Alone with an Ex

The Northern Crown of Radenor.

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Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:26 pm


Hakon wasn't given to merriment, but it was one of the merriest days of his entire life. Ajax got on with people in a way that he found enviable. The lad charmed people, persuaded them, convinced them, performed for them and serenaded them, and they responded in kind with ready smiles and free drinks. He was the benefactor of the overflow of goodwill Ajax received, and the youth kept pushing beer and wine and mead toward him while he played, Normally, he wouldn't drink a quarter this much, but he was not so rude as to refuse the hospitality of strangers, so he drank until he couldn't feel his face, and then his legs.

Ajax actually had to help him upstairs to their room, which he would have been embarrassed about if he wasn't so warm and happy. Numb, but not unpleasantly so. Ajax helped him out of his boots, which was good because when Hakon had tried he'd just stared mutely at them for a minute, looking at the knotted leather ties with consternation. Normally, he could do this without even thinking about it, but now, even when looking at them, it was confusing. He tried undoing them, but just made a new knot, somehow.

He removed the rest of his outer clothes without Ajax's assistance, then found himself in bed. Ajax moved to stay on top of the blankets, which Hakon found amusing. His honor was being protected by a scoundrel. Then Ajax asked a question that punched a hole straight through the wall of ice Hakon had forcefully put between them.

Did you fall in love with me?

His first reaction was to get angry at the question. What possible reason did Ajax have for asking this? Was it not obvious that this had been so? The idea of blustering at Ajax held no appeal even while sober, though, and trying to articulate his thoughts while he was drunk was too hard.

So instead, he told the truth. "Ardently. With vigor. For you," he frowned, trying to stop the words, but it was too late, "for you there were shonnets. Or there would've been. Would've learned how."

He cuffed Ajax on the forehead, but with no force, a playful, soft bonk.

"'n afore you think I fall eashily," he slurred, "No. I don't. Jus' you. An' Heinrich. Two boys I was stupid enough to love. Others, maybe, if'n things'd been diff'rent. But they wern't."

Strong arms wrapped around Ajax.

"Get under here, lad. You'll freeze."
word count: 440
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Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:33 pm


Ajax let himself be pulled into an embrace. It felt good. He wanted it, and he wanted a lot more besides. Why stop? Why not kiss Hakon and pick up where they left off? Because Hakon was in love with you and this is a big fucking mess, you drunk, horny idiot came the mental reply. He let himself enjoy the touch for a moment; those big arms, the wide chest, the nice smell. Then he pulled away. He couldn’t have without an effort if Hakon hadn’t been drunk, but he was and his arms weren’t tight around him like iron. More like oddly muscular spaghetti.

It wasn’t a hostile gesture. He didn’t intend to reject Hakon’s affection, which was very sweet, just to make sure nothing more happened. He sat up and pulled his legs in, sitting cross legged on the blanket next to Hakon. Then, before he responded, he gently brushed the hair away from Hakon’s eyes, then rested a hand on his shoulder. Something told him the man needed to be touched and reassured.

“I didn’t know,” he said softly, with sadness in his voice. “I never would have run away if I’d known. I’m sorry, Hakon. I led you on, didn’t I? I was so scared of you that I broke your heart without meaning to. That’s why you were so mad, it wasn’t the money or anything else. I really am sorry. I was just a dumb kid. I didn't know what I was doing. I hope you can forgive me.”

He didn’t tell any lies. There was no I loved you too, it was all a big misunderstanding. He hadn’t, and Hakon probably knew it. He’d been infatuated with Hakon, briefly, then that dissipated when they got to the tower. That wasn’t love. But he did have feelings for the man next to him, strong ones. He wasn’t sure what they were exactly. Sometimes fear, sometimes affection, sometimes even pity, as now. And he wanted Hakon to like him - or at least approve of him - in a way that was overwhelming and maybe a little crazy.

“You probably won’t remember this in the morning anyway,” he said with a sigh. “But who cares. You’re a hero to me, Hakon, despite everything, and it kills me that you think I’m a monster. Let’s get some sleep. Maybe you’ll feel differently by the end of this trip.”

word count: 433
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Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:51 pm


Why did touch always feel so good? Ajax's touch burned, almost. The feeling of the hand lingered, a ghost image still on his flesh long after the lad's fingers had moved on.

He let out a huff of breath. So Ajax hadn't known. Maybe it had been better that way, he mused, trying to think through the cloud of alcohol that filled his head with golden fog. Maybe it was better to be confusing than to be pitiable.

"Don't--" Hakon said, then stopped.

Don't what? Don't pity me? Don't feel bad about what you did? Don't worry about me? He had no control over how Ajax felt or behaved; their past encounter had made that clear enough. As for whether the youth felt remorse, well, a bit of remorse was probably warranted.

So instead, he released Ajax, letting the youth either get under the blankets or stay on top of them as he desired.

"'sjust a swell," he said instead. "You desherve a husband, Ajax. Someone who can give you a life, and keep you. Not someone like me."

Then he belched loud enough to rattle the window panes in the inn, or it felt like it to him, and sighed. He muttered something incomprehensible that definitively contained the words "criminal" and "love," but nothing much else was distinguishable. At that point, Ajax was enfolded in the unconscious, drunken embrace of his former lover, would-be suitor, and attempted jailer.
word count: 256
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