[Boghadar] Overwhelming Memories I Home Sweet Home

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:32 pm

40th of Glade, 4623

Sun setting on the horizon, Arkash and Sola sped through the lush Daravain countryside. The canopy of trees and foliage did well to break up the billowing smog they trailed along that beaten path but did nothing to erase the tire tracks behind them. Arkash pushed on anyway, engine growling as he pressed firmly on the gas, full tank jostling with the thrum of pistons.

Boghadar was a city built atop a cliffside, with enormous waterfalls pouring into the valley a few hundred feet below. Parapets and walkways bridged the waterfalls for access from one island to another, all of which came into view above them as Arkash sped toward the slope of the mountainous valley. "Hold on tight!" He called over his shoulder to Sola as they hit the beginning of the rocky slope. The tires skid for a second on the new terrain as they scraped off the excess mud before they bit the rock and began to drag them up.

A plume of smoke billowed into the air behind them at the slow climb of their chariot, the full view of Boghadar's majesty to their left. Pale stone walls made the exterior of the city look almost fortress-like in comparison, walls sure enough to stand the test of weather and war alike. "Almost there...!" Arkash called as they neared the top, then eased off the pedal as the ground began to even out. Along they sped, through the grass and the trees, occasionally swerving aside to avoid a collision before he engaged the break... All too quickly. The pair would come to a very sudden halt in the wilderness outside the city, ripping up the forest floor in their wake.

"Oof," he said as he eased back into his seat. "Sorry, you alright?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder. Whether she replied or not, Arkash climbed out of the chariot, leaped off the trunk of a nearby tree and cut through a branch with a quick manifestation of his burning claws just to see it land beside the chariot.

"Off you get," he instructed once he stuck the landing, then took the branch and dragged it to drape the heavy machine in a canopy of foliage that almost looked bush-like.

Satisfied, he dusted off his hands, then motioned Sola to follow him. "Sorry if it seems like I'm rushing," he began. "It's because I am, I haven't seen this guy in months!" he declared as he ushered her along.

The soft amber light of the setting sun bled through the trees that evening, littering the forest floor with a variety of nondescript shapes and illuminations.

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Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:33 pm



Luna sat comfortably in the chariot, her eyes scanning the captivating landscape that unfolded before her. Though the picturesque surroundings initially captured her interest, their allure gradually faded as the journey wore on. To ensure her safety during the bumpy ride, she had tightly fastened herself to the chariot using a sturdy strip of leather. Exhausted, Luna eventually dozed off, lulled to sleep by the rhythmic motion of the chariot.

Her slumber was abruptly interrupted when the chariot screeched to an unexpected halt. The sudden stop caused her belongings to be flung forward, despite her body remaining securely strapped. One of the rifles in her possession swung with force, its butt connecting with the back of her head. The painful impact left a sizable bump, but fortunately, her thick hair concealed the unsightly bruise.

Momentarily knocked unconscious by the blow, Luna regained consciousness a few seconds later, her ears catching the tail end of Arkash's sentence. Blinking groggily, she noticed that Arkash had already alighted from the chariot. She assumed it was time to proceed on foot and quickly gathered her bearings. Unstrapping herself, she climbed out of the chariot and stumbled slightly, her feet still adjusting to the uneven terrain that contrasted sharply with the sandy landscape she had grown familiar with.

Brushing off the disorientation, Luna called out to Arkash, "Oh, no worries. Let's get going then if you're in a rush. I'll race you!" Eager for a bit of excitement, she challenged him playfully. If Arkash accepted her invitation, she would gleefully chase after him, her spirits lifted by the thrill of the race. If he declined, she would contentedly continue at a leisurely pace, taking the time to explore their new surroundings.

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Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:17 am


Hiding the chariot in the foliage he scraped from the canopy was a necessary step, he believed. Both Izzy and Miki hid their vehicles whenever they ventured into cities or went anywhere by foot, and so Arkash did the same purely out of caution. Were the machines illegal to possess? It didn't matter if they were, except for the fact that Arkash wanted to keep his.

Sola was surprisingly quiet while he did so, perhaps just taking in the scenery of the setting glade sun through the trees? Nevertheless, he spoke her into action and motioned her along when she came to.

