Tilda Winnow

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Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:14 pm

T I L D A - W I N N O W

Full Name: Tilda Winnow
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 160cm
Weight: 55kg

Birthdate: 31st Glade 4604
Birthplace: Arlain, South Daravin

Profession: Necrodoctor
Housing: Small apartment in Amoren
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common, Raillén
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Tilda is a small woman whose long features make her look taller than she is. Her lips are soft and often expressionless, as is the rest of her face, not taught to display emotions well, so the most that can often be read is her curiosity. Her eyes are often questioning, the sort to dart around the room keeping track of the developments around her. Her skin can hold a deep richness of colour, but is often paler than it should, from her lack of venturing into society, and modest dresses that cover her when she does. Her hair is long and thick and black, either covered in a traditional Daravin headdress when out, or tied back in tight buns when she is trying to work. There is a messiness in it from a lack of attention between the two states, often with hairs loose and out of place.

Typical to Daravin fashion, Tilda wears thick outer layers, in dark shades of ash and green. In these rather shapeless garments, she appears just one of the crowd: a much less maintained and opulent version of the Entente, but part of the crowd nonetheless. Within the comfort of her home or other private spaces, Tilda hasn't been taught the need for these layers and will often remove the heavy coats and outer dresses, leaving loose flowing, lighter dresses and shirts that are convenient for her work.

Tilda holds herself like a woman with a little too much confidence, especially for a girl who has no reason for it. This confidence ripples through most her actions, even when they aren't quite what society would have expected. She is a fast and determined walker, gestures with her hands as she talks, and lacks the regalness of behaviour that someone of a higher position might display in public.


Tilda is a girl who has never really needed to play along with society, She acts with a confidence of someone who doesn't know any better and doesn't realise her actions mean something more to others. She is naturally inquisitive, and will notice the intricacies of social interaction from others, but hasn't had the years of experience that have taught her which parts are important to apply to her own behaviour.

This curiosity extends to everything in her life. Tilda has a natural talent for asking the right questions for her main skill, necromancy, and those questions led her to quickly learning the craft without needing much instruction. However, this can lead to an overfixation on some irrelevant details, which don't align with what the rest of the world is looking for when requiring her skills.

Tilda has also not had a lot of experience with displays of emotion, from the reserved society of Daravin amplified by the lack of parent figures in her childhood. Because of this, she is often overwhelmed when she is encountered with strong emotions, of others and her own. This doesn't help when she is confronted with a patient in pain in need for a doctor - her methodical and cool approach is left as a barrier to avoid dealing with their emotional scars. It also leaves her rather stranded when dealing with feelings of her own. Admitting them to herself is unlikely, and letting others see them is nearly unseen.


Tilda was morning on the morning of the first day of First Bloom, to a whore who had no means to raise a child nor interest in bringing another girl who would sell herself to the world, and to a mage who had no care for offspring and the complications they would bring. She was shifted off to a man who had been loyal to her father, once, a Necrodoctor in Amoren who likewise shunted the idea of raising a child. Despite this, he was forced to take this burden and at least provide a home until the girl could be shipped off for initiation.

Tilda's true upbringing could be attributed to the rotating doors of staff that came in and out of the house she grew up in: maids and cooks and administrators who took enough pity to at least comfort the infant's tears when they came. When she was old enough to walk freely, it was her own curiosity that led her to discover the world and the rules this society had in place for her. She was to be raised to until she was old enough to be ready to endure the horrors of initiation - horrors she did not quite understand, as these were details often left out when telling the story to a young child - and as a mage, would become a useful member of Daravin society. Unaware of the true dangers of magic, Tilda thought little of it, ready to explore the mystery when the time came.

Yet when the day came for her to be sent to initiation and the Necrodoctor to be free of responsibility again, he changed his mind. Tilda had developed into a bright young girl, with a keen eye and questioning nature within which an interest - and talent - for the art of Necromancy. Without the mark of control and raw magic that he possessed, Tilda would never amount to much in the society they lived in, but, to Igor, that hardly mattered.
Tilda possessed insights that he saw many of his own apprentices struggle to grasp, insights he believed fundamental to the craft. With his guiding touch, she could be turned into a master, he believed, a master whose work he could claim as his own, whose skill would only serve to bolster his own reputation. Greedily, he made the decision to keep her to himself, sending away his current students and inviting the girl to his surgery.

Once given the chance to formally train, Tilda excelled, driven by a desire to understand the curious instruments set out before her. She was kept, mostly, behind the curtain and never truly learnt about Igor's interactions with his clients, only appearing as a quiet but diligent helper when the time was right. Distracted by the mysteries of the magic, she found herself more and more drawn away from the workings of the outside world and less and less able to venture out into it.

However, one morning of early Frost 4622, Igor did not appear to his workshop where Tilda expected him. He wasn't at dinner that evening, and he did not show to his appointment the next day. Tilda heard the whispered rumours of his disappearance through the halls of her home and saw the servants disappear with his things over the following days. While no one seemed to have answers, it became exceedingly clear, for her safety, it was time for her to leave the sheltered walls. Gathering up a small collection of things, she broke away, using what money she had with her to set herself up in a small apartment towards the edges of the city. The next morning, flames roared around the home she had grown up in. She had gotten out just in time - alone and freshly new to the outside world - but at least she was alive.

Last edited by Tilda on Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:46 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 1336
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Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:15 pm

Skill List
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Necromancy 50/100 Journeyman
Medicine 25/100 Apprentice
Investigation 24/100 Novice
Research 24/100 Novice
Biology 22/100 Novice
Apothecary 15/100 Novice
Cosmetology 10/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
None yet+00 0
None yet+00 0
Starting Package:
150 Points
Necromancy: 50
Medicine: 25
Investigation: 20
Research: 15
Biology: 15
Apothecary: 15
Cosmetology: 10
Human Racial Bonus:
10 Points
Research: 5
Biology: 5
Approval Bonus:
10 Points
Investigation: 4
Research: 4
Biology: 2
Last edited by Tilda on Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:57 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 102
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Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:15 pm

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Last edited by Tilda on Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:59 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 197
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Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:15 pm

1. General Starting Package
Clothing: Ash grey wool outer coat, dark sage green outer dress, deep brown outer skirt and matching short jacket, and thinner dresses, shirts and skirts to wear underneath in light greys, creams, and whites. Black pair of boots and brown pair of shoes.
1 waterskin
1 satchel that contains:
1 set of toiletries
10 days of rations
1 set of tin eating utensils
Flint and steel
World Mage Addendum: Necromancer's Kit

A small railroad-style apartment that still has little beyond its basic furnishings as Tilda has only recently moved in. The small table and chairs at the front of the apartment are often scattered with Tilda's tools and the chest in front of the hearth in the middle of the apartment often doubles as a bench to eat dinner on, when the table is too occupied. At the far end, Tila's bed sits made with hospital corners.

Currency Ledger
Total: 1000 df
(Note: Either 600 df for six seasons or 1000 df for three seasons must be paid for Necromancer's Kit)
1. + 1000 df from Starter Package
word count: 234
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