Days of Freedom [Ford]

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:05 pm

12th Ash, 4606

The earliest of the summer was dwindling and it was a new academic term for the Griscian Calendar. Oliver had just settled into his new room, he looked on the bed opposite his in confusion, noticing that he was in a shared room. He looked around noticing that the room was merely empty as he began to place his stuff amongst the bed, unpacking various goods from his suitcase such as his high quality suits and assortments of books for his studies, mainly focusing on the subjects of Magical Theory, Archaeology and Anthropology. He looked at the wardrobe as he hung his clothes up one by one in each individual order. He stared at the other wardrobe opposite his as it appeared to be empty.

Of course, the eighteen year old was nervous about his start, having being accepted into this university it was a great deal for his family, but perhaps a way of gaining some approval from his mother and father who deeply distrust the path that he is currently on. Oliver sighed as he looked at the empty bed, wondering if the other roommate will arrive, and will he be forthcoming of his right to be here. Sharing a room can't be easy, but Oliver was always prepared for the worst situation at hand. After all, school bullies should be the thing of the past, right? He never knew, but the education he was going to receive would be hopefully fruitful for these next three years. That's what he hoped.

Right now, he was excited but a little nervous about the venture; it was his first time being away from home, his first time where he had space. It almost felt like a foreign feeling of independence that he never had growing up in the House of Carnahan. Here he was, wondering what to do. Greet other university students? Go and join in on other activities? Or just sit there, wondering what to do before the actual semester starts. After all, he was just getting use to the idea of being independant for once.

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Ford Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:57 pm


Ford was a polite young man, a member of society, and understood certain things required of Griscian youths who wanted to follow in their parent's footsteps. However, Ford did not wish to follow either one of his parents. They both had their general fields, but both had specialized in something he wasn't entirely on board with. Either way, after plenty of discussion and promises of writing to his parents while at university, he found himself running late. Already, he could hear his father in his mind telling him a proper gentleman is never late, to always be early to his appointments. With a sack slung over one of his shoulders and a trunk dragged behind him on wheels, he found himself zig-zagging between people to make it to his room and practically bulldozed the door open, entered the room, and closed the door behind him. Landing with a light thud of his back against the door, the trunk dropping to the floor, and the sack sliding to hang at one of his elbows, his eyes had closed, impervious to the presence of the other in the room.

"Let's get out of these clothes..." And just as he attempted to unfasten his pants, he opened his eyes and saw... Someone was staring right back at him. A noise, only able to be likened to a yelp, came from the blonde, and he was grateful he hadn't unfastened or unbuttoned anything. "M-My apologies is this not.." Oh... There were two beds and two sets of furniture. He had assumed rooms were just... Private. Nervously laughing, he rubbed the back of his head, his blonde hair a bit messy from his rush to finish things that day, and he realized he had been rude. "Oh!" He quickly offered his hand to the other, a broad, bright smile showing on his featured. "Ford Edevane... My friends just called me Ford." He had one friend, and they were not currently in touch, so only his parents and brother were. "Sorry about thrashing in like that. I did not realize I would be sharing a room." Polite as ever, he waited for the handshake to conclude if it happened.

Moving to take his things to the empty bed, he tossed the sack onto it, laid the trunk up, and opened both, looking to see where he would start putting his clothes. Sheepishly looking at the other as he tried to make sure anything unmentionable in his clothing remained unseen, not used to sharing space with someone he was not related to.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 3:54 pm

Oliver appeared to be completely flabbergasted by Ford's sudden urge to barge the door open, as if noone was around. He proceeded to stare at him, seemingly shocked without saying a word, like he owned the room. Maybe he hasn't got use to the fact that there are two beds in the dormitory. Oliver's eyes widen in shock as he proceeded to remove his pants, thats until he turned around and notice. He did not have any words to say, as he appeared to apologise in the apologetic way he was in "No, I think we're sharing a room?" He said with a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, not seemingly use to someone bursting in like that.

First embarrassing moment number one, only it wasn't me so that's fine, I am waiting on embarrassing moment number two to happen.

Oliver watched the other male seemingly apologise "It's ok, I've had worse experiences" He said laughing off the mishap as he watched him seemingly smile. He seemed friendly, but the whole notion of being home alone still wasn't as dependent. The bright side of this whole journey was the roommate seemed pleasant and polite as he introduced himself fully "Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Oliver Carnahan... Appears we're going to be roommates for the next three years" Oliver smiled, taking his offer of a handshake as he gripped with a firm grasp, before shaking once and chuckling "Do you need help with anything? I've put the majority of stuff in mine, but I can help you out if you wish?" He offered, thinking that would be the wisest thing to do as they converse and bond.

