Bel Hath No Fury, Like a Man Scorned [Hugo]

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:18 am
Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1709&p=7409#p7409
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:31 pm

45th Ash, 4622

Salen had returned to Hugo's residence, already sought with empty answers that he had came back from Boghadar with, as well as meeting some new friends and old acquaintances from before. He had begun to get fed up of the political landscape of Daravin, already realising how deeply burrowed he was in within it. A commoner with magic and yet so much knowledge would only lead him to become more impatient, but perhaps it was time to seek the help of someone he wouldn't dare to dream off, someone whom he had an expedition with. He required training in physical and social etiquette to say the least. He sighed as he made his way through the house to find it almost empty, he proceeded to look around at the various paintings of this poor Veir's home.

"Hugo?" He said suavely as he took a few footsteps through his home, realising that there could be something wrong. It was awfully quiet and the reigns of paranoia would ascend before him. Salen would hear a voice within him, before he ended up collapsing in a dream-like trance as if he had been affected by Mind Collision. Salen was nearby another Remnomancer, he was pulled inside someone elses mindscape through a message of some kind. A feminine figure appeared to be approaching Salen as she laughed "Hello Salen... It's been a long time."

"And you don't change."

"As do you, you appeared to have left quiet a mark on my recent plans, I would've offered you greatness if you have done so, but yet there are so many dark secrets." She smiled as she wondered around the Reverie once more "Did you know I had great plans for you, Salen... Oh yes, great plans where we could rule Daravin by controlling the masses and spreading contagion through disease and debauchery, but you let morality get to you..." She uttered as she sounded bitter for a moment "Morality is the pustule of your very soul that you still cling to"

Salen snickered, but turned his head with a smile "Hmm... Perhaps you are right, you do hold to those values, but yet one day you will get what you deserve. I know what you did to Tiberius, I know it was you who hired assassins of House Demarik, I know that you've betrayed your own fellow brothers and now it is time to rage war."

Dahlia chuckled as she paced back and forth "Empty threats, empty words... If you think you can come after me, you better do so... I challenge you..." She narrowed her eyes "You won't win, believe me... I can make you into a ceaseless rotting corpse if I wanted to, within a matter of seconds you will only be another dark and cold body laying to rest, just like your dear Tiberius... He asked for it, just as you are... You are nothing but a traitor to my cause, because I have found a higher calling that has made me faster, stronger and much more versed in Daravin's political landscape than you are. You can't stop me, I'm a powerful woman..."

"We'll see, keep talking... Those words will eventually run dry and empty."

"I will be hunting you, Salen... Good luck!" She ended her Mind Collision with Salen as he found himself on the floor of Hugo's house, confused and wondering what had happened.

word count: 588
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