He declared he was in a rush with an air of excitement; it had been much too long since he'd been home and couldn't bare to wait much longer. Sola took it a step further and issued a challenge. Arkash smirked, she couldn't be serious, could she? As it happened, she was, and immediately began to run through the trees. "Aren't your legs tired?!" he called. They'd been asleep for a while on the back of that machine, she was surprisingly spry for a human.

The surprise in his eyes withdrew to make way for intense focus, and he began to rush after her, just fast enough to gain on her. "You don't even know where you're going!" He declared as he passed her, then looked over his shoulder to motion her to follow.

The run was fair, cool glade breezes enough to keep them cool through the exertion of their legs and lungs. Running in human feet was particularly odd for Arkash, as he didn't have his claws or tail for support. He'd sometimes fall forward a touch and correct his posture or appear to slip when he made a turn a little too sharp. All the same, he put the woman's agility and speed to the test as he weaved through the trees, leaped over exposed roots, and dashed through shrubs, but still maintained a reasonable lead with her to the city gate, speeding up and slowing where necessary.

As they passed the threshold of the city, Arkash motioned her to follow and dipped into the first alley.

Darkened halls in the city's architecture made up the entirety of their journey through the otherwise pristine streets of Verant's capitol. Arkash was cautious, ears perked and poised to change direction, seemingly at random. At several intersections in the brickwork, Arkash would take unexpected turns and motion Sola to follow him whichever way he chose, until finally they led out into the open street. Arkash was still cautious, looking down the main road before he emerged, and moved straight for the chrome gate of the estate.

It was a castle, quite literally. Complete with parapets, a hefty external wall and massive doors. It was as though the estate was built to survive a siege.

Arkash produced a key as he stepped up to the door, pushed it into the lock, and paused as he tried to turn the tumbler. Confusion claimed his features, pressed his brow. "Looks like he changed the lock," Arkash said before he stepped very close to the mechanism, looked up while he fiddled with his hands, then stepped back as he swung the gates open.

In secret, Arkash had split a section of his skin and used sway on his own blood to push all the security pins into the correct position before he rotated the tumbler and unlocked it. That same blood was used to harden and coagulate his wound before he opened the gate proper.

Arkash would proceed into the well-maintained courtyard quickly, then close the gates once Sola was inside.

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Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:00 am


Luna was not surprised that Arkash was faster than her as she sped through the forest. While she'd consider herself more fit than average, that was a fairly low bar. She followed after him as best she could nonetheless, noticing that he seemed like he moved better in his lizard form as opposed to his more human-looking one. She figured it made sense for someone to get more used to one form over the other. They eventually made it into the estate and that's when Luna got the sense that something was wrong. The workers there all looked in their direction with puzzled expressions. One in particular, a young boy around the age of nine, sped off. Luna said to Arkash, "so what's this guy like anyways?"

Not thirty seconds later a bell started to ring. They hadn't even been able to walk two minutes before guards approached led by a flustered looking man in his early twenties. The guards were dressed in armor, but the young man looked like he'd just gotten out of bed.

"Stay where you are," he shouted from afar, "and state your purpose. My father does not see uninvited guests." He did not look very threatening but he had an air of confidence about him that suggested that he was not worried at all.

Luna shouted back, "I'm Luna, niece of Miguel Rosario, perhaps you're familiar? I'm here with my travelling companion to see the owner of this estate. My companion here was provided with a key so we presumed that our presence would be welcome."

The son scratched his head while he and his guards walked closer. When Luna's beauty become apparent his tone changed drastically. "Ah, that explains a lot. See, this estate has changed hands recently. The locks were supposed to have been changed. I cannot say that my father has time to entertain guests but you may come with me, provided you relinquish your weaponry to the guards."

Luna allowed the guards to approach and showed that she had no weaponry while hoping Arkash was also unarmed. At this point in time Luna was still unaware of how Entente were supposed to act during gatherings, aside from her brief time staying with Miguel. She did not know that they did not give out information for free, that everything was a trade. Perhaps this would be how she learned first hand.

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:19 am

Getting inside was easy, and that was where Arkash came to believe they were safe, that he could let his guard down. As it happened, they'd encroached on someone else's property.

Arkash's brow furrowed as unfamiliar faces stirred, the bell tolled, and a young man of no Sil'Norai origin came with some armored Valran to challenge them. In that time, Arkash was utterly thrown off. He stared bewildered at the assembled force and tried in his head to make sense of it.