He immediately started with the heaviest objects first.

Gosh, what was in this suitcase! He thought as he had a slightly harder time helping him lift it up. He noticed the shy look on Ford's face, as if it had something to hide. What did he have to hide? Why did he look so nervous. Oliver ignored it for a moment as he pointed to the wardrobe on the left side of his "That side is yours, although I didn't need much space, so I just grabbed the smaller closet, y'know..." Oliver smiled as he gestured to the wardrobe "It seems I am psychic though when it comes to roommates bringing alot of stuff."

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Ford Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:08 pm


It was true, and Ford was known to put his foot in his mouth. Something he had been learning not to do as he got older. Regardless, Oliver seemed to accept his apology, and Ford was quite appreciative of that. When the other came over to offer his help, it didn't seem a polite 'no' was going to cut it. So instead, he had Oliver help him lift some things, and he smiled when the wardrobe was offered on which side was going to be his. "Sorry about this... My mother wanted to make sure I had enough packed away. Told me I would be a heathen if I left with what I originally had planned." This was accompanied by a nod of his head towards the sack he had dropped near his bed. Taking in a deep breath, he figured he might as well begin filling up what he could and figuring out the rest later. Taking up some of his clothes, he placed them in the wardrobe and was mindful of not taking up more space than what was allotted to him. "Wait, worse experiences? What's worse than someone threatening to pop their pants open without knowing you even exist ten feet away?" He laughed at that and dumped the sack over and out spilled some extra clothing and undergarments.

As folding and hanging ensued, he occasionally glanced at Oliver and offered a nod to him. "Psychic?" Ford didn't understand at first and had to pause midway holding one of his undergarments as he looked between the wardrobe and Oliver, trying to figure out the psychic connection, and then it dawned on him. Chuckling, there was an expression of realization as he did and finished folding the article of clothing he was holding. "Well, hopefully, I don't run you off. My older brother was happy to be rid of me." Which wasn't the truth, but Ford felt his brother was too polite to say otherwise. "...And I think I snore a bit." I might get that out in the open since they shared a room.

That awkwardness out of the way, he glanced over to Oliver and finally finished putting away most of his clothing. "So what brings you to university? Anything exciting?" There wasn't much to get excited about in Griscian society, but he may as well see what intrigued the other enough to attend.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:13 pm

Oliver smiled at the pleasant disposition of the other male, although he had an air about him seemed to be filled with positive energy, so much that he would talk, chatter and converse with the man until they had to leave for the 'Welcome Festival'. Ford and Oliver were left to their own devices, meaning that Oliver had spent most of the day looking at the various sports teams, or other stuff. He opted to join the university's gymnastics team, knowing that he had to audition to qualify for the training sessions. Oliver's body was well taken care off, knowing his father's militaristic attitude towards younger education, despite his harshness he did give them the knowledge to live and breathe happily as well as vital survival skills for whatever future endeavours they were going to take.

The day appeared to be long and rough, but it seemed that the end of the day appeared to be the point of return for the two Griscian men, now that they were in bed, sharing a room together. It kinda reminded Oliver of the time he was forced to share a room with Symone at one point, but that was due to construction work on the house he was living in. He looked to the empty bed, noticing that Ford wasn't around. Where could he be? He eventually peered out of the door, noticing a couple of students running around in flapper dresses, well styled suits and other things. He blinked for a moment "Was this some kind of ritual? Are they sneaking out? Is Ford part of this?" He asked, wondering what the hell was going on.

Oliver had no idea what was going on, but it appeared that this was the ritual at night, before the person did room inspections. The question was, how did the students get away with such a manner of sneaking out like that at night? Especially when Oliver hasn't met the matron of the halls of residence yet. What could possibly go wrong? If so, should he join in? The decisions were conflicting, but it appeared that others had fun doing this kind of stuff. It was Oliver that appeared to not be used to such rebellious and anarchistic behaviour.

