Kotoru's Irothar

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Thu May 21, 2020 12:47 am

  • The Irothar that Kotoru summon are those of noble prestige. A warrior caste of fire-filled Irothar come to the call of Kotoru, each akin to a member of a prosperous empire. A pantheon of its own design


1. NAHL -
  • Goki
  • Hihebi

  • Suzaku
  • Enki

3. TYRID -
  • ???
  • ???

4. QE'ZHOD -
  • ???
  • ???

Last edited by Kotoru on Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:39 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 174
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Thu May 21, 2020 12:53 am


Standing around the average height of a two year old, the Goki have a head of flames, with two glowing beads as eyes. Their body is slim and compact with glass shards connecting their feet to the rest of their abdomen. Their hands are detached and float next to their body with small embers burning within the arm sockets. Long pauldrons ack as shoulders to this tiny fire spirits, as well as a flame tipped tail.

Impish is the best way to describe the temperament of Goki spirits. Obtaining a childlike glee when causing mischief around their summoner the Goki are known to be pranksters to summoners who use Irothar. Like most of their archetypal family, the Goki are aggressive, in battle, or in play with their summoner or those around them. They also display a curious nature, always peeking around corners or floating above groups of people when the common folk are around, watching and observing them. When communicating with them, the summoner can ask them yes or no questions or issue orders of simple tasks, the Goki answering with a tone of a child no older than 3 to 4 years old.

The Goki are Nahl types and require little aether to contract with as they are upon the weaker side of the archetype spectrum. They are able to contract with a Summoner for 20 hours. Once the allotted time has been reached, they vanish in a burst of fire.

The main ability of the Goki Revolves them being able to fire a fireball{the size of a basketball} at enemies. Unlike what one would think of a fireball, these fireballs do not cause an impact, but instead coat the intended target in light flames. The flames can easily be stamped out by normal means and act more as a distraction more than seeking a harmful effect. Other than being fire these fireballs every so often during a battle, the Goki exhibit the ability to launch their detached hands at things, be it to grab and hold or deflect and block. The strength behind these hands is enough to stop one attack before being overpowered by repeated strikes.

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Last edited by Kotoru on Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:42 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 438
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Thu May 21, 2020 1:05 am


  • These fiery serpents are as long as boa constrictors, reaching lengths of 9.5ft, their bodies covered in glossy obsidian glass scales over an emblazoned body. These spiritual fire serpents resemble pit vipers in the face. There known to be nimble their movements darting to and fro across the field.

  • These spirits tend to display a level of cunning as they assess the surroundings of the summoner, formulating ways of how to ensure and seize victims for their summoner. Summoner's will note that the Hihebi can be found hissing about the different ways one could capture somebody. They communicate through hissing, as their summoner is able to understand the different meanings and tones of the hissing.

  • When summoned, the Nahl class summon will stay alongside their summoner for up to 13 hours costing minimal aether to contract them, unless dismissed before then.

  • The main ability the Hihebi possess is the ability to use agile bodies to slither up and wrap around a target to bind them, using their fangs to clamp down on them. Coiling around the victim causing the skin to burn against the hot bodies of the fire serpent as well as the obsidian scales scraping against their skin as well. These nimble serpents also perfect scouts as they move fairly fast slithering across the ground.

Last edited by Kotoru on Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:03 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 356
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:04 am


  • Majestic in all sense of the word, the archetypes known as Suzaku, are an embodiment of beauty & power given fiery form. It has a stature of 6'7", though from head to tail, the Suzaku is around 10'2" long. Its swing span is 7' in length, 4.5' in width with a billowing tail that is 3'5" in length as well.

    From the crest of its head to the length of its wings and down to the top of its tail are flames that emblazon a beautiful iridescent obsidian frame and wings. With a beak resembling that of an eagles, the Suzaku archetypes are among some of the Irothar's most beautiful, if not arrogant spirits.

  • These spirits are attention seekers, rolling into fiery fits if ignored or someone else steals the attention from their summoner. Due to this, some have been known to scorch the companions of those that summoning as a "warning" that they are stealing said attention that belongs to the summoner. Despite this, these birds are social entities as it struts around, flashing those beautiful feathers to attract people's attention. It thrives off of recognition and loves to be noticed by its summoner and those close to them. When communicating with these blazing fowls, summoners have noted that the Suzaku all speak with an airy haughty tone, hints of condescending and arrogant tones in their exchanges.

  • As a Vrannik class, Suzaku's cost a modest amount of aether to contract with them, one that lasts for 10 hours or until dismissed by their summoner.

  • The Suzaku seems to primarily resort to using hit and run tactics on its target and leading in with an intense stream of flames then returning to flight using the momentum it gained during the attack. Though they also bear talons, they rarely resort to using them, most likely relying on their momentum to keep mobile during combat. Another unique ability of the Suzakus is the ability to release feathers, but unlike normal feathers, these are akin to molten shards and can regenerate rapidly after being tossed. They are able to fire these feathers within 50 yards around themselves or their summoner with a powerful flap of their wings. As a defensive measure, the Suzaku can shield their summoner by covering them with its wings, most conventional attacks hitting the hard obsidian surface, only giving way under great brute force.

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Last edited by Kotoru on Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:26 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 543
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=220

Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:06 am


Describe the Archetype's appearance and anything else worth mentioning, such as how it typically interacts with the world.

These brutish spirits are dim in wits, but unbridled in pure aggression. Exhibiting territorial tendencies over those that contract them, the Enki will fly in a rage if unauthorized persons enter the space of their summoner

The tier of the Archetype - such as Nahl, Vrannik, Tyrid, Qe'zhod - as well as their duration. The amount of ether expended by the archetype depends solely on their tier; their duration is what matters.

Their abilities, and weaknesses, if any. Lower level Archetypes are more likely to have more weaknesses. These don't need to be anything special; they can be simply that they're fragile or have a soft underbelly.

word count: 200
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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