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[Flora] Ichor’s Spite (Ruptura sanguinis) (WIP)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 6:33 pm
by Treachery
Ichor's Spite (Ruptura sanguinis)


Fast Facts

Size: Stands about 3-5 foot tall, with blades of grass reaching as long as 12 inches;
Rarity: Very Rare;
Harvesting Requirements: Expert Farming/Survival;
Cultivation Requirements: Expert Farming;
Notable Risks: A rather dangerous plant to handle as any exposed wounds that the plant comes into contact with will cause it to immediately take root;

Appearance and Biology

Standing at about 3-5 feet tall, slender perennial with a grass-like blade that is narrow & long (which is about 12 by 1 ½ inches) with it being an alternating leaf pattern; The Ichor’s Spite rarely, however the blossom is particularly splendor.

The blossom is about 33cm (12 in) in diameter, about 17 inches has been seen, and reported. The flower only last for seven days which is often seen as charcoal black petals with crimson red edges that blend in; the 2-6 charcoal gray, outer sepals hold about 10-30 swirling petals with each petal standing between 5-15cm in length by 3-9cm in width.

The seed pod is covered in a blood red, gelatinous blob which generally holds between 6-14 spiked barb seeds that is about 5-18mm in diameter. Majority of the plant is colored in the shade of charcoal greys, reds & blacks, making it very distinct; And while it is easy to identity due to its unique adaptations. It is still considered an extremely dangerous plant, even by skilled harvesters.

Life Cycle & Habitat

This particular plant has a gruesome life cycle as it is a type of parasitic plant which revolves around inserting one of the many barbed-shaped seeds into a wound. This particular plant deactivates the host's immune system, and applies anti-coagulating in the surrounding area; forcing its host to bleed slowly while the seed germinates & spreads its roots deep inside the veins, and arteries.

It generally takes about 6-18 months before the plant is considered mature as it feeds off its host body; depriving it of essential nutrients while applying a psychoactive substance that causes the host to act irrational, and experience bouts of delirium.

Once it matures, the bloom emits a strong odor of carrion that attracts swarms of blood flies as it is natural pollinators. Using the host as a form of nesting ground for live maggots, as the host begins to die from being eaten alive.

What is left is a flesh mound of maggots and the fully matured Ichor's Spite, with the bloom faded, forming a seed pod which is ready to be harvested for reproduction, and other uses.

The parasitic plant prefers a hot, and humid climate (insert nations or parts of nations that Ichor’s Spite will grow)


While the plant itself has numerous properties when it comes to medical and poisonous effects. The fact that it requires a living host already places the plant under huge stigma, and it is associated with Blood Magic as a whole, even if it is unfounded.

It is mainly used as a poison which causes internal rupturing of arteries & veins. The poison itself has been long banned though still a favorite for torture as the internal rupture induces large amounts of pain, and the amount of poison used is rather efficient.

Handling Ichor's Spite is advised especially when handling the seed pod as the seed would need to be extracted out by skilled doctors to remove the seedling & roots that have ingrained into the host's bloodstream. This is often an extremely bloody & taxing process with a low rate of survival if a mistake occurs during the harvesting process.

Created By: Treachery/Broodboy