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Ford Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:46 pm


Ford had been out, putting his nose in other people's business. He was going as far as approaching random groups when they were talking and just interjecting himself into them. He wanted to know people, and this was the most young people or people his age he had been around for quite some time. The day was spent making new acquaintances and learning where things were. It was later in the day, approaching the evening, before he was heading home. He had heard of a place some of the students went to let loose and let off steam from studying, and he wanted to see where that was. So while Oliver was busy peeking through the door, there were running steps as Ford's shoes hit the flooring as he approached the door. His previously buttoned-down shirt was half unbuttoned in preparation for making a quick change, but instead, Ford had just about run into Oliver, and Oliver got a face full of Ford. Chuckling, Ford entered their room and closed the door behind him, keeping his hands on Oliver's shoulders. "C'mon. We need to get out of here. Change into something you can go and party in. I heard about this spot where the kids go and have a good time. " He didn't quite know if newbies were allowed to come along, but it didn't matter.

In mere moments of being in the room, the sounds of his shoes hitting the floor and unbuttoning and unzipping clothes could be heard. There was no ceremony, and Ford didn't even bother to hide. They shared a room now. They would have to get used to each other's antics one way or the other. Ford didn't have anything too formal, which was part of the argument with his mother, but he had something nice enough. There was no tie, but a collared shirt was tucked into a pair of nice pants, and a tailored jacket, only one of two he had, was pulled on top of that. There was a quick change of shoes and a pause in front of a mirror so that Ford could run his fingers through his hair and shape it however he wanted, "We have to get out of here and back before they check on us." Ford knew full well this went against the rules, but this was also university, and for many of them, it was their first time away from their respective parental figures, so why not celebrate on the first night? If and when Oliver was ready, Ford would grab his new roommate's hand, drag him right out the door, and head off, following a few of their dorm mates.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:36 pm

Oliver was confused by Ford running in and throwing off his clothes off like some mad barbarian. He didn't know what was going on, how to explain the situation, but he knew that the whole situation had gotten out of hand. He blinked, watching the other male trying to slip into a fancier more sophisticated getup. However, it appeared that it was an event that the students were flailing about to miss. Oliver reluctantly sighed as he came along, knowing that he probably needed to keep his roommate safe from any sort of trouble "Partying at this hour? I mean it's a bit late, but I'll come along..." He said as he quickly found the fanciest thing in his wardrobe, his finest beige waistcoat with rose embroidery, followed by a pair of black trousers, loafers and a jacket to go with it.

He sighed as he tried his best to tie the bowtie, but then threw it on the floor out of frustration "Fuck it, lets go..." He said quickly changing his clothes, smoothing back his hair before being dragged out by Ford's hand to where the other dorm mates were. Oliver looked at Ford and sighed before whispering in his ear "Listen, best not to get lost ok? You might not be from Starkwyte, I know it from the back of my hand, but you might not... Just stay close to me and you'll be fine." He gave Ford the firm warning before they were whisked off. The crowds of students rushing away into the nightlife square of Starkwyte, where all the hustle and bustle of bars, clubs and dancing venues were at. Oliver was wondering if he would get in, knowing that some of the pupils weren't at the right age for the club.

The Griscian male followed the others to a dance club known as the Silver County Social Club, where alot of the students would go for a much more sophisticated tour. This appeared to be the club that was popular amongst the university students who snuck out from their dorms, although it was evident that they had to look like they were mature enough to enter the premises. Some of the ladies could get in, but it was Ford and Oliver's turn. They looked like pretty respectable gentlemen who are looking to unwind down. The bouncer nodded "Oi... Have a good time, keep a smile on your face?" He said with a hint of laughter.

Oliver's first time at the club appeared to be wild, he had never been to a place like this, nor had he any experience in such thing. Perhaps being away from parents does encourage the need for experimentation, to find out who one person is. He turned to Ford and smiled "Well, I didn't think it would be that bad..." He said before looking through his pocket, realising he had forgotten something. Now he can't buy drinks "Fuck... I've left my wallet back at the dorm..." He said in a panic.

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Ford Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:41 pm


There was no time to explain anything to Oliver. He was going, and that was that. Too many students looked stressed about the university, and it hadn't even started yet. Once they had gotten to the social club, they stood at their first trial, the bouncers. When they approached the man who was eying them, ford let out a breath of relief and clapped the bouncer on the shoulder. "Good on ya. I'll get a drink out to ya later." Laughing with the bouncer, he walked in with Oliver, and Ford was practically bouncing out of his skin. Some people were dancing, others were laughing and talking, and some were at the bar drinking. Leaning closer to hear Oliver, Ford clapped him on the shoulder. "Oliver Carnahan... If you allow me to buy you drinks tonight, you promise to loosen up, just a little? Not asking for a miracle, but you look nicer when you're laughing and smiling like you were when we got here. C'mon." Nodding towards the bar, he clapped his new roommate on the back, guided him towards the bar, and waited for their turn to place an order. Ford didn't really know what to drink. Finally, it was their turn, and he was looking around at what some of the other people were drinking, and he had an idea. Ordering, he grinned, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet, forking enough for their two drinks to get them started.

