[Flora] Bladed Amarita

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Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:13 pm

Bladed Amarita

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Fast Facts

Size: 5 inches
Rarity: Common in Subterreanean Environments
Harvesting Requirements: Apprentice Apothecary, Journeyman for 2ft.
Cultivation Requirements: Apprentice Druidism for Faster Cultivation.
Notable Risks: Deadly spike with Neurotoxin if stepped upon. These Fungi should be handled with care. It decomposes in light. Extreme dark environments must be given if they want to preserve life.

Appearance and Biology

A purple flowery fungus, that looks similar to a bud of a growing flower. Most of these types are mistaken for tulips, but they are simply fungi. A very dangerous type of Fungi. It is very much known for having a defense mechanism of being stepped on, a single needle like point, which if stepped upon can leave a nasty mark as well as injecting a paralytic poison. It takes an hour to cycle the blood stream, before the victim dies a painful death.


These plants are found in dark places within subterreanean content. They are known to grow over the walls. However, they are barely noticable and can attract travelers to succumb to a painful death if their needle enters them. Travellers should stay cautious and take medical supplies with them, including a tourinquet to stop the flow of poison from entering the bloodstream.

Life Cycle

The fungi are hermaphroditic in nature, they'll reproduce from their own spores they unleash amongst their flowery build, scurrying the walls like ivy. They umbrasynthesis in the darkness, their preferred habitat and continue to ravage along the cave walls until they hit a light source. They are known to be pestilent in those kind of environments. Light is their weakness, they tend to disperse quickly when hit by sun rays, meaning their spores will die, leaving behind their spawn for cultivation purposes. Their spawn takes three days to decompose, unless kept in a dark area for later use.

These plants are known to have highly potent toxins, useful for warfare purposes. They also are the centerfold of antidotes and cures for neurological diseases as there is a way through alchemy on reversing the effects of the neurotoxin that it provides, instead giving it properties that revitalise the brain cells rather than damage them. Druids are also free to use this as a mechanism to ward travellers away during nighttime camping, baring in mind that one must remember that they had placed this plant down.

Created By: Caladrin
word count: 408
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