Ascension Request: Malformity

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1882&p=8295#p8295
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2156&p=9611#p9611
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1891

Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:53 pm


Vivian has reached 100/100 in Malformity as Searing 4622 and has waited the required season of Ash 4622. Additionally, he has gained 102 lores.

Vivian as a character has grown into his magic. Over the last year he has transformed from an immature brat using his magic merely to survive to someone who truly appreciates the aspects of Azunath. He has aligned himself with all that crawls and creeps, at first seeking to use then to understand. He has pushed his studies, both practically and in books.

I believe Vivian deserves to Ascend to Doppelgänger, and would love to establish him as the first Ascended mage in Atharen.

word count: 117
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Mimi Pidders
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Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:54 pm

I agree with your assessment. I believe Viv has hit the prerequisites for ascension (Mastery status of Malformity for at least one season), and is a good candidate for it. Please provide an ascension application detailing:
  • Reason for the choice. Why has Vivian chosen to ascend in Malformity?
    Vivian's new mutations. How will ascension impact them? Will there be additional benefits or changes to them?
  • An outline of Vivian's ascension plot. How and where do you see this happening? Do you want Vivian's ascension to have any plot-related consequences? If so, please list them.
Looking forward to hearing more,
word count: 104
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Location: Amoren
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1882&p=8295#p8295
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2156&p=9611#p9611
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1891

Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:26 pm


Reason for Ascension: Vivian seeks to become closer to Azunath, and sees becoming a Doppelgänger as the pinnacle of understanding man as an animal. Walking a mile in another’s shoes, so to speak. He wants to experience the world through all eyes; young, old, female, male. It’s transcendence he’s after, and perhaps eventually a Re establishment of the Cult of Azunath.

Vivian’s Mutations I’d like to keep Vivian’s mutations intact, with the proviso that should he steal a female person, his mutated womb would take the place of one already there.

Ascension will largely have no impact on his mutations, as many of them are insect based.

An Outline of Vivian's Ascension Plot

After the babe is born, Vivian will again make an entreaty to Azunath. He has done what most would consider impossible; he has created new life through magic alone. He has moved beyond the confines of his sex, and straddled the line between male and female. As the avatar of shifting change, I believe Azunath would appreciate the limits Vivian has dedicated himself to.

As to where it can happen, since Vivian is in Radenor I’d like it to be after he escapes the guild. Perhaps a desperate entreaty to the eccentric god?

For plot related consequences…if I recall, Ascended Mages are extraordinarily rare and we’ve not had a PC one before. I suggest we consult Tyranny?

word count: 248
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Mimi Pidders
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Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:53 pm

Approved in conjunction with Tyranny after many conversations for more information via DM.

Note for anyone reading this: please use the Ascension template if you wish to Ascend. It did not exist when Vivian ascended, but it does now. Thanks.
word count: 40

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