midnight conversations

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:44 pm

5 Searing 4622

He was not sure what the hour was when he awoke. At some point in time, he must have nodded off following the intense session of lovemaking. Opening his eyes, he recognized the calming blanket of nightfall. Clearly their exertions had carried them over into the evening. Perhaps into the early hours of the next morning. The toll on him, he felt, had been one that was more than just physical. Taryn lifted his head gently. It had been pillowed on the firm expanse of a broad chest. One of his arms was snugly draped across a body that felt warm against his naked frame. He gently lifted one of his wings exposing that naked form to the cool air of the bedroom. Reaching down, he lightly draped the bedsheet over Taelian’s sleeping form to stave off the evening chill.

Questions swirled in his mind. A hundred. A thousand. He could not tell. All of them were blending together. Above all of them, the words of Taelian’s confession rang clearest in his head.

“I need you to know something, before you and I... continue like this. Before we kiss again, or do anything more. You and I are..."He exhaled out, "brothers. Twins…”

”You and I are brothers. Twins.”


He could make little sense of it. Who was he? He knew nothing of the will of immortals and gods. He was just a hunter from Radenor, forced to push himself to ends he never thought he’d explore. He could not deny that the attraction between himself and Taelian had been immediate. He had wanted to pull the man to his side and never let him go. He had wanted to explore every inch of him and with a stunning ease, he had agreed to travel with him across the divide between realms mortal and realms…other. What did the revelation mean for both of them?

Taryn did not know.

But he knew one thing; whatever waited for them outside the walls of this bedroom, it did not change how he felt. Reaching out, he gently gripped one of Taelian’s biceps, running his thumb along the swell of muscle there. He leaned forward, brushing his lips over the other man’s shoulder before sitting up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he rubbed his face letting out a long, heavy breath. He looked up, searching for the nearest window, seeking the skies. The sight of open sky always calmed him. He would need to go soaring to clear his head but first, first he would wait for Taelian to awaken. They needed to talk.

word count: 451
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