Sola did most of the talking while Arkash processed and considered what the younger man was saying. Changed hands? "W-well you see," Arkash interjected. "The gate was..." He turned to gesture at it, key in hand and paused as if to reconsider. "Well, the key didn't seem to work at first but then the gate swung right open. I assume one of your Valran forgot to lock it?"

It was evident they were dealing with Entente, who else could afford to live in such a place if Degare had moved?

The boy's eyes widened at that, and he turned on the spot to snap his fingers at a well-dressed girl. "Chasmine?!" He yelled. "Chasmine!!" He called again when she didn't respond, more finger snapping. Finally, she startled and looked in his direction, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. "Have Antoinette put in the stocks?! She forgot to close the gate!!"

As the girl ran off, the weapons search began. He nodded in response to the boy's inquiry and outstretched his arms to the side for ease of access. The Valran would pat him down, searching for weaponry only to find he had none. Once they were satisfied, Arkash would ask a brief "and now?"

To which the boy nodded, and motioned them to follow. "Now you'll come with me. My Father wouldn't approve of guests running about the property unattended."

With that, he turned on the spot and began an elegant march with his nose up toward the building proper. Everything there was very well maintained, from the shrubbery to the castle itself. Off to the right stood a lone tower that almost appeared decrepit and condemned. From the vines that reclaimed it to the gaps in stonework, it was clear it hadn't been used in a very long time.

When they entered the castle, however, it was fairly evident that the new owners admired Degare's internal decor, for nearly everything was the same. All the scarlet red and gold trims maintained that regal look to the darker, glossy wood that tiled the floors and paneled the walls.

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:32 am


Luna was not sure whether she wanted to go with the man. If the one they'd come here for wasn't here, then she was happy to just be on their way. The only thing keeping her here was the thought that Arkash might want to know where his friend was now living.

As they followed the man and his guards, he said, "may I ask what business you had with the previous owner?"

Luna said, "it's a long story. I don't actually know the owner at all. See, I was visiting a friend at the edge of the badlands and I ended up stranded in the desert. That's where I met him. He's helping me get back to Amoren and we stopped here along the way."

"Ah, then I suppose it's your companion I have questions for. Ahem... You'll have to forgive me, but preparations are being made for guests expected for tonight. We can speak in this room."

He'd turn into a room with his guards and if the two followed him, some servants would come along and seat them. It was not a small room by any means, but it was clearly not one where guests were usually entertained. It was a room full of crates, furniture, etc with a large table on one side of the room with some chairs.

Given they took seats, the man would continue, "so tell me, what business did you have?" His fixation on finding out Arkash's business was plainly obvious. He had even chosen this room because there was only exit which would be now guarded. There was potentially much to gain for capturing his guests, if they seemed valuable.

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:12 pm


Arkash's eyes scanned his surroundings as they walked through the halls, his keen ears listened to every quiver in the boy's voice, the strum of his vocal cords, and the intent they withheld. Try as he might to rationalize the situation, none of it made sense.

The Soccorro family had held the estate for generations. What would drive Degare to leave his home? Every breath he drew from his nose confirmed that it had been long since the elf last set foot in their home.

He asked his question, the boy, and Sola declared she had nothing to do at all with Arkash's invitation, to which he side-eyed her. his mind raced in an effort to formulate some sort of story, some justification. What was believable? What would carry fewer repercussions? What would garner information from the Entente?

Arkash rose a brow as they were ushered into a separate room that looked as though it was used for storage for a few of Degare's more personalized or select pieces of furniture. This made him uneasy. Why wouldn't Degare take those with him?

The entente had money to waste, he imagined.

Arkash was quiet as he accepted the seat, then exhaled deeply, glassy eyes staring into the unfinished woodwork of the table while his untrimmed fingernails worked into the grain. He looked up when the question was delivered, stern in the press of his brow. "I am no stranger to the Candor, milord," he addressed the man from the position of a peasant. "In exchange for my story, I would appreciate the whereabouts of the prior lord of this estate."

The boy rose a brow as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his front. "That sounds amicable," he started. "Very well, I'll oblige your trade. But you first," he gestured with an open hand before he returned the fold.

