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CLUGS [Approved]

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:29 am
by Moop
Cartographer League for the Unification of Gnome Settlements (CLUGS)

A society in Dagrun dedicated to education of the Gnomish people about the outside world. They believe that by learning and becoming as educated as possible about the broader world they will be able to find and ultimately reunite the lost Gnome cities and settlements scattered after the Bleeding. Their mission is simple, collect data, create maps, educate others, and bring their people back home.

The word CLUGS is a actually a Kaedic word for an onomatopoeia of when cogs and gears move into place. It is also a minor slang word for when things synch in an uncanny way, everything going right in your life, and just a general positive connotation for things being in perfect order.

This idea of the slang connotation translates to the hopeful statement of the ease of finding other gnome settlements and cities. It's a quaint thing that the general population likes to think of when they think of the society, indeed, it's something that gives everyone a manner of morale.


Formed under the gaze of their god, CORE, this society was created nearly as soon as the world was reopened to them some sixty-years ago. The pioneers were at first strictly sent out with the intention of blindly finding gnomish settlements based on CORE's previous data, but the trek was perilous to the degree where every single one of them perished. There was some controversy surrounding the rest of the expedition, but in truth no one dare defy their god. In the end, CORE was logical enough to find a way to help the gnomes traverse the wilds through the idea of studying and teaching-- an idea he made universal.

This is how CLUGS came to be known not only for their search and rescue mission, but also the programs intended to teach others about the world around them. It's upheld through people in CLUGS that without knowledge of the world that surrounds them, the data from CORE or other sources will be unable to be used. Because of the first failure it was a major realization that in order to survive in a world unknown, access to knowledge needs to be made available. In the grand, ornate building that is CLUGS headquarters there are classrooms to allow people to come and learn about the outside world-- these classes generally consist of simple common speak teaching, botany, and how to read maps, as well as sometimes minor classes on colloquialisms of certain areas. While many in CLUGS are part of the cartographers there are more but volume dedicated to biological and scientific study of the surrounding world as well as specifically branches in CLUGS for teaching. There is no hard and fast rule that only the Gnomes may be part of CLUGS as Dagrun is a cosmopolitan society, all willing people are accepted into their ranks.

The general statement about CLUGS over the broad population of people is that it's a fantastic thing, many people have taken classes within the headquarters whether they leave Dagrun or not. The biggest joy though, is the the thought of bringing back other Gnomes to their homeland to reunite with CORE. There is no greater honor among CLUGS than being chosen for the expedition to map the world and search for clues for other civilizations. Should any be found, envoys would be sent back from their settlement to Dagrun where a massive feast would be prepared. The envoy's would have words with CORE personally before leaving about trade, general information, their history, and CORE would tell them the history of Dagrun. The envoys would be sent home with boons of Dagrun, to give them momentos of their lost people.

Ranking Information
Head Scholar- This position is filled by a singular person who has displayed incredible intelligence, is known by their peers as a worthy teacher, and who has seen much of the world. This position is delegated by the Under-Deans through a voting process. Some of the duties of the Head Scholar include communicating directly to CORE, managing the comings and goings of the members, and divvying out awards/ranks/titles. This position is held for life unless circumstances prevent that.

Under-Deans- There are five Under-Deans at all times. A new Under-Dean is chosen when a new Head Scholar is chosen. The Under Deans are tasked with more hands on managing and communicating with each of the four lower ranks, including initiate. The duties of these four Under-Deans is to act as a leader to their specific faction, also they take on a role similarly to a professor. The final Under-Dean is that of a treasurer and record keeper of all the comings, goings, and other information needed to know about CLUGS.

Teachers, Seekers, Gatherers- These three ranks are grouped together because they are equals. There are many, many people within these ranks, out in the world as well as in Dagrun. What makes each unique is the task in which they preform. It is possible to do one, two, or all three of these ranks though not at once. In fact to become a Teacher rank you have to have been a Seeker or a Gatherer.
*Seekers head out into the world with the intention of mapping out roads in the native gnomish language.
*Gatherers are tasked with the biological and scientific study of the flora, fauna, minerals, and other things found throughout the world.
*Teachers are those who bring that knowledge to others, not just within the order but throughout Dagrun, in order to make the CLUGS agenda, well, clug!

Initiates- People going through the initial studying process in order to find the rank that fits them best. A hopeful lot that are trained and vetted with an amount of care. Only the best of the best will be accepted, those who work hard and show they are passionate about the gnome cause.


Head Scholar
1. Jingelim Bimbottoms

1. Wrynn Migchan
2. Alpret Winglnut
3. Thora Tor'Thyrilian
4. Friggna Wimplecrump
5. Ceiza Themantic

1. Various NPCs

1. Moop
2. Various NPCs

1. Joop (Moop companion NPC)
2. Various NPCs

1. Various NPCS

NPC Rules
•The NPCs that are named that do not belong to other players are Local NPCs and should be played according to the guidelines within the wiki. NPCs at the ranks of Teacher, Cartographer, Gatherer, or Initiate can be considered at the level of Minor NPC and should be played to that level as well.

