has them, are reserved” her hand gesturing over her shoulder to whatever was behind “Your place in the line coming for it”. Had the man been less overbearing she would’ve likely sought for a compromise. She doubted Valanox cared who saw the book as long as he was the one who got it in the end. Velx was warned others might come searching for the same object. She was sent for the trinket because her loyalty extended beyond the simple treasure hunt. Failure wasn’t a viable choice.

word count: 311
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