[Flora] Taun (Vulnus ligans)
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:59 pm
Taun (Vulnus ligans)
Fast Facts
Size: Generally the size of a small shrub (about 3 foot tall);
Rarity: Abundant;
Harvesting Requirements: Novice Farming/Survival;
Cultivation Requirements: Novice Farming;
Notable Risks: No identifiable risk for harvesting;
Appearance and Biology
Taun is grown in an upward, deep green rosette with each simple leaf being 5-palmately lobed shaped ranging from 7-10cm in length, 5-7cm in width; being coarsely serrated edges with an attenuate tip, Taun has been described as a succulent to the touch with a thin glaucous (white waxy) underside.
The leaves also have a faint white palmate veins that spreads out from the petiole; The small bloom that is often seen in a pale cream to white with a pale pink hairy flowers around 1-2cm nestle at the base of the bloom.
What is seen as the flower is actually bracts (modified leaves with a flower or cluster of flowers) which extends out about between 2-5cm in length, 2-3cm in width.
Habitat & Life Cycle
Taun is a perennial shrub that continues to grow throughout the year, and flowering around Early to Late Glade. It is an evergreen plant that requires a large amount of water to maintain itself.
Generally found growing on loam type soils, this particular plant can be seen growing close to riverbanks or springs though there is a winter variant found in Lorien that is mainly a deep shade of azure blue with transparent bracts, and teal flower clusters which is often found growing along ravines, glacial lakes
Methods of reproduction are rather simple as Taun relies on strong breezes to carry its pollen to another neighboring Taun which will produce a tear-shaped seed that is about 1cm in length, 0.2cm in width.
Starting from a seed, Taun will produce a biocide that poisons the surrounding area that is about 15cm in radius (Though the effects can be smaller or larger based on environmental stress factors) to reduce competition with other neighboring plants before starting germinate to become a seedling which will take about 4-6 weeks for it to become a mature plant.
Considered as a highly useful albeit invasive plant, Taun has been used mostly in medical as well as cooking practice as the plant contains various wound-healing properties when prepared by an apothercarian, herbalist or doctor. Usually in the forms of a plaster, unguent or ointment. Taun has also been used in the creation of infusions along with tinctures as a base for further medicinal preparations.
Taun is often one of the first medicinal plants that a novice apothercarian, herbalist or doctor are taught to use, prepare, and cultivate due to the mass applications used in assisting in wound recovery, and acting as a base plant for further complex medication creation.
Usually the leaves, and roots are used though it's mainly used in medicinal creation, the entire plant can be used as a vegetable though the flavor is often described as ‘sulfurous, and earthy’ but provides a lot of nutritional value.
Created By: Treachery