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Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:08 pm




Full Name: Radika
Race: Krish
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Birthdate: 89 Ash 4589
Birthplace: The Outlands
Partners: None

Height: 5’10” | 178cm
Weight: 145lbs | 65kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light Amber
Skin: Greenish Olive
Distinctive Marks: Runic tattoo work around her temple and brow, accompanied by two minor tattoos on the sides of her chin.

Mageblight: +0, Level 0 as of Frost 37
Profession: Labourer
Housing: Tent
Fluencies: Ki'taan & Common
Titles: None
Factions: None


Radika is of a lean warrior’s build -routinely shrouded in armor- with all the genetic makings of a Krish: green skin, orange eyes, shortened nose, and knife-sharp ears that draw a distinct silhouette wherever she is found. Minor scars of varying age occasionally break up her otherwise uniform complexion. Spread across both shoulder blades lies a dark Mark of Resonance, a familiar sight in Krish society.

She carries herself with an obvious self-serious bravado in every step, adopted from constant military exposure and her own desire to appear formidable. Radika’s voice is not unusual for a Krish — it’s aggressive, with a subtle undertone of hostility.


Radika was born a compassionate - relative to Krishkir culture- though capricious soul, raised to believe that one becomes strong by fighting for what they want and discarding the weak. However, she expressed conflicting mindsets throughout youth. As a child, Radika seemed averse to the thought of harming others without any motive or benefit. Though she had initially faced her culture’s perception of the world with a headstrong defiance, Radika has grown to emulate it much more closely.

Radika has always been clever yet hot-headed, often letting her temper get the best of her. She is quite explosive and violent once upset, which often conflicts with her devotion and natural, though repressed, empathy. She has other contradictory traits, beliefs, and behaviors; Radika is domineering and controlling to others (a result of her militarist upbringing) and disdains working with people she deems inferior — yet adamantly refuses to accept her own numerous shortcomings. Meeting the Zi'dask's expectations became her sole motivation from adolescence onwards, even at the cost of self-fulfillment.


Radika is the lastborn of three children, all the progeny of renown Krish warriors within their Zi’dask, both masters of the physical and arcane. Her father, K’zel, was a gifted user of Resonance and became one of the youngest Master-Transposers of his generation before joining the frontlines with remarkable cruelty and efficiency. The warring Outlands are where K’zel had met Radika’s mother, Xirrel — she had earned a reputation as a juggernaut: unstoppable, powerful, and free of restraint. A shared dominance of the battlefield undoubtedly contributed to their passionate relationship.

Their firstborn are fraternal twins, Radika’s elder brother and sister of eight years: Cerk'ir and Dakiir. These twins, amazed by their ancestral pedigree, followed the family's lead and grew into explosive teens, now narcissistic adults. K’zel relentlessly drilled them toward perfection and settled for little less on the belief that power and domination were the defining traits of strength. The twins harbor neither pity nor mercy for any who could not prove their worth – including family. Even from a young age, Dakiir in particular regularly demonstrates a sadistic cruelty towards most around her.

Radika has been the receiving end of their odious dispositions for most of her life, deemed little by her father, who has talked down to her at almost every opportunity since childhood. Radika's relationship with her father has been strained and difficult for as long as she can recall. This contempt was originally in large part due to the circumstances of Radika’s birth. Xirrel was unknowingly pushing her soul beyond its limits for months, all peaking with an onset of intermediate mageblight during her second pregnancy. The onslaught of corruption and physical symptoms took her life before Radika could be naturally born. The newborn Krish was surgically removed from Xirrel shortly after her passing, already representing ill fortunes.

K’zel is a harsh and demanding parent who expects nothing less than perfection from his children -- Radika often struggles to meet these expectations and prove herself worthy of respect. However, unlike the twins, Radika did not easily take to her parents’ traits; she is unexceptional in almost every area that her family excels in. Radika was initiated into Resonance at twenty-seven, significantly later than her siblings. Radika was put off by unwarranted violence while growing up, and she could not grasp martial combat with the same prodigious prowess as Cerk’ir and Dakiir. She sacrificed personal fulfillment for what would bring herself in line with her siblings, never reaching their heights. Despite this difficult relationship, she possessed a strong sense of duty and loyalty to her father and to the entire Zi’dask.

By adulthood, Radika’s cemented role as the black sheep of their lineage had left her with many underlying insecurities and burning jealousy. Outside of her family’s shadow and into the wider society of her Zi’dask, Radika is regarded as a stubborn yet below-average combatant, more adept with her mind and tools than a blade. She’s more likely to be found as a Harbinger deckhand than as a warrior in her regiment.