Arkash nodded. The malice in his smile was unsettling. he cleared his throat. "Lord Soccorro was impressed with my fledgling advances in necromancy and offered me a position as Valran if I went out into the desert to hone my skill, and brought him back rare magic. I'm now unmatched in my skill with a grafting needle and can accomplish life-saving surgeries for just about any severity of wounds, as well as completely remake men and women if I so wish..." he chuckled a little.

"And by Ulen did I find him rare magic."

"What magic?" The boy leaned in, curious.

Arkash smiled. "That was not in the terms of our exchange, milord." He crossed his arms.

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:12 pm



Luna found herself rather uninterested in what was going on. She thought that if they’d been invited in they might get some good food out of it – something she hadn’t been privy to in days. Being put in a storage room was a big turn off to say the least. She wished they’d just left and was eager for the conversation to run its course. At least it wasn’t for nothing. She learned that entente exchanged knowledge and that one’s wits were certainly a factor, such as Arkash’s clever retort at the end.

Yes, things were rather uninteresting for Luna until the Vier laced his fingers together and placed his elbows on his table. He sat his chin atop his fingers and looked intensely at Arkash. He was doing mental gymnastics to figure out how much he could get away with. His guests were basically nobodies as far as he was concerned, but perhaps torturing someone who was Valran material and a relative of a fellow Vier was not the best move. Not that he would do anything like that without his father’s permission, anyhow.

He paused for what seemed like an eternity then nodded to a guard at the door (who presumably went to fetch reinforcements, the father, or both). The Vier then said, “hmm, then this time I shall lead with some information. Degare is dead so this property became… available. And you see, the circumstances around that have put his associates under suspicion. If he entrusted you to find rare magic and you admit to having found it, then that complicates things. This goes for Luna as well, as the only thing I know about her is that she came with you from the desert. Additionally her story about getting lost in the desert seems a bit unbelievable…”

Luna abruptly stood up, placed her palms face down on the table, then leaned towards the man with fury in her eyes. “a bit unbelievable? I’ve recently gone through the most traumatic experiences of my life and you find it a bit unbelievable?” She found tears unexpectedly welling in her eyes. “I didn’t come all this way to be treated like this. I can’t even. I CAN’T EVEN!”

The man winced and waved a hand for her to be escorted away. “I erm, didn’t mean to offend,” he said even though he had meant to offend initially. “Maria, see to it she’s comfortable!” he shouted across the room. Luna would leave and go eat a snack in a much more luxurious room.

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Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:39 am


His foggy, inattentive stare had been buried away somewhere the moment he began negotiating with the Veir before him. His eyes were focused, calculating, as though he measured the human before him with every word they exchanged. And he did.

Something wasn't right, which was the most he could determine with his limited knowledge on Degare's whereabouts, at least until the word he'd been waiting for passed the man's lips.


Degare is dead, he said, no such prefix of lord or Veir, just by the first name and without an ounce of respect.

Arkash laughed a breath. His lips curled to something of a smirk that his eyes did not share while he appeared to listen to the man. As the story unfolded, it became more and more evident that he'd fallen into some sort of trap. Whether or not the Veir before him had the full breadth of the beast he'd snared was yet to be revealed.

"What circumstances?" Arkash asked despite Luna's screams as she was escorted elsewhere.

"Oh, I am sorry," the Veir began. "That was not in the terms of our exchange," he spoke with something of a sly grin as he leaned back in his chair, as though he'd just declared checkmate.

Arkash's fist clenched as a wild look took his gaze. His dirty nails dug into the palm of his hand as his jaw pressed with weight enough to shatter bone. "Alright," he broke the seething rage that built within him with a deep breath. "How about another exchange?" He offered. "I'll tell you about the rare magic I've accumulated in return for an elaboration on these... Circumstances..."

Every piece of the puzzle was beginning to come together. The Rath had his suspicions but needed to be sure. If the Veir had the answers he sought, then it was undoubtedly true.

The man seemed to think for a moment, but Arkash knew it was a rouse. No member of the entente could resist the mystery of rare magic. It was the sole determining factor of one's status; their closeness to Ulen, within Daravin. The only concern Arkash carried was whether the man would discard his finding as nothing more than commoner babble or not, but what did he have to lose in elaborating the death of another Veir?