The beautiful ornate work on the outside of Dagrun's subterranean CLUGS headquarters

Head Scholar

Name: Jingelim Bimbottoms
Date of Birth: 37 Searing 82
National Origin: Dagrun
Race: Gnome

Details: Jingelim Bimbottoms is a no-nonsense gnome. While maintaining the typical gnomish fashion of high-spirits and openness he has a demeanor lending him more sever than other gnomes. This manifests as a gait where he is always walking with his hands behind his back, looking down his nose (or up!) at others, and often pensively twists his mustache. He talks to others with an even tone and is rarely condescending.

His relationship with CORE is personal and a very good one. Incahoots, they speak often about CLUGS and expediting finding the lost gnomish cities. This is Jingelim's sole purpose in life, his only directive. He has no family, no friends outside of CLUGS, he lives and breathes CLUGS every single day.
PC-Specific Influence
Story NPC, consult the wiki for information


Name: Wrynn Migchan
Date of Birth: 89 Ash 86
National Origin: Dagrun
Race: Gnome

Details: Typically very formal, she is known for being kind and wearing her heart on her sleeve. With a small, airey voice to match her tiny stature she is a quiet beauty. They say one of the other Under-Dean's is sweet on her, but who it is no one knows!

Some of the students and other members of CLUGS whisper about her being incompetent, saying that it's only her beauty that got her to become an Under-Dean-- but to bring this up to any of the other Under-Dean's is foolish. They consider it to be little other than rumor. Unfortunately this has made learning hard on the students as she can be scatterbrained, late, and often too soft-spoken to reprimand unruly students.

Joining CLUGS seven years prior she was the top of her class and having been both a model Seeker and Gatherer it was natural for her to start teaching. Moving rapidly up the ranks it seemed like in no time she was Under-Dean. For her teaching is a breeze but lately, rumors or no, it seems as if something is on her mind. The woman is constantly dropping papers and drifting away during class.


Name: Alpret Winglnut
Date of Birth: 11 Ash 86
National Origin: Dagrun
Race: Gnome

Details: Dashing, suave, charming, up for anything Alpret Winglnut is a stud of a gnome. Built and trained to go the distance, he has seen much of the world as a whole. Known for being witty, he's always got a trick up his sleeve. His smile is trustworthy and broad, along with his open arms. Tall and broad shouldered for a gnome, he likes to tower over others in jest.

Alpret feels the utmost responsibility for his cause and his underlings, he may not have a totally personal relationship with them all-- he does have the time to speak to any of them should they need it. A bear of a man, when he starts something he sees if finished to completion. Alpret is in fact a little daft, though not exactly "dumb"-- deciding to use his natural charisma to get himself out of most situations.


Name: Thora Tor'Thyrilian
Date of Birth: 69 Glade 11
National Origin: Tyrclaid
Race: Human/Hyr'norai

Details: An old woman, Thora was one of the first to grace the halls of Dagrun when they opened. She fell in love with the culture and clearly the cause of the gnomes! CLUGS has been her life for a long time and she has been the Gatherer Under-Dean for years and years. Although she has been offered the position of Head Scholar, she knows as half-Hyr'norai she has a long life to live. Ultimately feeling that a gnome should head the faction instead of she!

Studious, stern, skeptical, but gentle handed Thora is one of the favorites of the Under-Deans. She speaks what is on her mind and leaves nothing unsaid. A capable alchemist, her genuine book smarts and knowledge of the plant world could be rivaled to that of scholars the world over, should she have the bother to pit her knowledge against them.


Name: Friggna Wimplecrump
Date of Birth: 98 Glade 82
National Origin: Dagrun
Race: Human/Gnome

Details: Absolutely down trodden and morose Friggna can be seen skulking around teaching the initiates, some consider his skills similar to that of a drill sergeant. Known for being sarcastic, sullen, and sometimes hot headed it's a wonder to the inititates and members of CLUGS that Friggna is allowed to stay on the Under-Dean's board. He isn't cruel, just unkind and it seems he wishes to be anywhere but where he currently is-- no matter where that is.

Still, he gets his job done and is thorough-- no initiate who passes the initiate exams and field tests comes out of them not known the material. Another thing about Friggna is his love for strong drink, on some occasions it can be smelled on his breath the stench of whiskey-- fresh or stale. While he may not seem necessarily impaired his face will be red and he may be more quick to anger.


Name: Ceiza Themantic
Date of Birth: 25 Frost 92
National Origin: Dagrun
Race: Gnome

Details: The youngest of all the Under-Dean's, Ceiza also is the newest among their ranks. Bright eye and bushy tailed she is more than happy to take on a work load. With CLUGS being so new she is currently the youngest Under-Dean yet. Ceiza has a bad habit of taking on too many projects and even extra work from her fellow peers, the other Under-Deans, because she just can't say no to anyone. Because of this her eyes always have deep, dark circles under them making her a little less youthful and a little more perpetually tired.

Pleasant, kind, polite, and willing to work. Even despite being quiet and shy, when she speaks her mind she has a sarcastic wit that can make any laugh. Humor dry like a tanned leather hide she cracks jokes in subtle ways that leave those around her wondering, 'did she just say that?' as she is walking away. Ceiza has high hopes to one day become the Head Scholar and meet CORE on a personal level, this is her biggest goal in life and would be the greatest honor.