"While we wait, what do you wanna do?" He asked and glanced around, his head swiveling this way and that, taking in all of the sights and sounds, enjoying the scene. Ford was definitely a people person. Loved being around others and enjoyed watching others. When their drinks were done, he grabbed them and offered one to Oliver. It was bright purple, and there was no giving it back. "My money, my drink orders!" He laughed and handed it over to Oliver. There really wasn't anything wrong with it. It was gin with some berry juice and muddled berries. Nothing too crazy, as he didn't want Oliver to die in a panic. "Cheers to a new life at university and a new friend!" Tapping his glass to Oliver's, he took a healthy swallow and looked over at Oliver. He was half expecting Oliver to frown at the glass and half expecting to get punched for taking such a straight-laced person into the type of environment they wound up in.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:10 pm

Oliver was startled by the clasp on his back, the environment did seem foreign to him, but only due to the way he was seeing it. He was turning into an adult after all, there was no question that he needed to present another persona to him. The night appeared to be blooming with a chance to celebrate their newly found freedom "You know what, I'm in, why not..." He said with a laugh as he placed his arm around him and headed towards the bar with Ford. He didn't really know what to drink. but he knew he was going to have to experiment, try certain flavours and even strengths of alcohol to prove which one was the most potent of them all and which one was the lightest. It didn't matter to Oliver though; he had been drunk only once; he knew how much of a lightweight he was.

Oliver appeared to be happy with his newly found freedom and the ability to let go from the issues that his family enforce him with. When Oliver was ordered a drink by Ford, he couldn't help but notice it was a red or pink in colour "Hmm... I don't know, I mean the dance floor is looking pretty fabulous, singer's great. Those look pretty fun, unless you're just looking for a chill night?" He asked as he looked at his newly found friend with apparent glee. He appeared to be having a good time, unlike before where his nerves were all over the place. When the drinks were done, he watched as Ford grabbed his drink for him and handed it to him. He was surprised that he was given a gin, hoping that it wasn't too strong. The atmosphere was alot to get use to for any new student and it seemed that he was making it through every step "To a new life and a new friend" Oliver tapped his glass against his and began taking a small sip, before gagging on the taste of alcohol. He hated the taste of it, but he knew that it was just a defense mechanism to ensure he doesnt experience drunkness.

After all, not all students should get drunk? Oliver sighed as he looks at Ford "Listen, if I get drunk... We're not to get lost ok?" Oliver asked for reassurance. It was hardly any kind of loving pressure, but Oliver knew he needed the support aswell. If they were both getting into a situation, he might aswell help a friend out.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:30 pm


The drinks were a bit stronger, but it was okay. It just meant either they needed to drink more or not drink much at all. It would be figured out eventually. While sipping on the drink, Ford had been listening to Oliver, who was quite worried that they would get lost. Ford wasn't so concerned about getting lost; it was getting in trouble for having fun. Ford had been raised that either you behaved or you didn't. There was no awkward in-between grey phase. He knew what he was doing was against the rules, but poor Oliver was already wound up so tight that he was liable to be stressed out by the end of their first week of classes. But now, they both had a drink, and Ford started wiggling his hips. Eventually, he wiggled away from Oliver. "We won't get lost!" They would both be fine if they didn't end up so drunk that they couldn't find their way back. With the singing and music, he was dancing primarily by himself, and there were no traditional Griscian moves. It was Ford out, enjoying himself and not worried about anything else. They would deal with whatever they dealt with when they returned as long as they made it back. Taking another swallow from his drink, he waved Oliver over to at least shimmy his hips. "We're not leaving until you dance to one song and drink one drink. Once you do both, we can leave!"

Laughing, another sip was taken, and Ford was dancing away. Again, nothing rhythmic and connecting, just Ford dancing to how he felt the music required him to dance. It was just a bit of fun, and many of the students seemed to be enjoying themselves, probably something the pair would need. Starting university was stressful, and starting away from any support system made it all that much more stressful. It did not matter, though. For now? Ford had his new buddy and a drink. Nothing else could happen that would make the night terrible for him. Occasionally though, he did peer over to Oliver to check on him and the situation with his drink, making sure he kept it close and that they both were monitoring one another. Just an easier way of ensuring they were both taken care of during their time at the club.

word count: 406
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