"Fine," he said finally, and leaned forward. "But if this isn't rare, then I'm putting you in the stocks with Antoinette."

Arkash laughed as he rose to stand, then began to undo the sleeves of his shirt and withdrew his arms. "As you probably already know, there are three marks of control that we know to have existed once but are now considered lost. Either due to scarcity, the deaths of the first carriers, or the complete eradication of its kind by the Achra."

"Blood Magic, Chronomancy, and Lucence." He read in order. "This is common knowledge for the entente," he assured, evidently proud of himself.

"That's right," Arkash congratulated as he fully threw off his shirt and tossed it in a pile on the floor. "How familiar are you with those marks?"

"Blood magic is self-explanatory, Chronomancy was the manipulation of time, and Lucence the manipulation of light."

"Close," Arkash corrected. "Lucence is the manipulation of light, order, and all of creation." He crossed his arms across his bare chest. "And I know this... Because I command that mark."

With that, he turned around to reveal a deep red, glowing scar in his back. It was the mark of lucence, mutated and irregular, but still bright with the ether that coursed through it. For Emphasis, Arkash held his arm out to the side and focused with closed eyes. Within seconds, a ray of red light extended from his fingertips and reached around three feet before it became too weak to combat the darkness. While using his magic, the vibrancy of his mark became brighter, shining against the crates and woodwork in the dark room. Finally, Arkash let down his hand and the light extinguished. The feat was rather draining for the Rath, who hadn't been able to command light for as long as he had before.

Arkash took a moment to catch his breath, then turned to face the Veir and his guards, who stood in silence.

"This must be some sort of trick?"

Arkash shook his head. "It is not... I command one of the last marks of lucence... There are only four others who possess this magic," he explained.

"How did you-?"

Arkash shook his head "not within the terms," he reminded as he collected his shirt. The Veir scoffed, mouth still ajar where he sat. "Now... Am I off to the stocks or will you tell me the circumstances of Degare's death?" His eye then fell upon the armored Valran that accumulated in the hall prior, as well as those left in the room. "I think I'm of more worth alive and indebted to you, wouldn't you agree..?"

The door to whatever room Luna had been ushered to would open after maybe twenty minutes since her departure, and Arkash would present himself there. "Oh, there you are," he spoke casually. "Come on, we're getting you home," he explained, and motioned his hand for her to follow him before he turned and walked down the hall toward the front door.

"I negotiated our freedom," he explained. "A necromancer is more useful to them alive and well than locked away in some cell," was true, but not what had happened.

"I'm afraid my friend will not be able to help you with your mentalism like I promised; he was executed some seasons ago for heresy; he was a Vandikar." All the enthusiasm had drained from Arkash's expression and voice as he spoke lowly. Every Valran they passed on the way out of the estate eyed them both with reverence and caution.

The sun had fully set as Arkash made his way through the courtyard, out onto the deserted street, then through the city proper. He was quiet, hands in his pockets and eyes to the floor as he walked the paved roads. "...Amoren is a few days riding from here. Are you ready to go?" He asked at the threshold of the city gates.

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Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:07 am



Luna had since calmed down and was enjoying a small sandwich and some wine. She'd been chatting with some of the servants who were telling her about what life was like in the city. Finally, she was back where she belonged.

It didn't last long though. Arkash showed up and said he negotiated their release. Luna didn't know how to take that. At no point did she really consider that she had been a prisoner. She figured that worst come to worst Arkash would be taken away and she'd have to fuck her way into the Vier's favor. As much as they were supposed to pretend to be above such worldly needs, Luna knew first hand that nobody was beyond temptations of the flesh.

Still, it was good to know that things had ended amicably. She figured that since Arkash wasn't covered in blood and didn't look like an ugly lizard creature that everything was A-okay.

"You could have taken a little longer," she said, "they're serving a meal soon and I thought I might get to join. But I suppose there's always next time. Back to the chariot then?"

She'd walk out of the room, spotting the son off to the side and an older man approaching him from behind. Presumably the son would go whispering what he'd just learned. Luna bowed slightly, allowing a tasteful amount of cleavage to show then she winked at the son. "We must meet again, under better circumstances," she called over to him. Even if he was an asshole, he was a rich asshole.
After that Luna would follow Arkash out of the estate!

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