Nonetheless, she is still sent out to r'lisk on raids on certain occasions – and her last one ended disastrously. The plan was straightforward pillaging in the lands of Eastern Radenor, far from the Krish colonies; nominal resistance was expected. Harbinger-based expeditions were usually too rapid and unpredictable to be counteracted in any sufficient capacity if the Krishkir so wanted. As they descended upon the target town, an unaccounted variable presented itself. A traveling party of audacious adventurers from Dresden was residing in the very same area, each providing their unique abilities to mitigating the Krish threat.

Radika very quickly found herself standing face to face with one of these eccentric party members: the distinct clinks of parried blades kept her focused on their duel -- actually, a little too focused. Radika’s tunnel vision hid another flanking adventurer from her senses, leaving the overzealous warrior open to a devastating gunshot wound to her side, between the armor’s panels. Her stubborn nature flourished once more as Radika attempted holding back two mysterious combatants while bleeding profusely. They were obviously far beyond her capabilities, only shielded from damage by the resilience of Krish military armor. Radika heavily considered the chance of death as gunshots grazed her armor and a dense mace contorted each plate with painful dents.

Her life was only truly spared when another two Krish warriors Blinked into the vicinity and sufficiently distracted the adventurers. Radika was forced to drop her chipped Messer and rest as the haphazard battle waged on. A frenzied anger welled up within the defeated Radika: infuriated with her own weakness, at the village for hiding behind random adventurers, even at her own saviors for only appearing after she’d been beaten down. Radika’s rumination was interrupted by the sight of the same Krishkir that had “saved” her life. They were in the same battalion, they knew of her flawed reputation, they saw irreparably damaged armor tarnished with mud, blood, various craters and scratches. She approached upon an uneven gait, wiping blood that flowed from her temple. Their decision came quite easily -- Radika was a lost cause with more resistance en route soon. She watched as they departed, fast as they arrived, and the Harbinger elevated into the atmosphere before returning to the Outlands.

Could it have been a mistake? No, they all saw her plain as day. Radika knew her people well enough, she was abandoned in r’lisk, dismissed as another casualty of war. Time to process this rush of emotions was cut short at the distant sound of reinforcements. She endured through the pain with a rush of adrenaline, limping away to the town’s borders. Radika clumsily discarded the armor weighing down her escape, adorned in a thin gambeson, and successfully slipped into an Evergreen wilderness during the fleeting chaos. Radika was forced to survive on her own with nothing but her clothes, a shortsword, and a waterskin. Her knowledge of how to live in the harsh Outlands fortunately prepared for this scenario; her main gunshot wound was shallow and mostly stopped by the now discarded armor. Radika cleaned the injury before wrapping it in a makeshift combination of clothing straps, leather strips, and natural materials. She left most of her other injuries only partially covered, composed of minor cuts and major bruises but luckily no fractures. Radika attempted her best to avoid civilization and gather all food for herself. However, a week of survival brought on desperation, then, a stroke of luck. Somewhere in the expansive wilderness of East Radenor, she had found herself a pair of nomadic humans wandering the forests. Radika was still physically recovering and took a chance at intimidation nonetheless. After a threatening display with heavy demands, she walked away with a much appreciated bulk of supplies: rations, flint & steel, small torches, et cetera. She had finally gotten lucky, though Radika couldn’t help but feel that life was bound to grow more difficult from here.

Last edited by Radika on Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:07 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1610
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Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:01 pm


Skill Skill Level Proficiency
Blades 25/100 Apprentice
Unarmed Combat 10/100 Novice
Shields 15/100 Novice
Ranged Weaponry 15/100 Novice
Tactics 25/100 Apprentice
Survival 10/100 Novice
Resonance 25/100 Apprentice
Engineering 15/100 Novice
Intimidation 25/100 Apprentice
Thread Points Awarded Points Spent Running Total
Starting Package 150 150 0
Bonus Experience 15 15 0
Starting Package: 150 Points
Blades: 25
Tactics: 25
Resonance: 25
Intimidation: 25
Engineering: 15
Ranged Weaponry: 15
Unarmed Combat: 10
Survival: 10

Bonus Experience: 15 Points
Shields: 15

Skill Debt
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Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:25 pm

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Last edited by Radika on Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:08 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 250
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Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:47 pm

Items: Combatant Starting Package
  • 1 Set of Clothing
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 Days of Rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils
  • Flint & Steel
  • Basic Leather
  • 1 Melee Weapon (Iron Shortsword)
Housing: Migrant Starting Package
  • Large Backpack
  • 50 ft. of Hempen Rope
  • 1 Lantern
  • 10 Torches
  • 1 Bedroll
  • 1 Blanket
  • 1 Small Tent
Thread Cash Total
Starting Package +250 250
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Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:15 pm

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